"Despite a youthful penchant for science fiction, I admit to never having read 
any of the novels by L. Ron Hubbard. Any desire to fill this obvious lack in my 
scifi education was squelched in 1971 when a Canadian scifi fanzine began 
giving out awards for the Worst Science Fiction of the Year. They called their 
award statuette "the Elron."  :-)"

 I enjoyed Battlefield Earth but not so much that I would recommend it. 
Especially not to a sci-fi afficionado! But it's great fun and has some good 
ideas, like the Earth being invaded by a mining company that finds the Voyager 
probe - made out of rare metals - and appreciates the fact we put directions on 
the side about where to find us. Hmmm, It does all kind of goes downhill after 
that so no need for you to read it...

 Legend has it he wrote the whole 1000 pages in two weeks in hospital after 
he'd brought himself back to life (again). He died and went to heaven twice and 
had a look round, the story goes, but decided to stay on Earth and finish his 
mission. And the super powers building is quite an achievement, the TMO could 
sure pick up a few tips on fundraising from these guys!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <turquoiseb@...> wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808 wrote:
> Look out Fairfield, the "church" of $cientology has upped the ante with it's 
> new super powers centre: 
> http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/the-church-of-scientologys-new-145m-complex-has-generated-more-in-fundraising-than-it-cost-8950282.html
> http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/the-church-of-scientologys-new-145m-complex-has-generated-more-in-fundraising-than-it-cost-8950282.html
> Apparently one can become, amongst other things, aware of awareness! Sounds 
> like they are well on your patch. No mention of levitation though [maybe 
> they're not *that* stupid] but they are claiming to revive the dead! we look 
> forward to a new novel by Ron Hubbard shortly.

 Despite a youthful penchant for science fiction, I admit to never having read 
any of the novels by L. Ron Hubbard. Any desire to fill this obvious lack in my 
scifi education was squelched in 1971 when a Canadian scifi fanzine began 
giving out awards for the Worst Science Fiction of the Year. They called their 
award statuette "the Elron."  :-)

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