In this example, the words 'indentification' and 'attachment' essentially mean 
the same thing...

--- In, "Robert" <babajii_99@...> wrote:
> Here is a classic example of attachment...
> From the period of 1933-1945, the German people became very attached to this 
> concept of Adolf Hitler...
> Hitler himself had become very attached to this idea that was the one and 
> only savior of the German people...
> Ceverly using all of their pain and prejudice to justify his notion...
> So, they praised him in all ways possible, changing their whole world view, 
> giving him their very lives, in the process...
> How strong this attachment was, that it left most of Europe in ashes, 
> millions of people dead, untold pain and suffering around the world.
> By the end of the war, their attachment had finally been broken...after they 
> were completely and utterly destroyed.
> Now, in Germany, you can't even utter the word 'Hitler' without getting into 
> some kind of trouble, because it is against their law, to praise Hitler in 
> any way...or even mention his name.
> So, you see, that attachment is kind of a bi-polar thing...
> It's never neutral, you either love and would die for it, or you are 
> completely repelled by it...
> So, seeing attachment for what it is, how is mixes with the ego, this sense 
> of self,  is the whole key to releasing it once and for all...
> Once you see how the ego attaches itself, how this sense of 'I' attaches 
> itself and can see it for what it is, this is how enlightenment comes about.

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