--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Obama Leads McCain by 49% to 43% in Post-ABC Poll 
> Nadine Elsibai Sun Aug 24, 11:53 AM ET 
> Aug. 24 (Bloomberg) -- Democratic presidential candidate Barack 
Obama leads Republican rival John McCain by 49 percent to 43 percent 
nationwide among registered voters, according to a Washington Post-
ABC News poll released today. 
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> The results were little changed from a similar survey in mid-July, 
the Post said. The latest survey was conducted Aug. 19-22, before 
Obama announced he had chosen Senator Joe Biden of Delaware to be his 
vice presidential running mate. Three- quarters of registered voters, 
in answer to a hypothetical question, said choosing Biden wouldn't 
influence their vote either way, the Post reported. 
> The poll also showed that 20 percent of those who supported Senator 
Hillary Clinton of New York for the Democratic presidential 
nomination now support Arizona Senator McCain, while 70 percent of 
her supporters back Obama, the highest level since she suspended her 
campaign in June, the Post said. 
> The latest nationwide poll of 1,108 adults included interviews with 
916 registered voters. The poll, and the results among registered 
voters, have a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points. 
> To contact the reporter on this story: Nadine Elsibai in Washington 


Obama's advisors think it's a very close race that will require 
winning some traditionally red states:


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