--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert" <babajii_99@...> wrote:
> From the very first experience of TM after the Initition Puja is done
for Guru Dev...
> Then the 'Inward Stroke of TM' is established from the very 1st
experience...this is the genius of Maharishi and Guru Dev...this simple
way of exeriencing what is called in sanskrit, 'Dhyana Shakti'...
> Dhyana Shakti increases many fold around the domes and in any group of
> So, when we say, 'Let's close the eyes'...immediately one starts to
dive within...
> And when we say, 'Open the eyes'...then one begins to come back out,
or comes back a grosser level of thinking...
> So, we close the eyes and go within...
> And we slowly open the eyes and come back out...
> Here, we are learning the 'Beginning of Self-Referral'...
> That is to train the mind, how to look within, by recognizing that
more subtle layers of thought are quieter and more abstract...
> We recognize that more subtle levels of thinking provides for healing
in the body and great feeliings of expansion of our awareness...
> We begin to structure the Dhayana Shakti, which allows us, to more and
more effortlessly and naturally expand our awareness, by going within to
the source of thought...
> So, Dhyana Shakti, is one of the 3 main Shaktis....
> Jai Guru Dev

yasyonmeSa-nimeSaabhyaaM jagataH pralayodayau
taM shakti-cakra-vibhava-prabhavaM shankaraM stumaH!

(Attempt at sandhi-vigraha:

yasya + unmeSa-nimeSaabhyaam; jagataH pralaya + udayau
taM shakti-cakra-vibhava-prabhavam; shankaram; stumaH!

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