"MMY said once that winning the US presidency is "like" gaining a
higher state of consciousness -- with the countries positive feelings
and attention on them. And losing has the opposite effect. "

Someone ought to introduce him to GW... he might want to revise this

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 5/28/2007 1:56:52 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
> While odds makers would probably give this a > 100:1 odds, to me  the
> pieces and forces are set up in such a way that I suggest it may 
> Some of the dynamics:
> The two new book on Hillary will  continue to eat away at her support,
> an the strength of those left on  board.
> Hillary and Obama wiil slug it out, exposing both to their  weaknesses.
> Bloomberg will announce and run a self-funded Independent  ticket run. 
> Gore will step in just before the Democratic conventions  as the one
> candidate that can bring the party together and win the  election.
> Gore and Bloomberg will have an informal understanding that  neither
> wants to be a spoiler that results in a Republican win. They  will
> agree to merge forces in Sept or October or so, with the one who  leads
> in the polls taking the head of the ticket. Bloomberg would be  Gore's
> VP, but if Bloomberg heads the ticket, Gore will not run as  VP.
> Gore / Bloomberg will be a much stronger ticket than the battle  weary
> Rupublican candidate who had to slug it out to get the nomination.  If
> McCain wins the nomination, his pro-Iraq stance will kill him as  the
> country turns more anti-war. If Rudi wins, his past,  marriage,
> "connections""connections"<WBR>, hated by many New Yorkers as Mayor w
> ------------------
> IMO, Gore is a changed man, based  on several recent long interviews I
> have seen. Spontaneous, deeply read,  deeply thought out positions,
> conviction, humor, and .. unattached.  
> MMY said once that winning the US presidency is "like" gaining  a
> higher state of consciousness -- with the countries positive  feelings
> and attention on them. And losing has the opposite effect.  
> Gore having lost, worse, having lost when he (probably) won, got  a
> double whammy of deep rooted samskars of ego, pride, ambition  and
> glory ripped from him. It "ouch" hurt for sometime. He has healed  and
> is much looser, unattached, more service oriented, without a  personal
> agenda. I think he has a chance. 
> > Al Gore is already president of what he believes in. Environmental  
> activist who got nothing done while he was Vice President in regards
to the  
> environment. Now he is getting much more attention. My prediction is
that he  will not 
> run. The concert being held on July 7, 2007 " A planet in Crisis" is
> kind of thing we will see more and more from famous celebrities and
> leaders in the fields of mind/body medicine with Al Gore playing a 
huge role 
> in creating a grass roots political voice movement. Hillary has 
> going for her in regards to whom people can trust because of her 
> background and her husband will become her leading voice as he tours
 the country 
> to rally his audience. She has Pluto as her ruling planet since  she
is Scorpio 
> (Western) and with Pluto crossing over her 7th house cusp it  gives
her the 
> needed power to attract a lot of attention. Also, Pluto in the  7th
> support from the spouse since the 7th house is about marriage and 
one to one 
> partnerships. Pluto however also represents death and Hillary will 
need security 
> around her as she moves into October of this year. I'm going to 
pick Hillary 
> as president and Obama as her vice president. She also has Pisces 
Moon which 
> can give her needed intuitive strength. Gemini rising helps with  
> communication. I also feel a woman would be more open to the idea of
mind/body  medicine 
> and promote ideas like yoga for woman's health and to calm men down.
> doesn't have a chance. President Bush will capture  Bin Ladin or
kill him in 
> September or October and stir up more power to the  Republican party
only to 
> find more mud being shaken up at the bottom of his  ocean of lies
shortly after 
> the rally is over of Bin Ladin's capture.  After all of the war
messes left 
> behind by men people in America are ready for  a woman president and
a mixture 
> of black and white from a vice president who  cares about bringing
> together all around the world. IT IS TIME FOR A  HUGE CHANGE. Part
of the huge 
> change will be the passing over of MMY in July  or August. Many
> communities need to change their little minds and  merge into a
greater whole. Lsoma.
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