--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 My homework is to
> support whatever it takes to reach atonement with that Cosmic Self.
> A Greatness views life through us all.  The bible, and every other
> scripture I've ever read, speaks about these things, so I'll end with
> a quote from the sermon on the mount.  It's all about letting go and
> letting God.  Ain't nuttin' like what gets done when Infinite Sleeves
> get rolled up.  Stand back, let a Professional do the job.
Nicely put. I remember years and years ago Maharishi saying that the 
baseline state of conciousness during the Age of Enlightenment would 
be Cosmic Consciousness, or atonement/attunement with the Cosmic Self. 

Such a thing seemed so mystical and fantastical and utterly 
unimaginable at the time. Now its kind of a, "well, no duh":-) 

The world is speeding by faster than any of can comprehend, and CC 
seems to be the bare minimum for us in order to get through modern 
life with any hope of a frictionless flow. It is not really spiritual 
practice as separate from life anymore, it is just survival; The 
Basics. :-)

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