No, not much in FF.  Buddhism as a spiritual meditation practice was 
pretty much trumped in the presentation of the early TM 'peer-review' 
research.  May be some martial arts in the meditating community with 
that Buddist 'Eastern' connection over the years.  Though, our TMorg 
Scientific charts and explaination & such showed TM vs. Buddhism, with 
the Buddhist practices then a 'concentration method' without much 
result by comparison.  

Hence a strong cultural bias here against Buddist meditation as a 
practice.  Is just the way it was told and marketed and the way it went.
Is a void of Buddism here generally.

-Doug in FF


--- In, "konchokosel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Having just joined the group, I would like to say "Hi". Recently I 
> searched the many posts in the group for Buddhist connections. Here 
> there I find individuals who have received various levels of Buddhist 
> teaching but not much in the way of information about active groups 
> visiting Buddhist teachers. 
> Anyone aware of Buddhist activities in Fairfield? If any that is.
> Konchok

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