Title: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Cognitive Biases and Logical Fallacies
on 6/12/06 10:58 PM, tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlis at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Jim Flanegin writes:
Contrasting premonitions with intuitions, premonitions feel as if
they are sensed from the inside out, whereas intuitions come from
the outside in. At least that is the way I experience them.

Tom T:
It is like that statment you may have heard said here. When one wakes
up what was on the inside becomes the outside, and what was on the
outside seems to be on the inside. Makes perfiect sense that intuition
is now on the outside and premonitions are on the inside. Enjoy your
descriptions Jim. TOm

Your inside is out and your outside is in
Your outside is in and your inside is out
So come on come on
Come on it’s such a joy
Come on it’s such a joy
Come on take it easy
Come on take it easy
take it easy take it easy
Everybody's got something to hide except for me and
my monkey.

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