The TM pundits?  Re-boot? This sounds like re-education boot-camp.  How about 
enrolling them as regular MSAE/MUM students and giving them an education too?  
They could come out chanting Sanskrit and also educated pundits too.  That 
would take the responsibility for their welfare out of the hands of the current 
over-seers who evidently are on over-whelm, and it might be more humane and 
transparent as to what is going on inside there. -Buck - writes:

 to be more accurate, it is only the Brahmin pundits outside of India whose 
program is changing, they are going to get more knowledge of Maharishi's 
connections between modern science and Vedic science rather (than) just a 
traditional Hindu perspective. I have no influence to change any policy myself 
I'm giving an opinion.

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