HUH?  :-)

--- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Who said whistleblowers can't change things? This guy will shortly be
> out of a job, but his boss may soon be out of a place to eat, while
> treating the serving staff the way he feels he is entitled to treat
> them. Consider this post an antidote to the hateful "bum" posts made
> recently by wgm4u.
> Banker Leaves 1% Tip On $133 Lunch Bill In Defiance of 'The 99%'
> A banker left a 1% tip in defiance of 'the 99%' at a Newport Beach 
> restaurant the other week, according to his dining companion and 
> underling who snapped a photo of the receipt and  posted it to his blog,
> Future Ex Banker <> . (Update: the
> blog is now offline.)
> In posting the photo, the employee gave some background on his boss and
> the receipt:
> Mention the "99%" in my boss' presence and feel his wrath. 
> So proudly does he wear his 1% badge of honor that he tips exactly 1% 
> every time he feels the server doesn't sufficiently bow down to his 
> Holiness. Oh, and he always makes sure to include a "tip" of his
> own.
> The "tip" of his own in this case was to tell the server to "get a real
> job." Pleasant.
> The whistleblower's Future Ex-Banker blog (now offline) included
> additional background on his boss
> <> , and some insight into why
> he would out his gross behavior, likely resulting in an employment
> status of current ex-banker:
> I work in the corporate office of a major bank for a boss  who
> represents everything wrong with the financial industry: blatant 
> disregard and outright contempt for everyone and everything he deems 
> beneath him. On top of that, he's a complete and utter tool. At the
> same  time, I'm still cashing paychecks, an admittedly
> willing—albeit  reluctant—cog in the wheel of this increasingly
> ugly industry, so I've  created this blog as a confessional of
> sorts. It won't entirely clear my  conscience, but hopefully
> it'll help. I'm sure I'll get fired  eventually. Until then,
> enjoy.
> UPDATE: In a conversation with the Huffington Post, Mike Wilcox, the
> vice president of operations for True Food Kitchen
> <> ,  gave some insight into how the
> company was treating the incident since  the receipt began receiving
> attention online. Wilcox said that the  restaurant was "absolutely"
> treating the receipt as real, but to confirm  its authenticity for
> certain, they were in the process of tracking down  both the physical
> receipt at the restaurant and the computer-generated  copy in their
> credit card system.
> "The first thing we're going to do is to make sure the server is  taken
> care of," Wilcox said, "and make sure the server wasn't treated  badly
> or insufficiently tipped." He explained that they would be asking 
> Breanna, the server named on the receipt, if she recalled the table and 
> how her service was.   "If her service was up to the level" they assume 
> their employees would deliver, Wilcox said, "they would do everything 
> they can to make it up to her somehow." Referring to online comments 
> posted about the receipt, Wilcox remarked, "people are asking us to ban 
> the person from the restaurant -- if more information came through on 
> who the person is I first would love to talk to him."
> UPDATE II:  As many have noted, a true 1% tip  correctly rounded to the
> nearest penny would have been  $1.34, leaving  this tip just shy of that
> threshold, mathematically speaking.

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