--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister <no_re...@...> wrote:
> http://jupitermeetsuranus.wordpress.com/2009/10/31/jupiter-meets-uranus-a-few-thoughts-on-the-201011-encounter/
> http://tinyurl.com/37olr3j
> AFA: What can we expect in general terms from the upcoming 2010/11  
> Jupiter-Uranus conjunctions in Aries and Pisces?
> AW: in essence, the unexpected! And this question needs a whole article, not 
> a few brief paragraphs. The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Pisces-Aries-Pisces 
> comes into orb (10 degrees) at the end of March 2010, and separates (10 
> degree orb) in mid-March 2011. Fasten your seat belts! The human community 
> and probably the natural world are in for a bumpy ride.

Since Ju is conjuct with Ur every 12 years or so, what makes this one special?

In the article he cites various events in the progress of cloning when he 
square of this or that occurs. Which given that there is a constant flow of 
events in human cloning, it may be a bit like saying, when Ju is conjunct Ur, 
there will be much passage of water at this particular spot. but given the spot 
is a river, and everyday water is flowing and there is much passage of water 
each day -- this claim seems not to be much substance. 

And what about 1000 years ago -- did every 12 years reveal a new breakthrough 
in human cloning?

The "River Fallacy" is common in jyotish predictions. One of the well know 
jyotishis cited here earlier, makes somewhat similar claims  that he has 
"proven scientifically, totally scientifically" and wonders perhaps why 
scientists are no banging on his door. The claims have different forms, but are 
akin to in predicting marriage for 100 recent college graduate over the next 8 
years that  he has a 86% success rate -- and thus its impeccably scientific. 

Given that a large number of college graduates marry before the age of 30, this 
claim is about as impressive as saying I shot and arrow and it hit the 
broadside of the barn -- I am SUCH a good shot. Or that I caught 100 fish when 
I shot a shotgun into a barrel of fish. 

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