--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wgm4u <no_reply@...> wrote:
> LAS VEGAS (CBS Las Vegas) — A Las Vegas business owner with 114 employees 
> fired 22 workers today, apparently as a direct result of President Obama's 
> re-election (and Obamacare).
> "David" (he asked to remain anonymous for obvious reasons) told Host Kevin 
> Wall on 100.5 KXNT that "elections have consequences" and that "at the end of 
> the day, I need to survive."
> Here's an excerpt from the interview. Click the audio tab below to hear even 
> more from this compelling conversation:
> "I've done my share of educating my employees."

This is utter nonsense. The employer has no business "educating" his employees 
about a non business related issue.  He has every right and need to educate 
them about business related issues, but anything else would amount to 

I find this anonymous business owner completely disengenous primarily for his 
anonymity.  What kind of business is he in and if it can run just as well with 
22 less employees, then maybe they were not needed to begin with.

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