Questions & Answers

Q. (1) On 16 July 2007 a 6.8 magnitude earthquake rocked the world's 
largest nuclear plant at Kashiwazaki, Japan, causing a transformer 
fire and spills and leaks at the plant. (1) Was the nuclear leak in 
Japan worse than the government made out? (2) Was there any UFO 
activity over the area either before or after the damage caused by 
the recent quake?
A. (1) Yes. (2) Yes, both before and after.

Q. On Wednesday 1 August 2007 the 40-year-old bridge over the 
Mississippi river in Minneapolis, USA, collapsed during rush hour. 
Although there were over 70 people injured, the death toll was 
extremely low for such a disaster. A school bus full of children made 
what seemed like a miraculous escape, stopping inches away from the 
edge of the structure. Was there any intervention by the Masters to 
save lives in this accident?
A. My Master confirms that the Master Jesus protected the school bus 
and that He and other Masters saved many lives in the incid­ent.

Q. What would be the most effective way of tackling climate change; 
what measures would have the greatest impact? What are Hierarchy's 
priorities with regard to saving the planet – given that it is such a 
complex issue?
A. The cessation of tree-felling in huge areas of primal forest. 
Oxygen reserves are dangerously depleted by such wanton destruction 
of trees. Furthermore, trees (and the vegetable kingdom as a whole) 
are natural and powerful absorbers of carbon dioxide.
All efforts to combat climate change must be co-ordinated on an 
international level. It is indeed a complex issue.

Q. In May 2007 wildfires were experienced across America encompassing 
thousands of acres. Was this the result of karma and, if so, what 
A. No, they were the direct result of global warming which the US 
government finds difficult to accept, and still finds reasons to deny.

Q. The US government plans to put a radar defence system in the Czech 
Republic and a missile system in Poland, claiming that it needs to 
counter a threat from Iran. Iran's missiles could not reach Europe 
but the US claims that Iran is attempting to build a "Shahab-4" 
missile which could give it a possible 1,900 mile range. Iran rejects 
that suggestion, stating that it would only be to put satellites into 
orbit. This is creating a crisis between Russia and the US, with 
Russia threatening to aim its missiles at new targets in Europe or 
develop a new system to counter the threat posed by the US 
government. (1) Why is the US expanding its network of radar systems 
and enhancing its own missile systems with anti-missile missiles? (2) 
Do they really feel a threat from Iran? (3) Why is Iran building (if 
they indeed are) a missile with a range of a possible 1,900 miles?
A. (1) America is putting pressure on Iran. Iran has no nuclear 
missiles at the moment and claims not to be planning to make them, 
but America is trying to force Iran to give up any such ambition and 
is using all methods, except, so far, the use of force to gain its 
will. It has fears that North Korea likewise might drop nuclear 
missiles on the USA (or South Korea or Japan) and is seeking every 
possible means of ensuring its own security even at the expense of 
Poland and the Czech Republic. Seventy per cent of the people of 
these countries have voted and made known their opposition to such 
plans. (2) No, I don't think they do. They want to deny Iran any 
nuclear hardware. (3) Iran feels threatened by America and Israel, 
and feels the right to defend itself against any such threat.

Q. Is it beneficial to have gratitude in life and even take time to 
say `thank you', even if it's to no one in particular, for the little 
things in life such as having a pleasant trip or a parking space 
becoming available to you when it is needed, etc? 
A. Yes, gratitude is one of the more important lubricants of right 
human relationship. On the whole, we take everything we receive in 
life for granted, without realizing that it all comes from the same 
divine source, of which we, ourselves, are a part.

Q. How dangerous for our health are UMTS mobile masts? The office 
where I work is on the fifth and highest floor. The roof of the 
building is covered with a lot of masts, so my colleagues and I are 
exposed to this radiation. (1) Is there a reason for us to worry 
about these masts? (2) Recently all UMTS masts were removed from a 
primary school in the west of Amsterdam after two children and a co-
worker died because of a brain tumour. Is it possible that these 
brain tumours were caused by the UMTS masts? (3) Are there other 
diseases which can be caused by this new technology? (4) Is there a 
risk from exposure to Wi-fi (wireless fidelity) computer internet 
A. (1) No. (2) Very unlikely. (3) The risk is low. (4) Not really. 
Very minor, if at all.

Q. Benjamin Creme has been touting the coming of Maitreya for over 20 
years, since I was at university in 1987, or probably longer. What's 
taking him so long? How do you guys differ from the fundamentalist 
Christians who say the Second Coming is "Any Day Now"? No one is 
coming to help us, teach us, or save us. The planet as we know it is 
doomed. Mass population extinction is coming, human and nonhuman. Buy 
some land, and hunker down for the food and water wars. Stop 
A. The delay in Maitreya's open appearance is directly related to the 
readiness or otherwise of humanity's desire and readiness for change. 
Only now has it become apparent that humanity sees no alternative to 
change and is beginning to take seriously the necessity for doing so.
As for your advice to humanity, you are welcome to follow it yourself 
but you are going to be very surprised.

Q. After reading your information regarding so-called UFOs being from 
Mars and Venus, I wonder how this can be possible. The surface 
temperature of Venus is over 800 degrees Fahrenheit. Mars has been 
photographed by satellite for a number of years and recent probes 
have found no sign of life. However, I can see how this would be 
possible if the UFOs were from a higher dimension than the physical, 
emotional, and higher mental planes and were able to step down from 
that higher dimension (plane) into the physical (world). Is that what 
has happened?
A. Yes, this is almost precisely what happens. The physical plane, as 
understood by our scientists, has three levels only: solid, liquid 
and gaseous physical. In fact, it has seven levels, the top four 
being etheric, and to our sight invisible. To Martians, Venusians and 
other Space Brothers, they are not only visible but are their normal, 
physical level of being. The UFO vehicles are also made of etheric 
energy and would normally be invisible; but they do lower the 
vibration of the atoms of the vehicles to bring them in range of our 
sight. This is a temporary manifestation only.

Q. (1) Is there less prana and etheric energy in large cities than in 
the countryside? (2) Is there more prana in certain climates? 
A. (1) No, usually the opposite is the case. That is why large cities 
grow as chakras (force centres) of the planet.  (2) Yes. Generally 
speaking, in dry, sunny climates.

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