On 9/6/2014 3:31 AM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

Thanks for posting.
The Sri Yantra is formed by nine interlocking triangles that surround and radiate out from the central point. The Sri Yantra is the symbol of Hindu tantra, which is based on the Hindu philosophy of Kashmir Shaivism. The Sri Yantra is the object of devotion in Sri Vidya. Recently in 1990, unverified reports of Sri Chakra Geoglyph appeared mysteriously as massive earth etching in dry bed of a lake east of Steens mountain about 70 miles south east of Burns, Oregon.


"Mantras, the Sanskrit syllables inscribed on yantras, are essentially 'thought forms' representing divinities or cosmic powers, which exert their influence by means of sound-vibrations."

/'Yantra: The Tantric Symbol of Cosmic Unity'/
by Madhu Khanna
Inner Traditions, 2003
p. 21

Does anyone know where Guru Dev's Sri Yantra is today, and is this kind of worship practised today ?
The Sri Yantra that belonged to SBS sits on the altar of his ashram at and at Joshimath along with his sandals, ring, his staff, chair and umbrella and all the other items and accoutrements that were once in the possession of SBS.

/Swami Vasudevanand//a Saraswati//
//Jyotir Math, Joshimath//
//Uttaranchal, 246 443, Himalayas, India/

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <punditster@...> wrote :

Often symbols can be a superior form of communication other than mere words. Before the invention of writing In India symbols were employed for teaching the nature of the ultimate reality. For example, the bindu is a symbol in Sri Vidya and is sometimes mistaken to mean a symbol for the 'point of return' - for the shakti. However, the bindu is actually the point of origin in Sri Vidya based on the Sri Yantra, the ancient wheel symbol.

So, let's sum up what we know about the Sri Yantra and SBS:

All the Shankaracharya Saraswati tantrics know the symbol of the Sri Yantra - where the bindu is the point of origin - the petals and the gates are the point of return. The small dot in the middle of of the intersecting triangles in the Sri Yantra is the /bindu/, the central focus of every /Shankaraharya Dasanami Sanyyasin./ In the SBS mediation the bija doesn't go up or down or sideways or here or there: it returns to it's point of origin, the most subtle part of the mind where consciousness and thinking begins.

The Sri Vidya meditation of SBS, because it consists of "indestructible seed" syllables or bija mantras rather than words, transcends such mundane considerations as meaning. A meditation that is based on mantric symbology, is not only esoteric but superior to meditation on words with semantic meaning. According to Swami Rama, "Swami Brahmananda had a Sri Yantra made out of rubies, and as he showed it to me, he explained the way he worshipped it."

/'Living With the Himalayan Masters'/
By Swami Rama
Himalayan Institute Press, 1978
page 243

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