"Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni told Egyptian President Hosni
Mubarak that Israel's patience was exhausted after days of rocket
barrages into Israel from Gaza, and that the Israeli government would no
longer accept the status quo.
"Hamas needs to understand that our aspiration to live in peace doesn't
mean that Israel is going to take this kind of situation any longer,"
Livni said. "Enough is enough and while we are working with the
pragmatic leaders, trying to change the situation on the ground in the
West Bank, we cannot tolerate a situation in which Hamas continues to
target Israel, Israel's citizens, and this situation is going to be

Egypt had been hoping to broker a new ceasefire between the Israel and
Hamas, after the last one expired six days ago. [...]"
Israel Strikes Hamas in GazaBY TAYLOR MARSH 12.27.2008
http://tinyurl.com/8af6af <http://tinyurl.com/8af6af>
Al Jazeera Report Youtube: Israel launches missile attacks on Gaza
http://tinyurl.com/9vzhh4 <http://tinyurl.com/9vzhh4> Hamas press
conference on the event <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKLO-16qFmI>

It really could have only ended this way
inians>  after the Egypt brokered peace exploded recently. Israeli
Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni was in Egypt on Christmas Day, warning
President Hosni Mubarak that Israel wasn't going to allow Hamas'
continuous attacks inside Israel
<http://www.voanews.com/english/2008-12-25-voa26.cfm>  without a

This story
%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull>  was in the TM headlines all day yesterday.
Just call it foreshadowing of today's events.

The AP reports Israel stuck Hamas targets after weeks of rocket and
mortar fire
ns>  into Israel from Hamas:

Israeli warplanes retaliating for rocket fire from the Gaza Strip
pounded dozens of security compounds across the Hamas-ruled territory in
unprecedented waves of airstrikes Saturday, killing nearly 200 people
and wounding 270 others in the single bloodiest day of fighting in
Most of those killed were security men, but civilians were also among
the dead. Hamas said all of its security installations were hit and
responded with several medium-range Grad rockets at Israel, reaching
deeper than in the past. One Israeli was killed and at least four people
were wounded in the rocket attacks. With so many wounded, the
Palestinian death toll was likely to rise.

The air offensive followed weeks of intense Palestinian rocket and
mortar fire on southern Israel, and Israeli leaders had issued
increasingly tough warnings in recent days that they would not tolerate
continued attacks. [...]

I actually heard the MSNBC host Alex Witt ask about the possibility of a
peace agreement before Bush leaves office. It was surreal. Nobody has
done less in the last two decades than the Bush administration to make
the Middle East more unstable. That anyone could offer with a straight
face any possibility of peace at this point shows the lack of rational
deduction utilized when speaking of the Israeli - Palestinian reality we

The problem Israel faces is that international public opinion is against
them, especially after the blocking of humanitarian aid to the
Palestinians. The reality of national self defense is lost on Israeli
critics right now, because of what is seen as heavy handedness over the
aid issue. Israel is losing the public relations war, even as it fights
to protect its own citizens, something that is the first priority of any
country's leaders.

Barack Obama certainly has his hands full when he comes in to office.
That's the real legacy George W. Bush leaves the new president. Is the
world any safer after Bush-Cheney? is the real question that should be
asked. The answer is obvious.

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