It is not easy to work with and process and transform hate. When we
are not paying very careful attention to this emotion, our
subconscious handling of it leads generally to two kinds of solutions:
either suppressing it or acting it out. Suppressing leads easily to
illness, acting out to harming others and oneself.

Healthy hate and anger is necessary in putting limits, when you sense
others are using you.

My mother was a violent person in an unpredictable fashion. She used
to shove me down to the floor and kick me there and beat me with a
carpet beater mostly for reasons I have no idea of. Probably I had
somehow opposed her orders. Once I remember the beating started, when
I told my mother, that  the aunt from the neighbouring apartment told
me that I'm stuttering because my mother beats me so much. 

When younger my mother was very beautiful, she had a strong magnetic
radiance. People admired her. She often had  a serene, blissful look
in her eyes. She could pretty well hide this domestic dark side from
the outside world. She often told with a smile on her face to the
relatives and her friends, how awful I was and that I had a habit of
kicking. I have no memory of kicking anybody. A few years ago though I
practised walking, where with every step I imagined myself kicking my
mother. And it was quite healing.

I grew up to an adolescent who never asked anything from my mother or
talked to her.  I only answered to her questions, probably because I
didn't dare not to. 
I had a lot of difficulties in communication in school. I was
withdrawn and when the teachers asked me questions I often didn't
answer even if I knew the answer.
I also had difficulties following the lessons, I was withdrawn to my
inner realms. I didn't act out my hate, I wasn't even aware of it. But
I created many health problems: stuttering, muscular disease,
scoliosis, fatigue.

Essential in my healing process has been internally working with fear,
anger, fury and hate. This process started at age 16, and the intense
inner work with hate lasted for ten years. In the 90's during my
therapy the hate process started again now from a deeper level and it
was also quite healing.

I have had the capacity to work with these emotions internally, in an
`as if' mode. And in spite of that occasionally I have also acted out
my anger. But the more I have experienced and felt my inner turmoil
and fury inside, the less it gets acted out in the long run. This
inner turmoil doesn't mean harbouring the hatred inside, more really
deeply FEELING it, enjoying every nuance of it, and also seeing what
it really is. To accomplish this you have to be able to let many
different, often opposing voices express themselves in your inner reality.

When I started to write at  FFL, the motivating force was inner fury.
I had good reasons for it, which I don't want to explain more here. I
had always loathed writing. In school it was my weakest  subject. I
had never before written in English. The fury made me write in spite
of these minor obstacles. Now writing in English appears rather
easily, and no fury is needed anymore.


--- In, "rudra_joe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well Irmeli, I respect your views. I honestly find you to be the
touchstone here for maturity, due to your obsessive hate with your
mother and the working through of that. You have a balanced voice and
are a good realitic mediator. But honestly, I have also hated alot in
my life. I can't say that the hatred in most cases was worked through,
but merely forgotten. I have hated mostly in the professional
marketplace.  The kitchen brigade system is like the military
hierarchy, and I have always been very into myself and my own needs
and desires, read selfish.  And so naturally I hated those chefs who
stood in the way of my lusts and desires.  The circumstances are
different but usually the hate stemmed from my individuality, and had
less to do with individuation that merely inner frustration at my
small and weak inability to acheive what I wanted. It was really
merely myself I hated the whole time. My powerlessness, my
ineffectuality. Maharishi would say that the weak just diminishes and
rises to the level of the invincible. Perhaps that in time. Pat
theologies and all the studied wisdom in the world doesn't much help
when in the throws of hate. And huge mistakes can be made, not to
mention the physiological functioning of increased pulse rate and
faster breating with more adrenaline, which shows that the karma of
hate also starts right at the beginning with the emotion. Ie., Hate
ain't good.  Ahh, just recently I told em to fuck off again at this
job I really loved. Got fired. Only lost a week of work and got
rehired at the last joba week later, but hey, I made a big mistake.
> Of course, that said, blocking it out and hiding it also makes
people go postal. As a chef, I have this management method for my
underlings whereby when I need their all out effort I try not to shout
at them, but instead I'll bang my head on something for awhile. It
really gets their attention.  So naturally people think I'm going to
go postal and they tell me so.  But I explain myself and tell them
that I get my emotional shit out constantly.  I'm not holding back. 
Who knows, it could be my miserable profession which has made me happy
finally, since it was killing me it partially absolved my from some of
my bad hobbits. Ahh, my fathers death at age 8 when he and I were
together absolved me from alot of my own personal responsibility for
things, which came much later after all the hate of God. I remember
saying I hate you God and my grandmere daying dont say that.  God
pulled an early Job (The Jewish tale) upon me, and I certainly did
learn to love God and my teachers again through that hate. That was my
biggest lesson.  Of course, as a Buddhist this means something a bit
different for me, God for me being like basically a reflection of my
own collection of neurosis all shaped together and worshipped for my
own and others selfish benefit. Not very often do I ever really care
what God might want, so She's my friend but I'm hardly Hers. 
> Nonetheless, one can argue for or against hate. In the Vajrayana
hate is transformed into the diamond of awareness since hatred is
heavy fixation. Something important yes is going on there. Of course
it may be the important motivation of the detective trying to catch
someone or something which needs to be dead. Yes, hate also can be
constructive, prolly depending upon ones motivation and whether the
hate has constructive ends, such as putting down a serial killer, or
megalomaniac. Hatred as well of ones own limited personality actually
lets us focus on its fine details, as well as say, hatred of dust
makes us wipe it out, and so on. Hatred of shabby work makes us
perfectionists. Other than that, hatred makes one coarse. If one plots
a crafty demise for someone and serves it cold then they have to live
with that diamond awareness of their actions and can only expect
someone to serve them as well someday. Best to let it all go, and let
God work it out. If someome is stupid enough to cross me then they
have all the devas to contend with since I waste little to no time on
it, other things to do, I let them have it.  I'm more for Bhairava or
Chandi who chop my head off the moment I even begin to think at all.
This above wasn't thought but merely vritti. Thinking to me is very
difficult. I hate it.
>   ----- Original Message ----- 
>   From: Irmeli Mattsson 
>   To: 
>   Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2005 3:50 AM
>   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: off_world_beings less TMO than half
theTM x'rs on here.

>   Hate is a natural emotion. Why would it exist otherwise? Harmful it
>   becomes only, when you cannot completely accept and contain that
>   feeling and start uncontrollably act it out. I cannot see it harmful
>   having your ex-guru as an object of hate, and that way being able to
>   process and work with your emotions. Objects of idealization tend to
>   at some point turn to objects of hate. It is totally natural and
>   normally leads to inner growth.
>   When young I used to hate my mother more than anything in the world.
>   That didn't make me hurt her physically and I was mostly in friendly
>   terms externally with her and helping her in many ways. Then one day
>   the hatred was gone. A lot of healing had happened in me during that
>   period. I am more capable to contain and appreciate all kinds of
>   emotions inside. Hate is a most natural and useful emotion to me. It
>   has often served as a driving motor for healing  and also for new
>   aspects to evolve in me.
>   Irmeli
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