Repair the past...
  You know "Justice" is a big word - it' is a big thing in the world. Objective 
things are not small things like microbes, they go according to law, as the law 
has accustomed them to go. Remember as you sow, so you will reap. Not only 
people reap, but also families and nations. It often happens that, that which 
happens on earth comes from something which was done by a father or a 
grandfather. The results converge on you, the son or grandson it is you who 
have to regulate then, This is not an injustice, it is a very great honor for 
you it will be a means which will allow to regulate the past of your father, 
grandfather, great-grandfather. If misfortunes come to you in your youth, it 
means that someone brought them - for this you must reap. He is dead, it is 
another on earth who reaps. You must not look at yourself egotistically. You 
are a link in the chain of your blood. Be proud of it, it is an honor to be 
this link. The more you are obliged to repair the past, the more you
 will have remorse of conscience. You will succeed in remembering all that 
which you have not done as you should in the past. Those things which you have 
done contrary to JUSTICE have mortified your grandfather. Thus you can have ten 
times more remorse of conscience and your worth will augment in proportion. You 
are not tail of a donkey, You have responsibil­ities, a family. All your 
family, past and future, depend on you, your entire family depends an the way 
you repair the past, If you repair for everyone, it is good. If you do not 
repair for everyone, it is bad. You see your situation, Logically, do you see 
what Justice is? Justice is not occupied with your little affairs, unredeemed 
pledges, it is occupied with big things. It Is idiotic to believe God thinks of 
small things. It is the same with Justice. Justice does not touch all that and 
at the same time, nothing is done on earth without it.

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