Namaste GuruJi and Group, 


Another posting from the same kalki member: 
>From the 2 people I know who had taken the leyham during the 21 day process it 
was a lot of being sick and having it come out both ends. One of the fellows 
had wonderful 
experiences and does so still 2 years later after the leyham wore off. 

0- well taking something that is making one purge and retch simply doesn't 
make sense. 

* The other fellow has increasing enjoyment in his life but still has obvious 
challenges, but 
dont remember him reporting much flash...But then again flash is not what 
waking up is 

0- it has nothing to do with flash. 

* As for me you can read my post from a few days ago, or read Arjuna Ardagh's 
into Oneness". Some of my on going experiences I discussed recently with my 
guru, Shree 
and her instruction was to continue to go inside and not to talk much about it. 

0- this can be understood if it becomes an ego draw. 

* Form your own conclusions but base them on your own experience and not 

0- one starts with what has been heard as am certainly not going to go and take 
one of their courses to figure out what is taking place there. Am not that 
but would like to find out being that am having some come here after having 

Maha Shanti OM 

Report from a new sadaka with commentary by Swami G:

> Namaste everyone,
Namaste - 

> It's hard to believe that I met Swami G just nine days ago (Monday,
> August 20th, 2007). It feels like it has been a lot longer than that.
> My concepts of time seem to be dissolving and changing—which is a good
> thing.

0- one can get in a time warp that's for sure. 

> First let me say that I sincerely appreciate the fact that I met Swami
> G and that I found this online community. I've been catching up with
> all of the dialogue that has, and is, taking place here, and it's
> great to know that I have somewhere to go and interact with people who
> are going through and focused on working on the same thing. It has
> been really eye opening and very helpful—enlightening!

0- am glad you are benefiting from the online community. 

> I've been going through a long and intense period of change for the
> past 3 years, and especially for the past 6 months. I contacted Swami
> G because I could feel that something significant was about to happen
> and I figured that I could use some extra help and guidance. And sure
> enough, she has provided just that.

0- it's good that progress is being made. 

> I've had two sessions of bodywork done so far, and I can tell that it
> has been doing me some good. First of all, it has allowed me to gain
> confidence in Swami G as a person and as a Guru. The talks that I've
> had with her have also helped do this. 

0- you are welcome to have darshan and satsang anytime. 

> I've also noticed that I'm not able to dwell on, or get caught up in,
> my thoughts and thought patterns. This skill is something that I have
> been working on intensely for months now, but since I have been
> working with Swami G and the practices that she has given me, I have
> noticed a definite increase in my ability keep letting go everything,
> over and over again. And not just the easy stuff, either—I'm talking
> about everything and anything. And this seems to be the most major
> thing that is going on right now. It hasn't been easy, but it hasn't
> been that hard, either. And it hasn't been hard because Sri Kundalini
> and I have been slicing and dicing anything that's "hard" into
> pieces—into Consciousness—with awareness. 

0- most excellent - this will continue to increase with more and more 
falling away the further you go. 

> I've improved on the pranayama exercise as well. Being able to
> determine which nostril my breath is moving in and out of, and which
> one it isn't, wasn't very easy at first. But I've finally gotten the
> hang of it. I've turned it into a game. I haven't been able to notice
> if my breath gets evened out on both sides or not yet, but I'm sure
> that will happen soon enough. I've also found that bringing my
> awareness to my nostrils is a powerful centering technique for both my
> mind, and my eyes [I say my eyes because they have been moving around
> a lot during meditation, lately]. 

0- this will adjust and get better as time goes. 

> I can't say that I've been practicing the mantra diligently. Not in
> the way that I was instructed, anyway. I've been practicing Om Namah
> Shivaya for so long that "I AM THAT" just isn't working yet. What I've
> been doing instead is practicing the same technique with Om Namah
> Shivaya. In other words, I've replaced "I AM THAT" with "Om Namah
> Shivaya" for both the closed eyed and opened eyed practice—and I have
> been making sure that I make it resonate in the chest/heart area, as
> well—this I have been doing diligently.

0- ok - if this is working it's fine. 

> Note to Swami G: I think that you told me that this was OK for me to do.

> I've also been working with the CD at least 3 times a day—mostly in
> the afternoons and in the early evenings. I've found that it is one
> the things that has been allowing me to "Let Go" of thoughts and
> thought patterns. The mantra is very powerful as well. I find myself
> chanting it all the time. 

0- it is and the more one can enter into the vibration of it silently 
the better. 

> So, that's it. I have nothing to complain about. Everything is going
> very well. Whenever I hit a snag, I just drum up the practices. And I
> can't forget Sri Kundalini, either. Her and I are getting along very
> well these days. And I hope it stays that way!

0- most excellent. 

> Oh yeah… I have to make a quick mention of the word "Transparency,"
> This word has done wonders for me. It's unbelievable. I could go on
> and on about it, but I've gone on long enough. What a great and
> powerful word. Transparency has been transformative. 

0- hahahahahah the magic word. hahahahaahahah 

> Thank you Swami G, and everybody here. 

0- thank you for sharing your report. 

> Suryakant

Maha Shanti OM 

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