Reading through some of the posts to Fairfield Life,
alt.meditation.transcendental, and TM-Free lately, I
have revised my opinion of the new "Electricity is
bad for you" campaign being promoted by Maharishi and
the TM movement. I'm beginning to think they're onto

I mean, think about it. If you watch these forums, it
would seem that the strong, On The Program TM types
consistently display behavior that one would charac-
terize as agressive, antisocial, rigid, dogmatic, 
insulting, and tending towards mob behavior, if not
downright craziness. By contrast, most of the Off The 
Program types on those forums (those who either no
longer practice TM or who have distanced themselves 
from it and no longer identify with it as their main
spiritual path) often display a great deal of balance 
and equanimity in their posts and in their lives.

So what I'm thinkin' is that maybe John Knapp and Paul
Mason and Sudarsha and Vaj are WRONG in their suggestion
that the negative traits one tends to see in long-term
TMers are somehow caused by TM or the TMSP itself. The
problem may be ELECTRICITY.

What if Maharishi is RIGHT about the negative effects
of exposure to electromagnetic radiation from common
household wiring? And what if he's RIGHT about it, but
only as EMR affects On The Program *TMers*?

I mean, the Off The Program types live in the same
world as the On The Program types, and are exposed to
as much Bad Electricity as the strong TMers are, but
it doesn't seem to affect them. So what if there is 
some oversensitivity to Bad Electricity that is 
*caused* by the TM and TMSP programs, something that
makes the individuals who pursue those programs more
susceptible to the evil influences of EMR all around

Isn't it worth checkin' out? A simple study -- with a 
control group of non-TMers (or former TMers who are 
now safely Off The Program) living their normal lives 
in rooms filled with Bad Electricity being given the 
same battery of psychological and sociological tests 
as a group of strong, On The Program TMers living in
rooms similarly filled with Bad Electricity -- might
settle this whole "TM is potentially bad for you" 
debate once and for all.

And if it did, and the results of the tests *did* seem
to indicate that TMers exposed to Bad Electricity were
more vulnerable to the bad effects of EMR than non-TMers,
wouldn't it be a kind of win-win situation for all 
concerned? The non-TMers or Off The Program types could
relax, certain now that the negative traits they've been
commenting on are caused *not* by TM, but by Bad Elec-
tricity. That would cut down on the number of posts from
their side. And the strong, diehard On The Program TMers
could *also* rest easier, knowing that it had been finally
established that TM was *not* the culprit. They could
continue their TM program in peace, just taking proper
precautions against the real culprit, Bad Electricity
(precautions like moving into an unelectrified S-V house,
or giving up their Internet addiction). And again, the
volume of posts compulsively defending TM from claims 
that it can have harmful side effects would be at an end.

Give it some thought, any of you researchers out there.

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