by Summerlander in the Astropulse blog.

"I had a dream about a friend of mine whom I haven't seen in a long time. His 
name his Mark and I think he is currently living in Malaysia. In the dream, me, 
him and other friends were intruders in a big house where we found things that 
we liked. I was finding things that related to interests that me and Mark 
shared, especially to do with music. Then, Mark said that the owner of the 
house was coming and that he would not like to see me there so I left. Once I 
stepped outside, I became lucid. I was in a town full of casinos houses, arcade 
games and other entertainment. The scenery was no different to the waking world 
in quality. If I hadn't become lucid, I would have believed it to be physically 
real. I knelt down to feel the ground beneath me. The tactile sensation I 
experienced was realistic. I could still see things clearly in the dream even 
when I experienced a hissing pulsation in my head. I closed my eyes and opened 
them again to find myself in darkness. I decided to go somewhere random as I 
didn't have anything in mind and experienced motion before regaining physical 
awareness. I remained still in bed and it didn't take long for a strong 
vibrational surge to ensue. I rolled over and floated upwards and out of the 
body. Vision came not long after that. I hovered near the ceiling directly 
above the bed where Stacey lay, and, oddly, where I should be was my sister 
Vanessa tossing and turning as though she was having a nightmare. It didn't 
make any sense. Vanessa lives with my mother all the way across London from me. 
I started to explore the environment and glided into the hallway. I was in a 
metaphysical replica of my house. The atmosphere was sombre but the colours 
were sharpish and structures were well defined. I stepped into the hallway 
mirror slowly and went through it as though it was a portal to another world. 
On the other side I encountered what could be regarded as an small and darker 
extension of the dream house I was in. I scanned the room and found my deceased 
stepfather Sergio in the corner next to a luminescent mirror-entrance. He 
looked as young as a pre-teenager but he possessed a manly adult voice when he 
spoke. We greeted each other before he offered to play an acoustic guitar that 
was propped up against the wall. I noticed that the floor of that room was as 
soft as a mattress and was covered by blankets. As Sergio started to strum the 
guitar, I heard a funky bass line in my head which sounded like Michael 
Jackson's "Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough". Then I heard the acoustic sounds 
which seemed to compliment the bass line well. I was overcome with emotion and 
started crying. He stopped playing and stared at me with his child-like face. 
He grabbed my arm and a tear escaped from his eye. We embraced and I felt that 
reality evanesce to be replaced by the awareness of laying in bed coupled with 
mild sizzling in my head." 

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