Shabarimala – Ayyappa   (Excerpt from message of Shri Datta Swami)
 It is not the question of gender in the divine presence, but, the good side is 
that the male devotees undergo very strict discipline in food etc., for a 
specific period of time and reach the temple maintaining the discipline 
followed for sometime, which is attachment to God through detachment from 
world. In such case, if you allow the other gender also, there is lot of chance 
for male devotees to slip from the concentration on God. I feel that this good 
side is not properly presented in the court. It is better to restrict the 
gender at least for that one month during which the discipline is maintained by 
the male devotees.
 Alternatively, the male devotees can select a separate place (temple) on the 
same divine hill for the specific gender at least for that limited time. This 
tradition is towards such point only because old ladies and minor girls are 
exempted from this tradition. This is certainly a slip without understanding 
the good background of a tradition.
 posted by: surya (disciple of Swamiji)
 Universal Spirituality for World Peace

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