I just wanted to tip you all off that I found two very cool Buddha 
oriented things at Target last weekend. One was a seated Buddha, a 
small one with a faux succulent in its lap, looking like a carved 
wooden statue. I was stoked about it because I have really wanted to 
find a Buddha statue for years, but all the ones I've seen don't have 
the right expression. They haven't looked serene and at peace with 
themselves. This one does. If you look at them a lot like I do you 
know what I mean...Anyway, this one was less than $25 and looks great! 
The other thing I found was this great moss green t-shirt with a 
seated Buddha on it, with a tree canopy over Him and pagodas along the 
skyline, and the roots of the tree under him like both are floating in 
space, and radiating rays around his head, and two crossed swords 
beneath his feet. I liked it so much that I went back and bought two 
more for $12.50 each. Anyway, sometimes the coolest things turn up in 
the oddest places...

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