Dear Community Members,

As everyone must know by now, 8,000 students from indigenous tribes in southern 
Mexico — Mayan, Zapotec, Mixtec, and others — have just become Yogic 
Flyers. Group Yogic Flying twice a day will be part of their curriculum from 
now on. What a monumental achievement by Raja Luis and his team.

And this Friday, December 21, they will be coming together at Monte Alban, a 
sacred mountain of the Zapotec people, to lift off simultaneously at the 
auspicious time of 12:00 noon.

We invite all the Yogic Flyers in our community to come together on this 
historic day and lift off at the same time — and join in creating an 
incredible upsurge in coherence that will wrap around the world. Please bring 
your valid Dome badge.

We invite everyone to do both rounds on Friday morning. And in order for the 
second round liftoff to be at 12:00 noon, we will move the entire program 50 
minutes later. 

This means that the doors for the regular morning program (the first round) 
will open at 7:45 and close at 8:20 -- and everything will proceed as usual 
from that point forward.

Please do everything you can to do both rounds on Friday. University faculty 
and staff: Except for the most essential workers, we ask all Yogic Flyers to 
come for both rounds.

If you cannot come to the first round, you are welcome to come for the second. 
Please plan to arrive between 11:05 and 11:15.

If you cannot participate in the second round, please join us for a 10-minute 
group meditation, in our meditation halls or the Maharishi Peace Palaces at 
12:00 noon. 

This is one of the most significant days in the history of Maharishi's 
worldwide Transcendental Meditation Movement. Let's all come together and be a 
part of it.

Thank you so much to every Yogic Flyer who is here in our community — you 
are contributing enormously to the invincibility of our country and to the 
peace and happiness of our dear world family.

Jai Guru Dev

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