The Master's article for
Share International magazine,
June 2010 Brotherhood
by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme, 12 May 2010

Without doubt, this is a time of major importance to humanity. The
decisions made by men now will decide, in large measure, the whole
future of this planet. Future generations will marvel at the apparent
ease with which so many today slough off concern for the world's
ills: millions starve and die of want in a world blessed with a huge
surplus of food; millions more are always hungry and undernourished.
Many know this to be true yet do nothing. How can this be? What prevents
their action? The basis of this inaction is complacency, the source of
all evil in the world. Complacency has its roots in the crime of
separation which pulls men apart and prevents the flowering of

Men soon must realize this truth or perish. Brotherhood is both an idea
and the fact of our planetary life. Without the reality of Brotherhood
as the basis for all action, man's every effort would come to
When men accept Brotherhood as the essential nature of life, every
aspect of our daily living will change for the better. Every
manifestation of Brotherhood melts the barriers which form themselves
between men, and lead to misunderstanding and distrust. Brotherhood
assuages the pain of loss and misfortune. It is a precious gift to be
cultivated and nourished. Treasure Brotherhood, it is the key which
gives entry to the finest chambers of the heart. We, your Elder
Brothers, cherish Brotherhood as Our highest nature, and strive to
maintain and strengthen its reality. When men, too, grasp the beneficent
truth of Brotherhood, they will realize the beauty which its nature
displays, and grasp something of the beauty of divinity itself.
Brotherhood is divine as men are divine. It could not be otherwise.

Profound truth

Men are about to experience a profound truth, an awareness of their
essential Being. For most, it will come as an experience of rebirth to a
state long lost in the distant past. Each, in his own way, will feel
redeemed, made new, cleansed and purified. The joy and beauty of
Brotherhood will thrill through their Being, and each will see
themselves as a part of that beauty and love.

(Read more articles by the Master)

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