/So, I guess we've pretty much established that Chit - "consciousness", is the One Absolute, according to the Kashmir Tantrism, which essentially agrees with the Sri Vidya - and the sayings of MMY on the "Seven States of Consciousness" vis a vis the Transcendental state - Turiya as mentioned in Mandukhya Upanishad.//
////> However, this One is different from both of these //
//> because It is attributeless and is by nature //
//> self-effulgent Consciousness -- as has been said //
//> in the Shruti... //
//According to Chandrahar Sharma, these are essentially re-statements of Vinjnanavada Buddhism - the school of "Consciousness-only" founded by Arya Asanga and the Vasubandhu brothers - Yogacara.//
//So, let's review what we know://
//Excerpt from 'vijnApti matratA siddhi' by vasAabAndhu://
//"Pure consciousness is the only Reality. By its nature, //
//it is Self-luminous." (XIII, 13). "Thus shaking off //
//duality, he directly percieves the Absolute which is //
//the unity underlying phenomena (dharmadAtu)." (VI, 7 //
//Sharma, p. 112-113). //
//Kashmir was a Mahayana Buddhist culture since the time of Ashoka (269 BC to 232 BC), for many decades, It may be that Buddhism was taken to Tibet from Kashmir by Shinran - or, in some accounts, Buddhism was taken to Tibet by Guru Padmasambhava, who may have lived near Kashmir, in the Swat Valley.//
//Buddhism in Kashmir://
//The term 'Trika' mean three - that comes from the idea that there are three levels of consciousness: waking, dreaming, and sleeping, and a fourth called the Transcendental state. Trika also means that there are three types of aspirants, so that there are three meditation techniques, one suitable for each person's level of spiritual ability.//
//1. Sambhavopaya is the level at which the //
//meditator has given up the bija mantra and resides in //
//pure consciousness. This is the level of Vajrayana //
//'consciousness-only', which culminates in jivan-mukti, //
//'liberated while yet living'. This is the path //
//analagous to 'TM'.//
//2. Saktopaya is the level where the aspirant uses a //
//form of concentration, such as concentration on a //
//particular thought or sound, like a bija mantra or a //
//phrase. He or she must develop 'God Consciousness' by //
//simply meditating on this thought.//
//3. Anavopaya is that means in which a sadhaka must //
//develop higher consciousness by resorting to //
//meditation on the breath, the inhalation and the //
//exhalation - Pranayama and the recitation of prayers, //
//supplications, bowing, and repeating mantras.//
//Kashmir Trika Foundation://
//Subject: gauDapAdIya on the phenomenology of consciousness.//
//Author: willytex//
//Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental//
//Date: Dec 17, 2002//
//Work cited://
//'A Critical Survey of Indian Philosophy' //
//by Chandrahar Sharma, M.A., D. Phil., D. Litt., LL.B., //
//Shastri, Dept. of Phil., //
//Benares Hindu U. //
//Rider 1960. //
//vimshAtika-Vrtti on kArikA 1, p. 114./
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