> I believe that the apostle James Zebedee was the teacher of
> righteousness in the DSS! It is known from the scrolls that the
> teacher was a priest at the tempel in Jerusalem. It is also known
> that Josephus said that James the righteous was a priest! Now, for
> eneny one that dosen't believe that James Zebedee was a priest i have
> some thing new! It's in the gospel of John. Where the beloved deciple
> is known to the high priest. Now, did eneny body ever wonder how did
> a commoner, a fishermen from galilee get to know the high priest in
> Jerusalem? And it's one thing to know him, but to be welcomed into
> his home, well, that's another story. You know He had to be some body
> to gain enterence! I think the beloved deciple was a priest! One more
> reason to believe that this deciple is a priest is that in John 20 he
> and Peter ran to the tomb but he got there first but didn't go in.
> Why, because he was a priest, and according to Jewish law a priest
> would be defiled if he entered a room with a dead body in it. It
> seems obvious to me that the beloved deciple is a priest. >
> Everyone knows that James Zebedee became the head of the church in
> Jerusalem after the death of Jesus. It only stands to reason that he
> would want his most beloved and devoted deciple to take his place
> after he was gone. That only makes sence. Especially if he were the
> high priest. As Josephus says he was. >
> The high priest was a political apointment by the govenor each year.
> But i think he was high priest in name only. Sence Josephus says that
> James the righteous was the one who entered the holy of holies each
> year, i figure that James was the one who carried out the duties of
> the high priest in the tempel. >
> The reason John doesn't mention the name of this deciple that Jesus
> loved is because of his reverence that he has for him. Just like the
> writers of the DSS had for their leader the teacher of righteousness.
> Also they are both called righteous! >
> I also believe that the apostle Paul made a mistake when he said that
> James Zebedee died and was replaced by another James, called the
> lords brother. Because according to Josephus James the just died just
> before the war between the Jews and the Romans, and so therefore this James 
> the lords brother is the cousin of Jesus, James Zebedee! 

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