I haven't been hanging around FFL long enough ( 3- 4 year pause) to know if 
that one 
known as peter reveals where the consciousness is resting. In the short time 
span of my 
return, I have noticed questions directed that way towards Peter and they went 
unanswered. This post is the first one I have seen where the reference is about 
what is 
known by direct knowing.

Most of the jokes that have been made through the years, I struggle and beg to 
understand even one, it would be like Lord, pleassssse just onceeeee, let me 
one of his jokes, but noooooooooo, didnt happen. Well maybe a few once in a 

Did you Peter refer to me as weird or mysterios once or twice?

Anyway, why peter would joke the way he does when the writting below looks as 
far as I 
am able to tell, a writing about truth, is beyonddddddddddddd meeee. 

I would think there is great hope here if all the mind and body identification 
is not yet 
gone, that in this case the descriminating facualties are good enough for Peter 
to know 
that the ego can play tricks when there is just a trace left, and this is a 
significant time to 
be close with a Realized guru so that the certainty of it is there, in spite of 
the comments 
from Realized Gurus that once one is there, they know it for themselves 100%.

I think you are barking up the wrong tree with ssrs and TM at this point. I 
also think you 
erred with your assessment of Ego for sarojini- i am familar with her writtings 
in the past 
year and have observed her journey, and there was non sense in your response 
poised with a response concerning your kundlaini comments.

With writtings like below, why you would also post non sense responses 
sometimes which 
I think you know are non sense and are capable of not doing is again 
beyondddddd meee.

I have expressed my opinions here and have said i am not enlightened- wouldnt 
me that I may be quite off the mark in some of the things I just wrote. I can 
say if you can 
relate to it, I am more in the present than ever, and this is an exerience hard 
to explain 
with words but the memory is like blocked out yet what is needed comes. It is 
sort of like 
an experience of concscious knowing what to do, and the mind quiet. My letters 
almost always first run- then hit the send button without rearranging anything 
or maybe 
very little.Sometimes I just write and send without proof reading. This post is 
along these 
lines as well.

I wondderrrrr what that mysterios one known as Peter has to say in response.

> Let me riff off of your comment, Rick. The ego and
> consciousness are two completely separate "things".
> Prior to Realization there is a confound between
> consciousness and the mind: consciousness is projected
> into and identifies with mind. Out of this results an
> ego; a felt quality of bounded, separate
> individuality. This is a result of consciousness
> becoming the boundary that it is projected into. The
> condition of ignorance is simply that the
> unrestricted, unlimited, non-relative nature of
> consciousness is lost to the consciousness of
> limitations; space/time boundaries. Realization is
> very simply the cessation of this
> projection/identification with anything limited. In my
> experience of 20 years ago coming out of the dome,
> consciousness very quickly stopped this projection and
> foundationally shifted from a distinct ego to
> no-boundary. "I" did not experience the
> no-boundary,"I" was no longer "there" in any sort of
> experiential form. When the mind tried to find that
> familiar felt sense of "me" there was absolutely
> nothing there. I was and continue to be the same
> person as before. Same sense of humor, same interests,
> same habits,etc., etc.. I contend that people
> profoundly misunderstand statements from Realized
> people when they speak of having no "I". They are not
> talking about any aspect of the mind or emotions. They
> are talking about the localization of consciousness.
> Realization is the cessation of this localization. The
> localization creates the ego; the individual,
> psychological "me". The first step of Realization is
> CC or Kaivalya ala Patanjali, the fruit of Yoga, is
> this cessation of projection and the clear recognition
> that one's consciousness, what one "is" is not
> localized. Everything is the same as before, but now
> there is no localization of a "me". Quiz on Wednesday.
> > 
> > 
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