To All Members:

About 40 years ago there was movie about a time machine, based on a 
novel by HG Wells(?), in which the main character traveled through time 
to the distant future.  Without physically moving from his original 
position, he was able to witness the appearance of an innocent, 
beautiful group of people, called the Elois, who seemingly enjoyed the 
bounties of the earth.  

Nonetheless, the story would unfold that these Elois were actually 
being raised as a sacrifice to feed a demonic and subterranean species 
residing in a monolithic stone compound (somewhat like the Mayan 
pyramid in the recent movie, Apocalypto).

We can interpret this story to mean that the demonic species are those 
people who become bound by the three modes of nature.  The Elois are 
the innocent children of today who are sacrificed by the demonic people 
to gain their gain their material desires.  These sacrifrices are made 
through made in various ways, e.g. wars, poverty, crime, abortions and 
many others.

Does anyone else have an interpretation of this story?


John R.

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