Nabloss wrote to Archer:

You are trying to justify that you are spreading rumours. Wether
they are true or false, contentwise, are of no importance. At least
to me. The stuff you are spreading about MMy could be true or not.
It is of no importance for me if it is true, as I have stated
before. It does not diminish his positive influence on my life or
the influence he has had and continue to have on the life of this

Bronte writes:

Nabloss, I too have had positive influences on my life on account of 
Maharishi. I have also had negative ones, but I treasure the positive. 
There's no denying, in my mind, that MMY contributed good to my life. 
At the same time, I personally know one woman who had a sexual 
encounter with him -- she told me the story. She is a person outside 
the TM movement who actually likes Maharishi and sees no problems with 
his having been sexual. I also know another woman, whose name is highly 
regarded within the TM movement, who confided in Rick about a very 
explicit sexual invitation MMY made to her on more than one occasion. 
She insisted that Rick keep it confidential. This is not a rumor he 
subscribes to, but his firsthand experience of a firsthand account. I 
know this same woman shared a troubling story that bordered on sexual 
with my old friend Sharon Ballyntine, a TM governor who died some years 
back. Sharon told me that the anonymous person shared with her that 
when she went in to see MMY privately, he would always put his head in 
her lap. Again, this undisclosed person is a very high-ranking TMer, 
whose name is as deeply written into TM movement history as "Larry 
Domash" or "Keith Wallace." She's almost that famous. If Rick says she 
told him this, I believe him, and I believe Sharon who told me the 
troubling head-in-the-lap part of it 23 years ago. 

Also, there is Conny Larson, who you may remember as one of MMY's skin 
boys from Sweden. Conny is a personal friend of Rick's, as Rick was not 
in the inner circle but right on the fringe, a member of International 
Staff for many years. Conny wrote an autobiography recently, and he 
sent a copy of it to me as he was looking for an American editor. In it 
he tells of female disciples slipping into MMY's quarters at late hours 
of the night, coming out dissheveled much later, and the knowledge 
among the skin boys that sex was going on. Mostly the book is about 
Conny's experiences some time later as a disciple of Sai Baba, who 
sexually molested him time and time again, as he did many young, 
blonde, male disciples. Conny tells this humiliating story in an effort 
to bring out the truth, and the book has already been published and 
well-received in Sweden. In the story, four ashramites confront Sai 
Baba about the sex, are asked to stay in the room for a few minutes, 
get locked in, and later are found murdered. 

There is a lot of funny stuff going on with these gurus, and that does 
NOT mean there are not genuine practitioners of meditation, like 
yourself, who are focusing on the good they've learned and putting it 
to good use. Your love and loyalty are admirable. Your gratitude is 
beautiful. MMY deserves much of it. He gave us so many good things.

But there is another side to the story that hasn't been seen, and 
people who follow the gurus have a right to know it. Then they can do 
with that knowledge what they choose. 

Where I stand on these matters is this: deep within us all is a pure 
field of eternity, and we are eternal individual spirits that live and 
breathe within That. We are unbounded at our core, the universe is our 
nature, and our purpose here is to express divine freedom, love, 
creativity and joy. Some teachers have appeared who pointed us the way 
toward connecting with that nature, so real but hidden by thoughts. 
Along the way of our learning, so many teachers took advantage of us. 
But the truth about our nature is the same and never can be taken away, 
although it can be and has been twisted and manipulated, to serve the 
purposes of others. 

I'll never throw out the baby with the bath water. I'm so glad and 
grateful to know who I am. But I will do everything in my power to 
expose the behavior of spiritual teachers who take the sincere 
spiritual aspirations of the innocent and use them to serve their 
selfish purposes. It confuses the real meaning of spirituality, and of 

Nabloss wrote to Archer:

The reason I labelled you "white trash" is because you are thriving
in that gossip. Gossip without substance because your "source" does
not want to talk.

Bronte writes:

Archer gossips in the sense that he shares little snippets from 
people's past, like what band someone belonged to, and he usually 
cruises on the surface of discussions in FFL instead of going deeply 
into them. But what he has written about people's accounts of sexual 
encounters with MMY isn't gossip. And it's clear in the Sexy Sadie 
files in the archives of this forum that he's not the only one making 
the claims. 

In leaving the TM movement, Archer found his way out of one deception. 
Unfortunately, he jumped right into another. But in time I think he'll 
find his way out. 

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