"Celibacy is essential for one who claims to be a Guru. Shakti can
be transmitted only by a celibate.  One who is wasting his semen
cannot transmit Shakti....A guru is urdhvareta.  The flow of his
semen is directed upwards.  Even when he is in the midst of young
beautiful girls his semen does not start flowing downwards." --
Satsang with Baba, volume II, page 197

"The fluids of men and women are different.  In our scriptures man's
fluid is called virya.  There is a different word for woman's fluid
and that is raja virya. But the process of the upward movement of
virya or raja virya is the same in man or woman, though the fluid
may be different." -- Satsang with Baba, volume II, page 237

"The reason I insist on celibacy in the Ashram is so that you will
have enough seminal fluid in your body to be able to bear the heat
of meditation.  I ask good meditators to drink milk and take other
foods that generate more semen for the same reason."  -- Satsang
with Baba, volume II, page 69

"...after one becomes an urdhvareta, an inner kriya takes place, the
name of which is vajroli, and the seminal fluid which was previously
flowing downwards and being ejected outwards, now rises to the
sahasrar. Then even if such a one is with women, his seminal fluid
does not flow downwards." -- Satsang with Baba, volume II, page 334

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