I've been very lucky in the past to have such
conservative superstars as John McCain and Sarah
Palin guest post here. Today, another one joins
the Jesus' General family. Please welcome Joe
the Plumber.

-- Gen. JC Christian, patriot

~War reporting ain't like selling ballcock assemblies~

I'm learning that being a war correspondent ain't easy. It's not like
selling an overpriced ballcock assembly to some jack ass who bought
the complete Time-Life Home Repair series at a yard sale. You have to
know things. You have to think up questions, and they have to be the
kind questions they call "relevant." It's not enough to ask, "Do you
know where I can get a hoagie?" They want you to ask questions about
the war and stuff.

I can hold my breath until I pass out.

Israel is a dangerous place. It's a war zone. Things are so bad, you
can't even get a decent breakfast. Iraquians from Gauze are stopping
the bacon trucks. You can't get bacon or a ham sandwich anywhere.

I can pound a nail into a board using my forehead.

I go on a lot of dangerous missions with the IDF (That's how the
Israel People spell army.) These missions always start out with an IDF
public relations officer pulling me out from under the bed (I sleep
there for security reasons.) After explaining to him that I was just
scratching myself and not doing what he thought I was doing, I get
dressed and we go to a briefing.

I can hold a lit cigarette between my thighs for 7 seconds.

I hate briefings, because I hear all the other war reporters
whispering bets on whether I'll have a new question this time, But I
don't need a new question, because the question about the bacon truck
hijackings is important and relevant. I know that's true because it
always makes the IDF officers very uncomfortable. It makes them all
nervous and fidgety until I offer to snake their toilets.

Sometimes, when I'm really drunk, I taser my man parts to win $5 bets.

The IDF PR officer then takes me to strip clubs. He says they are the
safest place to keep me. I like this part of the day the best. I can
usually trade a toilet snaking for a few lap dances and still bill it
all to the RNC.

That's basically my daily routine as a war correspondent. It's hard
and it's scary but I need to do it to earn the credibility I need to
run for Congress. That's my real goal. I want to go to Congress so I
can fix things and get Redskin tickets. I bet I'll be the only
Congressman who enjoys peeing on electric fences--well, me and Michele
Bachmann .

~~Posted by Joe the Plumber at: 

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