Notice how MMY used to say that TM was all you needed to improve your life and 
reach enlightenment? CC,GC and UC. So in his lectures he suggested that all 
eight limbs of Patanjali weren't actually  necessary, right? They (Yama and 
NIyama) were, as the tmorg still says, the 'ends' and not the 'means', right?
But when you read MMY's Bhagavad Gita he says (in the appendix under Yoga) that 
Patanjali meant for ALL eight limbs to be practiced *simultaneously* (quote, 
MMY). Go figure? was MMY confused or just being clever? (I think the later). 

So the question arises, "is this something a 'saint' would do"? and "do the 
ends justify the means" as MMY so often made it appear?

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