Here is a building disguised as a space ship or perhaps it is a large,
perfectly formed breast. Maybe in hard times it will house soybeans or
corn. I am not sure if the surrounding fence is to keep people in or
people out.

This building is not sure if it wants to represent some sort of Colonial
facade or a pagoda. What the hell, it can be both!

A tree-lined drive leading to the Fairfield Correctional Facility  - no
wait! This is the Ayurvedic Center.

Are we in Greece? Are we in India? Did three architects combine plans
for this one? And the white picket fence just takes me back to small
town America. No wait! I think we're in Vegas, where you can look out
from on top of the Eiffel Tower across the street to Bellagio Italy and
see the Chrysler Building kitty corner to that!

Now if this doesn't get your aesthetic sensibilities salivating I don't
know what will. I mean, these could double as "Hampton Inns".  The only
thing missing is the "No Vacancy" sign and the semis in the parking lot.

I had a good time, I hope you all did too!

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