What to Expect On Dec. 21, 2012: The Moment of Ascension

(Excerpt from channeled message given by Cosmic Awareness in April 2009
- for more about Cosmic Awareness, see end of message.)

More on Earth's Rotation and the Days of Darkness

This Awareness is prepared to introduce a new understanding of what will
occur during the time of Ascension, especially around the forecast date
of December 21, 2012.

The Alignment of the 7 Planetary Gateways

>From that which is the central sun of the galaxy, that which is Halcyon
in the Pleiadian system, at that moment of the alignment of the 7
planetary gateways represented by the planets, the stars, there will be
an alignment, a corridor directly from that which is the central planet
to the planet earth. Earth is already moving forward towards this moment
of alignment by adjusting and advancing many levels of consciousness,
both in its own planetary consciousness as well as many of those Light
Workers and Wanderers and beings who exist on the earthly plane at this
time, and who have chosen to come onto the planet at this time to assist
this process.

When the Portals Open a Tsunami of Energy Will Hit Our Planet

At that actual moment of complete alignment where the 7 gateways are
opened, there will be an energetic force that will travel from the
central sun to the planet earth, but the 7 gateways are the same
gateways that the human soul either passes through as it descends into
human form, or upon release of human form, passes through on the way to
its greater expression of being. With the opening of these energy
portals, these gateways, when the alignment occurs with the central sun,
the force that will go through will be that force which will carry the
planet to its higher frequencies. It will be as if a tsunami of energies
that hit the planet at that time.

It is for this reason that it is necessary for those who will ascend to
have raised their consciousness to a point so that when the energies
hit, they will simply ride the wave and come to the new shoreline. In
this time, events can occur such as a time of darkness, the shifting of
the North/South poles, the shifting of the planet, the turning over of
the planet. Those who are of that higher level of consciousness, that
higher frequency, will not be destroyed by the tsunami of cosmic
energies and consciousness that will overwhelm the planet. They will be
carried upwards or forwards to that new state of consciousness, that new
level of vibration and frequency.

Long Predicted Catastrophic Consequences Await the Masses

Those who do not achieve that higher level of consciousness that will
allow them to surf this energy wave will be affected most negatively by
it. It is at this time that the catastrophic consequences that have for
so long been predicted by so many will indeed affect a majority of the
beings on the planet. Many will at that time leave physical existence
through the death experience. This will become their way of removing
themselves for there is no wish on their part to experience that which
will come, as those who survive this period of time experience the
reality of a new physical world, that being the energies of that planet
which this Awareness has called Planet B in the past. (Note: Planet B is
the remaining physical 3D planet and Planet A is the 4D/5D planet that
ascends – the planet will actually split into two different
realities, frequencies and timelines.)

Those who choose to simply leave will reenter spirit form and it will be
their choice whether to continue existence on that which is Planet A or
Planet B or any other dimension that they choose, for it is the choice
on the spirit level that is relevant to what experience one would have
in whatever dimension of consciousness one would choose. They would thus
be free to make whatever choice they would wish to make. Those who
survive the catastrophic consequence of a planet stopping its rotation,
of its poles shifting, of even the planet tipping over on its axis, will
find that they truly do live in another reality than that which was the
norm such a short time before.

The Coming Cosmic Tsunami and the Elite on Earth

All that was will have been swept away, and they will be reduced to a
most basic and primitive state. There will be those who will anticipate
this event, who will have prepared for this event, and those are the
ones this Awareness has called the Elite in the past. They will have
with them those who would serve them, those who would be party to that
experience, but there will be many who survive at the most primitive
level on a planet that no longer is as it once was. This too could be a
consequence for those who wish to experience this form of reality of a
cosmic tsunami that would hit and will hit the planet at that time, but
it is only one of the consequences, for there are other ways that one
will pass through this experience, either by leaving the physical or by
ascending on the crest of the wave to that which is Planet A, the
ascended higher level of consciousness.

This energy will be the purest energy of consciousness as it sweeps over
the planet, but it will have at the same time, a direct physical result
that if one is not fully prepared for, could have devastating
consequences. This Awareness understands It has opened a new door at
this time and It invites any and all further questions from those who
would seek to understand this matter to an even higher degree.


d...@transactual.com <mailto:d...@transactual.com>


Cosmic Awareness -- the force that expressed itself through Jesus,
Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed, Edgar Cayce and other great avatars who
served as channels for what is commonly referred to as "God" -- 
communicates again today as the world begins to enter a period of
Spiritual Ascension with a new consciousness and awareness. Cosmic
Awareness communicates through several carefully trained channels who go
deep into trance and interpret the energies and symbols that are
expressed, putting them into human language.

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