Since I'm in a rant mood this morning, I'm going to
rant about what has really been striking me as I have
read Fairfield Life over the last few weeks -- the
level of FEAR being expressed by thirty to forty
year meditators.

That shocks me. It shocked me in France on vacation,
because I was surrounded by people who *don't* live
in FEAR; the French *aren't* afraid all the time. If
one were thinking of adjectives to describe the French,
FEARful is not one that anyone would come up with. 
And it's the same here in Spain. You can somewhat 
accurately describe the Spanish as a tad shallow, or 
as lacking a work ethic, but living in FEAR? Never.

But Americans? Just watch the News. Every other article
is FEAR-based. And on this forum? Every other post is
FEAR-based, and these posts are coming from people who
have been meditating regularly for 30 to 40 years.

The list of things that people FEAR on a regular basis
on this forum is *astounding*. They're terrified of
"socialized medicine" and of Commies who might actually
provide them with some health care. They're terrified
of a skinny black man. They're terrified of people
coming to take their penis substitutes away. The men
are afraid of the women and some of the women are
afraid of the men. 

So what's UP with this? 

What is WRONG with TM that practicing it for 30 to 40
years still leaves people so susceptible to media-
generated FEAR, and leaves them indistiguisable from
all of the other Americans talking FEAR 24/7? 

One would think -- especially given its hype and "sales
brochures" -- that a good meditation each morning and
evening would wash all the media-generated FEAR away,
and leave the TMers able to chat about more productive
things. But does that really happen?

I really don't see these levels of FEAR in forums from
some other spiritual traditions. Some of them actually 
use the forums to talk about spiritual things. 

Fairfield Life seems to focus mainly upon the FEARS of
its participants, on scapegoating the people or things
that they want to blame their FEARS on, and on trying 
to demonize and insult and yell at each other. 

Is that really the legacy of 30 to 40 years of TM? 

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