--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "mikemtd" <m...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradhatu@> wrote:
> >
> > http://www.thedaily.com.au/story/2009/09/15/ummm-meditation-program-religious/
> > 
> > mmm... meditation program 'religious'
> > Mark Bode | 15th September 2009
> >   
> It should be noted that this article has since been edited, 
> attributing the allegation that the objections were based 
> on religious grounds solely to Australian TM promoter Wendy 
> Rosenfeldt, and no other sources. The headline was changed 
> to reflect this detail.
> There are, of course, many other grounds on which to object 
> to TM being in public schools, including the fact that its 
> promoters exhibit extreme contempt for medicine and science, 
> as evidenced by their own notes that can be found at 
> wikileaks.org, and certainly elsewhere.

I have no desire to get into the beating of
this particular dead Equus ferus caballus. Let 
the poor ungulate mammal rest in peace. :-)

However, your mention of Wikileaks above reminds
me that I wanted to post a link to an excellent
article on it in the UK edition of Wired magazine.

Many here know it only as a place where certain
documents that the TMO would rather not be made
public have been made public. But it's much, much
more. Wikileaks has toppled governments, changed
the outcome of elections, and helped to expose
bank fraud. Wikileaks has been harassed by lawyers
and is banned in three countries. And it's still
going strong.

Wikileaks has balls. BIG balls. Long may they wave.


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