2 suSumna mf(%{A})n. very gracious or kind RV. VS. ; m. N. of one of 
the 7 principal rays of the sun (supposed to supply heat to the 
moon) VP. ; ***(%{A}) f. a partic. artery (prob. `" the carotid "') 
or vein of the body (lying between those called %{iDA} and %
{piGgalA} , and supposed to be one of the passages for the breath or 
spirit ; cf. %{brahma-randhra}) Up. BhP. Ra1jat. - 1. 

Well, 'suSumna' seems to be so called intensive form from

sumna mfn. (prob. fr. 5. %{su} and %{mnA} = %{man}) benevolent , 
kind , gracious , favourable RV. x , 5 , 3 ; 7 ; (%{am}) n. 
benevolence , favour , grace RV. TS. ; devotion , prayer , hymn (cf. 
Gk. $) RV. ; &371866[1231 ,3] satisfaction , peace , joy , happiness 
ib. ; N. of various Sa1mans A1rshBr. 

In Sanskrit, intensives and desideratives are formed by repeating
the first syllable, either as such or more or less modified, for

mumukSutva n. (Veda7ntas.) desire of liberation or of final 
emancipation -- (from the root 'muc')

muc, muJcati, -te 1 & {muca3ti, -te}, pp. {mukta3}, ger. {mukttA3} 
[[-,]] (q.v.) release, deliver from (abl. or {tas}) unloose, open; 
let go, set free, relinquish, abandon, forsake, quit, put off, lay 
aside, give up, grant, bestow; discharge, shed; emit, utter; send 
forth, shoot, throw, hurl against (loc., dat., gen., or acc. w. 
{prati}). P.M. {mucyate} ({mu3cyate, mucyati}) be released from, get 
rid of, escape (abl. & instr., r. gen.), be deprived of, want 
(instr.); be liberated from sin or mundane existence. C. {mocayati, 
te} release, deliver or redeem from (abl., r. instr.), set free, let 
loose; unbind, open etc., cause to give up or discharge (2 acc.). D. 
{mumukSati, -te} A. be about to give up or send forth,  

gangA f. ( %{gam} Un2.) `" swift-goer "' , the river Ganges 
(personified and considered as the eldest daughter of Himavat and 
Mena1 R. i , 36 , 15 ; as the wife of S3a1ntanu and mother of 
Bhi1shma MBh. i , 3800 Hariv. 2967 ff. ; or as one of the wives of 
Dharma PadmaP. [341,3] ; there is also a Gan3ga1 in the sky [%{AkAza-
} or %{vyoma-g-} , qq. vv. ; cf. %{khA7pagA} , %{gaganA7pagA} &c.] 
and one below the earth Hariv. 12782 ; Bhagi1-ratha is said to have 
conducted the heavenly Gan3ga1 down to the earth , 810 ff. R. i , 
ch. 44) RV. x , 75 , 5 S3Br. xiii TA1r. &c. ; N. of the wife of 
Ni1la-kan2t2ha and mother of S3am2kara ; ifc. see %{dviveda-gaGga}. 

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