Work and do the Job or Get Out

I once stated (and still feel the same way) that I am glad that I am on
the way out of this world instead of on the way in. I feel sorry for
those on the way in. What the hell are they going to inherit for their
lifetime here I wonder.

Throughout my time I have spent most of it working for myself, or
subcontracting my labour to another organisation, and working alone
nonetheless either way. But I have also had those spells when working as
`normal' for somebody else or a large company, so I know what it is like
well enough. Working for myself I occasionally employed a few others,
such in the case of having a few days off or going on holiday, but I was
never sick so I never needed it for that reason.  But even so I
preferred doing it all myself, and did for most of the time. And worked
like a bloody Trojan, and many hours a day. And whilst raising five kids
and a fostered one. If I can do that then anybody can do that.

However, if I had some kind of business or even a factory which employed
others my attitude would be – do the work as it has been proved it
can be done, do it in reasonable time, do it without fuss and argument,
or get out. Also, whilst doing all that, then get on with the people you
are working with, and if you will not, then get out, even if you can do
the job OK. It would make no difference at all if it were skilled work,
semi skilled work or unskilled work, and no difference at all if they
were local workers or immigrants, the attitude and rules would be the
same. I would carry no malingerers or trouble makers.  Is there anything
wrong with that?

Working civilisations do not come about by sitting on ones arse
malingering and moaning and expecting a free ride from society and life
itself. Man will not get out of the cave by sitting in it and doing
nothing. It seems to me that the big problem today, with quite a number
of people is the attitude of `let somebody else do it'. Added to this of
course in this day and age is that there are far too many people chasing
too few jobs. Also trades come and go as civilisation changes, so one
adapts and learns new work. If they don't want to learn new work then
they can get out too.  The adaptable cut to the chase and get it done,
the non adaptable are left behind. And rightly so. I too like the
attitude of, `can do, will do, it will done; leave it with me'. A hard
days work for the ticket to make the grade. Moaning Minnie's and
layabout can sit weeping at the starting line. They will not be missed.

The work done today, and the attitudes and dedication and hard work with
which it is done, will make tomorrow, and so it goes. And it could not
be any other way anyway. It is called reaping the harvest of what one
sows. It has been fascinating to watch empires and civilisations come
and go. There is no mystery about it. The sky's are looking a bit dark
for the next few generations at least, unless they get a grip and get
their collective act together. No malingerers will have to be the rule
and done with zero tolerance whilst need be that way. In good times one
can carry a few, in bad times one can not. In the affairs of man good
times come and go, but both are down to themselves. Crying might be an
outlet at times, but it never gets the job done. And instead of praying
– WORK !  No matter what job one does in life then give it one
hundred percent of yourself, for ninety nine percent is NOT enough. 
That, is the Mystics Law. Do the job or get out.


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