World Cup's Rural Shadow   By Raj <> 
on 06/18/2010 in Uncategorized
When I was on DemocracyNow! last week
, I managed, in my own
an-and-Juan-Gonzales kind of way to suggest two things about the current
World Cup in South Africa. First, as S'bu Zikode told me last week

It is becoming clear that in the world cup we're going to be
excluded but our names are being used to justify the goodness of our
country in the world. The country is divided. There are certain people
who are benefiting and we are excluded – we want to tell the other
side of the story. Some of us are homeless, hungry, don't have
freedom of expression.

In other words, the poor are being used by the World Cup. But the other
point I wanted to argue was that World Cup can also, in a clearly
asymmetric way, be used by the poor. This isn't a story that makes
it either to the press, or to the analysis about the ills of Fifa.
Protests in Durban recently have tried to get the world's press to
shine a light on how apartheid remains, and to provide cover for street
marches that would have been illegally shut down in the past. See, for
instance, this:

There aren't just grievances within South Africa's cities, but
outside them too. Here's a release from a group working on Food
Sovereignty in South Africa. I've not heard of them before, but
I'm looking forward to hearing a great deal more when next I'm
there…. More below the fold.

The Right to Agrarian Reform for Food Sovereignty Campaign

07 June 2010

March to re-emphasize the needs and demands of marginalized rural groups
in the light of the World Cup.

The needs and challenges faced by small scale farmers in South Africa
have not been taken seriously by the South African government. In times
of huge government spending on the 2010 FIFA World Cup, the Right to
Agrarian Reform for Food Sovereignty Campaign (Food Sovereignty
Campaign) arranges a march to parliament to remind the politicians of
the urgent needs of marginalized farm workers, emerging farmers, farm
dwellers and landless people.

Demands are going to be handed over to President Jacob Zuma, the
ministers of Agriculture as well as the MEC for Human Settlements. The
main demands include land redistribution, an end to the
commercialization of water, decent public housing for all, that
government supports a move towards more sustainable agro-ecological
agriculture and stop the experiments with genetically modified organisms
in South Africa.

The demands are not new to the parliament. On May 9th 2008 the Food
Sovereignty Campaign marched to parliament to draw on the attention of
the politicians regarding the challenges faced by small scale farmers in
South Africa's rural areas. Despite two years of continuous efforts
there has been no satisfactory response from the government. The
memorandum of May 9th 2008 is thus still valid and the march on June 9th
is organized to make sure the demands are met without delay.

The Right to Agrarian Reform for Food Sovereignty Campaign (Food
Sovereignty Campaign) is a movement of emerging farmers and farm
dwellers in the western parts of the Northern and Western Cape
Provinces. The main aim is to achieve food sovereignty by putting an end
to the marginalisation, exploitation and inequality responsible for the
continued poverty and suffering in South Africa's rural areas.

If we are not listened to and if the demands are not met we will
continue the struggle. In fact we will become more radical and militant
the longer government ignores us.

For more info contact:

Danie Engelbrecht 0721915336

Lilian Kriege 0824229984

Craig Jonkers 0781536783

Johan Jantjies 0790277853

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