from "Pathways Through to Space" as shown in the Freddieyam website:

"Quotes from Franklin Merrell-Wolff  

We are now ready to return to the Recognition of ten days ago. I say 
"Recognition" rather than "experience" for a very definite reason. Properly it 
was not a case of experiential knowledge, which is knowledge from the senses 
whether gross or subtle, nor knowledge from deduction, though both forms, 
particularly the latter, have helped in a subsidiary snse. It was an Awakening 
to a Knowledge which I can best represent by calling it Knowledge through 
Identity and thus the process — in so far as we can speak of process in this 
connection at all — is best expressed by the word "Recognition." 

I had been sitting in a porch swing, reading as previously stated. Ahead of the 
sequence in the book, I turned to the section devoted to "Liberation," as I 
seemed to feel an especial hunger for this. I covered the material quickly and 
it all seemed very clear and satisfactory. Then, as I sat afterward dwelling in 
thought upon the subject just read, suddenly it dawned upon me that a common 
mistake made in the higher meditation — i.e. meditation for Liberation — is the 
seking for a subtle object of Recognition, in other words, something that could 
be experienced. Of course, I had long known the falseness of this position 
theoretically, yet had failed to recognize it. (Here is a subtle but very 
important distinction.) At once, I dropped expectation of having anything 
happen. Then, with eyes open and no sense stopped in functioning — hence no 
trance — I abstracted the subjective moment — the "I AM" or "Atman" element — 
from the totality of the objective consciousness manifold. Upon this I focused. 
Naturally, I found what, from the relative point of view is Darkness and 
Emptiness. But I Realized It as Absolute Light and Fullness and that I was 
— From Pathways Through to Space in Experience and Philosophy, pp. 5–6 

Recognition of the SELF in its purity is Realization of Identity with absolute 
Emptiness, Darkness, and Silence, when viewed from the standpoint of relative 
consciousness. In point of fact this Emptiness is Absolute Fullness but, as 
such, never can be comprehended from the perspective of egoistic consciousness. 
In one sense it is the "thing-in-itself" of Kant. Relative consciousness deals 
with phenomena alone and can never reach beyond phenomena. But the phenomenal 
world rests upon the Real or Noumenal World. Thus it is that the Consciousness 
of the SELF or "pure apperceptive consciousness" sustains the whole universe or 
cosmos. But the latter is an outward projection. Behind the cosmos is the 
formless or Transcendental World. Within the cosmos is the domain of relative 
consciousness. From the latter standpoint the SELF appears as formless. Hence 
the approach — for from the relative point of view it seems like an approach — 
to the SELF from consciousness posited within the cosmos takes on the form of 
progressive negation of all identity with form until finally Identity in the 
Formless breaks forth as Recognition.  
— From Pathways Through to Space in Experience and Philosophy,p. 13  


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