From: []
On Behalf Of ShempMcGurk
Sent: Friday, January 01, 2010 4:09 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] RETRACTION
> > > > "To labor without the rest of deep meditation is, for America's
working men, like living in the bowels of the slave-ship, in the hidden,
dank dungeons of America. TM liberates all by a simple, effortless process
15-20 minutes twice a day."

Sorry, I got the quote wrong.

It wasn't from Maharishi. It was from Mumia Abu-Jamal, the convincted cop
killer who was on Death Row for decades.

Sorry about that.

Although I found it quite telling that you found it "very nice" and correct
"in spirit", Nabby.
You were doubly misleading, because he Mumia didn't say the part about TM.
You added that.

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