From: []
On Behalf Of raunchydog
Sent: Sunday, August 09, 2009 9:46 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Health Insurance Reform: President's Weekly
Radio Address
Well, Obama does have beautiful bed-room eyes. The immovable object is not
the majority of the American people. We WANT cheaper single payer health
care. When Obama and Baucus started making concessions before anyone went
into committee, I became suspicious that health care reform was going to
tank. If Obama had been serious about single payer he should have taken his
case directly to the American people.
I agree with you on this one. I often fantasize asking Obama a question in a
town hall meeting, and making the comment that in health care and every
other area, he should aim for the ideal, then let the necessary negotiations
and compromises cause the arrow to fall short of the target if need be. But
if you aim half-way to the target, the arrow ends up a quarter of the way
there. But look how pissed people are now over his compromised version of
health care. What if he had attempted single payer? Would there be riots in
the streets? Maybe he is in a better position than we to see what can
realistically be attempted. Others have given it a lot more thought than I
have, but I assume the route to single payer would have to involve a gradual
transition to allow for the reemployment of the thousands (millions?) who
work in the health insurance industry. It would be a massive transition. Do
you think if he had attempted it he would have ended up with anything at
all? Or would the entire attempt have been shot down? Maybe what we're
seeing is that he IS taking the shortest doable route to single payer, and
that by necessity it has to be circuitous and somewhat deceitful.

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