From: []
On Behalf Of rwr
Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2010 2:01 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Thank you to the group owner
Thank you to the group owner 
I would like to thank whoever, for I came on this group this morning finding
that I was not being moderated. Thank you for that and the trust. Being a
great lover of freedom and the freedom to speak then I never stay where
emails are moderated. That is not democratic, and spam emails can always be
deleted, as can the senders of them; no problem. But I will never bow down
to being moderated or told what I can and cannot say. 
However, I do not want to ware out my welcome. So, if I may I will just say
this - there is more to you than meets the eye, and it is wonderful and
profound, and no matter whether you have found it yet or not; and beliefs
have nothing to do with it. It is there. Tell your children they are a
wonder. For they are. Tell them that they don't need any religion or belief
system, for they have LIFE. Study it, and ones self. That is all you need.
IT WORKS because it IS SO. 
Have good life.
Dick Richardson 
You're welcome Dick. You have subscribed to and unsubscribed from this list
many times over the years. You're always welcome.

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