Re: [FairfieldLife] Music for the dome?

2014-06-19 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Based on what some have said about the number of people snoring their way 
through "program," the genre of music appropriate for the domes should be 
called "Snoozak."  :-)

 From: Duveyoung 
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2014 4:04 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Music for the dome?

[FairfieldLife] America's Favorite Pastime

2014-06-19 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
I found this posted on Geoff Gilpin's blog. Finding a song about baseball would 
at first appear an odd fit on a blog about religion and magic, except that this 
one is about the legendary game pitched in 1970 by Dock Ellis. He had spent a 
few days chilling with a friend in LA, lost track of what day it was, and at 
about noon dropped a monster tab of LSD. At 2:00 his girlfriend reminded him 
that he was scheduled to pitch that night. And history was made, in the form of 
a major league no-hitter, pitched on LSD. As Dock later recounted it:

"I can only remember bits and pieces of the game. I was psyched. I had a 
feeling of euphoria. I was zeroed in on the [catcher's] glove, but I 
didn't hit the glove too much. I remember hitting a couple of batters, 
and the bases were loaded two or three times. The ball was small 
sometimes, the ball was large sometimes, sometimes I saw the catcher, 
sometimes I didn't. Sometimes, I tried to stare the hitter down and 
throw while I was looking at him. I chewed my gum until it turned to 
powder. I started having a crazy idea in the fourth inning that Richard Nixon 
was the home plate umpire, and once I thought I was pitching a baseball to Jimi 
Hendrix, who to me was holding a guitar and swinging it over the plate. They 
say I had about three to four fielding chances. I remember diving out of 
the way of a ball I thought was a line drive. I jumped, but the ball 
wasn't hit hard and never reached me."

Todd Snider "America's Favorite Pastime"

   Todd Snider "America's Favorite Pastime"  
View on Preview by Yahoo  

[FairfieldLife] For Buck

2014-06-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Whadya think? Is this a manifestation of kundalini, of rising energy? When was 
the last time you saw this in the Dome?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Music for the dome?

2014-06-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

2CELLOS - Thunderstruck [OFFICIAL VIDEO] 
Luka Sulic and Stjepan Haus...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 


 That'll arouse a little kundalini. Check this out:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Music for the dome?

2014-06-19 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
The Jeffery Jones character in "Amadeus" would have said "too many 
notes!"  But I say "very creative and original! Bravo!"  And the end had 
me rolling on the floor.  What a statement. :-)

On 06/19/2014 07:04 PM, Duveyoung wrote:

[FairfieldLife] Music for the dome?

2014-06-19 Thread Duveyoung

[FairfieldLife] Re: Thoughts on Land Reform Summits in San Francisco

2014-06-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Something that has greatly aided the consolidation, of particularly farm land, 
in the US, is that no one wants to farm anymore. All of the rural populations 
are declining - Everyone wants the bright lights/big city. There is still a 
considerable amount of decent land left in the US, but it isn't necessarily 
where people want it to be. But it is available, to anyone, regardless of 
nationality, and at a fair price. 
---In,  wrote :

 In San Francisco, from April 25-28, 400 people from across the country and 
around the world gathered to discuss an awkward problem – land reform in 
America. Land reform is a loaded term, one that reeled conference participants’ 
imaginations toward the antics of Third World dictators and communist zealots. 
It’s hard to conceive a more un-American activity than thinking about an 
alternative to private property. Yet here were the Friends of the Earth next to 
the NAACP west coast region, alongside the Archdiocese of Kansas doing exactly 
 That was in 1973.
 Read more: Thoughts on Land Reform Summits in San Francisco | Raj Patel
 Thoughts on Land Reform Summits in San Francisco | Raj Patel
 In San Francisco, from April 25-28, 400 people from across the country and 
around the world gathered to discuss an awkward problem – land reform in 

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: How Iraq Can Win Against ISIS

2014-06-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Yep. Rumor has it, he is working on a translation of the Bhagavad Gita, into 
cuneiform, impressed onto clay tablets.  
---In,  wrote :

 I think Tony is Lebanese and I'm pretty sure they(Lebanese) are not considered 
Arab but rather Phoenician.

 On Thursday, June 19, 2014 3:50 PM, "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 


 According to Wikepedia, some Lebanese consider themselves Phoenicians in 
ancestry.  But there are also others who consider themselves to be Arabs.

---In,  wrote :

 He's Lebanese and Marshy picked him because he was a toadying so-called 
scientist who "Yes Marshy-ed" his way to fame and idiotic stardom even though 
he is making a good living lying to the world.


 From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2014 4:51 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: How Iraq Can Win Against ISIS

 It's easier to say it than to actually realize it, especially with the 
confused conditions in the Middle East.  If you're a TMer in Iraq or 
Afghanistan, it's possible you'll be targeted as an infidel by the Islamists.

 However, it is interesting to note that MMY selected Nader Ram, who I believe 
is of Arab ancestry, to head the TMO.  Maybe MMY foresaw something that none of 
us could comprehend.


---In,  wrote :

  Of course people can evolve. However, many trying swimming *up* stream with a 
heavy load of chains instead of gently floating down stream.

 On Wednesday, June 18, 2014 6:41 PM, "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 


 This is a good OT perspective of the origin of the Arab people.  But one can 
say that what is happening there is representative of the human condition.  Is 
it possible for humans to evolve from this basic level of consciousness to a 
higher level of consciousness as discussed by MMY?


---In,  wrote :

 If you're looking for Biblical stories describing what's going on, also look 
to the story of Abraham. His first son, Ishmael, born of Sarah's hand servant 
Hagar, an Egyptian woman, was a trouble maker in the clan. Hagar insisted 
Ishmael receive the first born inheritance of Abraham. Sarah insisted that that 
was meant for Isaac, her son born years later and be one of the founding 
fathers of the Jews. Sarah convinced Abraham to caste out Hagar and Ishmael. 
God blessed Hagar and Ishmael was to be the father of a great people( the 
Arabs), However they would have that spirit of being trouble makers, always 
arguing and fighting among themselves. The Saudi royal family claims to trace 
their ancestory back to Ishmael.

 On Wednesday, June 18, 2014 2:16 PM, "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 


 There's a perpetual cycle of violence involved in the Middle East culture. You 
can trace this trend back to the Biblical times.  Is this the karmic 
characteristic of the people there?

 Nonetheless, the Pope attributed the religious violence there to 
fundamentalism.   This is the fanatical belief that one's interpretation of the 
sacred book, whether Jewish, Christian or Islamic, is the only truth.

 IMO, there is an underlying motive to the violence there.  It's not only 
fundamentalism, but it's the struggle for power and money cloaked under the 
cloth of religion.

 This could be the reason why the Bible had the story of the Flood, which 
states that God was angry with the type of people that populated the earth at 
that time.  So, except for the family of Noah, He destroyed the earth by water. 
 That's something to think about.  Hello, global warming? 



---In,  wrote :

 I heard on the news, from a soldier serving in the Middle East, that they 
count on creating at least two enemies, for every one killed. So the short term 
slaughters may help briefly, until the family and community of the slain 
fighter gets involved.

---In,  wrote :

 Obama and his generals most likely have already thought of this strategy. If 
not, they should be fired. Here are the steps:

 1.  When ISIS start the attack of Baghdad, let the Kurds from the north take 
over the town of Mosul to cut-off the supply route of ISIS.  Also, let the 
Kurds seal off the main border town next to Syria to prevent any reinforcements 
of ISIS.

 2.  Request Assad to attack the ISIS stronghold in Syria.

 3.  Request Iran to patrol its borders to ward-off any insurgents to 
infiltrate Iraq from the east.  If need be, their troops can move in to towns 
east of Baghdad if ISIS attack from the east.

 4.  Have the American special forces monitor the Iraqi troops in Baghdad to 
make sure that they hold their positions and fight ISIS who should be attacking 
from the main route 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Super Canon from the Navy

2014-06-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]
True - but some people believe a camera captures your soul, when a picture is 
taken, so, for them, it works with either

---In,  wrote :

 A big camera?  Cannon is spelled with two N's. :-D 
 On 06/17/2014 01:44 PM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:
   It could hit targets from 100 miles away.  That distance is roughly from San 
Francisco to Sacramento, CA.  IOW, you can't even see who or what you're firing 
at.  That means, a GPS system must be used to hone in on the exact target.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: How Iraq Can Win Against ISIS

2014-06-19 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
I think Tony is Lebanese and I'm pretty sure they(Lebanese) are not considered 
Arab but rather Phoenician. 

On Thursday, June 19, 2014 3:50 PM, " [FairfieldLife]" 


According to Wikepedia, some Lebanese consider themselves Phoenicians in 
ancestry.  But there are also others who consider themselves to be Arabs.

---In,  wrote :

He's Lebanese and Marshy picked him because he was a toadying so-called 
scientist who "Yes Marshy-ed" his way to fame and idiotic stardom even though 
he is making a good living lying to the world.

 From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2014 4:51 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: How Iraq Can Win Against ISIS


It's easier to say it than to actually realize it, especially with the confused 
conditions in the Middle East.  If you're a TMer in Iraq or Afghanistan, it's 
possible you'll be targeted as an infidel by the Islamists.

However, it is interesting to note that MMY selected Nader Ram, who I believe 
is of Arab ancestry, to head the TMO.  Maybe MMY foresaw something that none of 
us could comprehend.

---In,  wrote :

 Of course people can evolve. However, many trying swimming *up* stream with a 
heavy load of chains instead of gently floating down stream.

On Wednesday, June 18, 2014 6:41 PM, "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 


This is a good OT perspective of the origin of the Arab people.  But one can 
say that what is happening there is representative of the human condition.  Is 
it possible for humans to evolve from this basic level of consciousness to a 
higher level of consciousness as discussed by MMY?

---In,  wrote :

If you're looking for Biblical stories describing what's going on, also look to 
story of Abraham. His first son, Ishmael, born of Sarah's hand servant Hagar, 
an Egyptian woman, was a trouble maker in the clan. Hagar insisted Ishmael 
receive the first born inheritance of Abraham. Sarah insisted that that was 
meant for Isaac, her son born years later and be one of the founding fathers of 
the Jews. Sarah convinced Abraham to caste out Hagar and Ishmael. God blessed 
Hagar and Ishmael was to be the father of a great people( the Arabs), However 
they would have that spirit of being trouble makers, always arguing and 
fighting among themselves. The Saudi royal family claims to trace their 
ancestory back to Ishmael.

On Wednesday, June 18, 2014 2:16 PM, "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 


There's a perpetual cycle of violence involved in the Middle East culture. You 
can trace this trend back to the Biblical times.  Is this the karmic 
characteristic of the people there?

Nonetheless, the Pope attributed the religious violence there to 
fundamentalism.   This is the fanatical belief that one's interpretation of the 
sacred book,
whether Jewish, Christian or Islamic, is the only truth.

IMO, there is an underlying motive to the violence there.  It's not only 
fundamentalism, but it's the struggle for power and
money cloaked under the cloth of religion.

This could be the reason why the Bible had the story of the Flood, which states 
that God was angry with the type of people that populated the earth at that 
time.  So, except for the family of Noah, He
destroyed the earth by water.  That's something to think about.  Hello, global 

---In,  wrote :

I heard on the news, from a soldier serving in the Middle East, that they count 
on creating at least two enemies, for
every one killed. So the short term slaughters may help briefly, until the 
family and community of the slain fighter gets involved.

---In,  wrote :

Obama and his generals most likely have already thought of this strategy. If 
not, they should be fired. Here are the steps:

1.  When ISIS start the attack of Baghdad, let the Kurds from the north take 
over the town of Mosul to cut-off the
supply route of ISIS.  Also, let the Kurds seal off the main border town next 
to Syria to prevent any reinforcements of ISIS.

2.  Request Assad to attack the
ISIS stronghold in Syria.

3.  Request Iran to patrol its borders to ward-off any insurgents to infiltrate 
Iraq from the east.  If need be, their troops can move in to towns east of 
Baghdad if ISIS attack from the east.

4.  Have the American special forces monitor the Iraqi troops in Baghdad to 
make sure that they hold their positions and fight ISIS who should be attacking 
from the main route to Mosul.

5.  Have American drones patrol the movements of the insurgents in the main 
highway from Mosul.

6.  Have American warplanes attack the ISIS convoy during their siege of 

The main idea is to isolate the
attacking forces of the

[FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 20-Jun-14 00:15:04 UTC

2014-06-19 Thread FFL PostCount [FairfieldLife]
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 06/14/14 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 06/21/14 00:00:00
656 messages as of (UTC) 06/19/14 23:46:54

100 'Richard J. Williams' punditster
 73 fleetwood_macncheese
 59 Share Long sharelong60
 52 authfriend
 42 TurquoiseBee turquoiseb
 38 awoelflebater
 36 salyavin808 
 36 nablusoss1008 
 30 Michael Jackson mjackson74
 28 steve.sundur
 25 Bhairitu noozguru
 23 dhamiltony2k5
 22 jr_esq
 17 emptybill
 10 anartaxius
  8 cardemaister
  8 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
  7 raunchydog
  6 emilymaenot
  6 LEnglish5
  5 j_alexander_stanley
  5 feste37 
  3 Duveyoung 
  3 'Rick Archer' rick
  2 wleed3 WLeed3
  2 soundofstillness
  2 email4you mikemail4you
  2 curtisdeltablues
  2 Pundit Sir punditster
  1 wgm4u 
  1 s3raphita
  1 laughinggull108 
  1 FairfieldLife
Posters: 33
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: to Ann

2014-06-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]
yes, the heat has been quite oppressive.  sometimes the mental stuff can get in 
the way of a good nights sleep.  not often, but still, occasionally.

---In,  wrote :

 Steve, I'm guessing that you all are having the same pulverizing heat that we 
are, if not worse. That can definitely disrupt sleep. Hoping it will moderate 


 On Wednesday, June 18, 2014 10:18 PM, "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" 

   Oh, thanks Share.  I wrote those comments not having had a particularly good 
nights sleep, and I sure didn't express myself very clearly.  I'm pretty tired 
now, so I hope the same thing doesn't happen. (-:


---In,  wrote :

 Steve, that "thus sayeth the Ray" made me smile the first time I read it. The 
second and third times, it had me chuckling. Yay Ray! (-:


 On Wednesday, June 18, 2014 7:15 AM, "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" 

   Hey Michael,

 It would be better if you just said,"I don't care to address your point in any 
kind of meaningful way.  Instead, I'm going to launch into my usual tirade 
against TM and MMY"

 Probably you are taking the Hitler comment out of context.

 I get the feeling that you probably spend a lot of time searching for any 
positive news about TM and then send a barrage of what you feel are the 
misrepresentations, whether they are skewed, or not, which is unfortunate since 
you make many good points, but the fact that you are willing to skew many other 
aspects and not address inconsistencies in your finds, overall reduces your 

 Thus saith the Ray.

---In,  wrote :

 he was a liar, a fraud, taking money under false pretexts, a sexual 
opportunist, and the list goes on and on. If you like his blabber so be it - it 
just means you are easily entertained. I bet you would have loved some of the 
tapes of him praising Hitler.


 From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2014 12:02 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: to Ann
   And it's also kind of funny.  One day you'll get a bunch of posts here about 
how he wasn't qualified to be a teacher of meditation because of this reason or 
that reason, or that he didn't follow the traditional Indian protocols, and 
then the next day you'll get an equal number of posts describing what a 
traditional Hindu he was, trying to foist that agenda on his organization.

 I will say that there was an emphasis put on the Hindu side of things. Hindu 
holy days etc.

 I never had a problem with it, but it isn't of much interest to me now.


---In,  wrote :

 Hey Michael, how you doin'?  Now, that is sort of funny.  That wasn't the 
question I asked, but you have knack of tying anything to your usual theme. 

 Yes, no doubt there was a lot of repetition in MMY's message.  Yes, it could 
get rather dull.  But for me, well, I found many gems.  I gained insight into 
Vedic knowledge and Hindu scriptures.  You hear the criticism that M was no 
student of Hinduism or the Vedas.  And it seems that most of that criticism 
centers on the mantras, or whether he was qualified to have the role of a 
teacher, or one of so many other "technical" points.

 Like any of that mattered to me.  Not!

 I found his knowledge of the Vedas to be profound.  I think his commentary of 
the Gita was profound.

 Please, show me otherwise, other than some technical point that because he 
wasn't a Brahman, he wasn't authorized to have the role he assumed.


 I'm not saying that things didn't get a little topsy turvy in the last 15 
years ago, because I think they did, but I'm still riding the wave of what I 
got. And yes, I got my money's worth.



---In,  wrote :

 When did Marshy ever change? He told the same old story for decades and lied 
every time he told them. 


 From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2014 11:02 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to Ann
   Here's what I find kind of interesting, if I've got it right.  When a person 
returns to posting after being away for a while, you expect a fresh 
perspective, like we got from RD, with that beautiful poem, and also noticing 
that she refrains from participating in negativity.  (okay, 2016 campaign  
hasn't started (-;   But then Edg comes back, full of all that old anger 
towards Richard, as though the disagreements were yesterday.

 Like I say, I'm not sure if Richard said something that triggered Edg on this 
last round, but it seemed to come out of nowhere.

 And really, that's kind of scary to think that a person hasn't changed in so 
many months.


---In,  wrote :

 "A theory provides an explanatory framework for some observation, and from the 
assumptions of the explanation follows a number of 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: How Iraq Can Win Against ISIS

2014-06-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 According to Wikepedia, some Lebanese consider themselves Phoenicians in 
ancestry.  But there are also others who consider themselves to be Arabs.

---In,  wrote :

 He's Lebanese and Marshy picked him because he was a toadying so-called 
scientist who "Yes Marshy-ed" his way to fame and idiotic stardom even though 
he is making a good living lying to the world.


 From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2014 4:51 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: How Iraq Can Win Against ISIS

 It's easier to say it than to actually realize it, especially with the 
confused conditions in the Middle East.  If you're a TMer in Iraq or 
Afghanistan, it's possible you'll be targeted as an infidel by the Islamists.

 However, it is interesting to note that MMY selected Nader Ram, who I believe 
is of Arab ancestry, to head the TMO.  Maybe MMY foresaw something that none of 
us could comprehend.


---In,  wrote :

  Of course people can evolve. However, many trying swimming *up* stream with a 
heavy load of chains instead of gently floating down stream.

 On Wednesday, June 18, 2014 6:41 PM, "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 


 This is a good OT perspective of the origin of the Arab people.  But one can 
say that what is happening there is representative of the human condition.  Is 
it possible for humans to evolve from this basic level of consciousness to a 
higher level of consciousness as discussed by MMY?


---In,  wrote :

 If you're looking for Biblical stories describing what's going on, also look 
to the story of Abraham. His first son, Ishmael, born of Sarah's hand servant 
Hagar, an Egyptian woman, was a trouble maker in the clan. Hagar insisted 
Ishmael receive the first born inheritance of Abraham. Sarah insisted that that 
was meant for Isaac, her son born years later and be one of the founding 
fathers of the Jews. Sarah convinced Abraham to caste out Hagar and Ishmael. 
God blessed Hagar and Ishmael was to be the father of a great people( the 
Arabs), However they would have that spirit of being trouble makers, always 
arguing and fighting among themselves. The Saudi royal family claims to trace 
their ancestory back to Ishmael.

 On Wednesday, June 18, 2014 2:16 PM, "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 


 There's a perpetual cycle of violence involved in the Middle East culture. You 
can trace this trend back to the Biblical times.  Is this the karmic 
characteristic of the people there?

 Nonetheless, the Pope attributed the religious violence there to 
fundamentalism.   This is the fanatical belief that one's interpretation of the 
sacred book, whether Jewish, Christian or Islamic, is the only truth.

 IMO, there is an underlying motive to the violence there.  It's not only 
fundamentalism, but it's the struggle for power and money cloaked under the 
cloth of religion.

 This could be the reason why the Bible had the story of the Flood, which 
states that God was angry with the type of people that populated the earth at 
that time.  So, except for the family of Noah, He destroyed the earth by water. 
 That's something to think about.  Hello, global warming? 



---In,  wrote :

 I heard on the news, from a soldier serving in the Middle East, that they 
count on creating at least two enemies, for every one killed. So the short term 
slaughters may help briefly, until the family and community of the slain 
fighter gets involved.

---In,  wrote :

 Obama and his generals most likely have already thought of this strategy. If 
not, they should be fired. Here are the steps:

 1.  When ISIS start the attack of Baghdad, let the Kurds from the north take 
over the town of Mosul to cut-off the supply route of ISIS.  Also, let the 
Kurds seal off the main border town next to Syria to prevent any reinforcements 
of ISIS.

 2.  Request Assad to attack the ISIS stronghold in Syria.

 3.  Request Iran to patrol its borders to ward-off any insurgents to 
infiltrate Iraq from the east.  If need be, their troops can move in to towns 
east of Baghdad if ISIS attack from the east.

 4.  Have the American special forces monitor the Iraqi troops in Baghdad to 
make sure that they hold their positions and fight ISIS who should be attacking 
from the main route to Mosul.

 5.  Have American drones patrol the movements of the insurgents in the main 
highway from Mosul.

 6.  Have American warplanes attack the ISIS convoy during their siege of 

 The main idea is to isolate the attacking forces of the insurgents and be 
pummeled by American aerial attacks and bombings.  IMO, this would demoralize 
the insurg

[FairfieldLife] Could co-operatives replace private business to create a stronger economy?

2014-06-19 Thread nablusoss1008
News from Scorpion Land:
 Could co-operatives replace private business to create a stronger economy?
 Could co-operatives replace private business to create a...
 Contrary to some perceptions, co-operative businesses are flourishing more 
than ever in the UK. Following a research project into the potential of the 
 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: How Iraq Can Win Against ISIS

2014-06-19 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
He's Lebanese and Marshy picked him because he was a toadying so-called 
scientist who "Yes Marshy-ed" his way to fame and idiotic stardom even though 
he is making a good living lying to the world.

 From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2014 4:51 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: How Iraq Can Win Against ISIS


It's easier to say it than to actually realize it, especially with the confused 
conditions in the Middle East.  If you're a TMer in Iraq or Afghanistan, it's 
possible you'll be targeted as an infidel by the Islamists.

However, it is interesting to note that MMY selected Nader Ram, who I believe 
is of Arab ancestry, to head the TMO.  Maybe MMY foresaw something that none of 
us could comprehend.

---In,  wrote :

 Of course people can evolve. However, many trying swimming *up* stream with a 
heavy load of chains instead of gently floating down stream.

On Wednesday, June 18, 2014 6:41 PM, "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 


This is a good OT perspective of the origin of the Arab people.  But one can 
say that what is happening there is representative of the human condition.  Is 
it possible for humans to evolve from this basic level of consciousness to a 
higher level of consciousness as discussed by MMY?

---In,  wrote :

If you're looking for Biblical stories describing what's going on, also look to 
story of Abraham. His first son, Ishmael, born of Sarah's hand servant Hagar, 
an Egyptian woman, was a trouble maker in the clan. Hagar insisted Ishmael 
receive the first born inheritance of Abraham. Sarah insisted that that was 
meant for Isaac, her son born years later and be one of the founding fathers of 
the Jews. Sarah convinced Abraham to caste out Hagar and Ishmael. God blessed 
Hagar and Ishmael was to be the father of a great people( the Arabs), However 
they would have that spirit of being trouble makers, always arguing and 
fighting among themselves. The Saudi royal family claims to trace their 
ancestory back to Ishmael.

On Wednesday, June 18, 2014 2:16 PM, "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 


There's a perpetual cycle of violence involved in the Middle East culture. You 
can trace this trend back to the Biblical times.  Is this the karmic 
characteristic of the people there?

Nonetheless, the Pope attributed the religious violence there to 
fundamentalism.   This is the fanatical belief that one's interpretation of the 
sacred book, whether Jewish, Christian or Islamic, is the only truth.

IMO, there is an underlying motive to the violence there.  It's not only 
fundamentalism, but it's the struggle for power and
money cloaked under the cloth of religion.

This could be the reason why the Bible had the story of the Flood, which states 
that God was angry with the type of people that populated the earth at that 
time.  So, except for the family of Noah, He
destroyed the earth by water.  That's something to think about.  Hello, global 

---In,  wrote :

I heard on the news, from a soldier serving in the Middle East, that they count 
on creating at least two enemies, for every one killed. So the short term 
slaughters may help briefly, until the family and community of the slain 
fighter gets involved.

---In,  wrote :

Obama and his generals most likely have already thought of this strategy. If 
not, they should be fired. Here are the steps:

1.  When ISIS start the attack of Baghdad, let the Kurds from the north take 
over the town of Mosul to cut-off the supply route of ISIS.  Also, let the 
Kurds seal off the main border town next to Syria to prevent any reinforcements 
of ISIS.

2.  Request Assad to attack the
ISIS stronghold in Syria.

3.  Request Iran to patrol its borders to ward-off any insurgents to infiltrate 
Iraq from the east.  If need be, their troops can move in to towns east of 
Baghdad if ISIS attack from the east.

4.  Have the American special forces monitor the Iraqi troops in Baghdad to 
make sure that they hold their positions and fight ISIS who should be attacking 
from the main route to Mosul.

5.  Have American drones patrol the movements of the insurgents in the main 
highway from Mosul.

6.  Have American warplanes attack the ISIS convoy during their siege of 

The main idea is to isolate the
attacking forces of the insurgents and be pummeled by American aerial attacks 
and bombings.  IMO, this would demoralize the insurgents and flee for cover.  A 
victory against the insurgents will definitely boost the morale of the Iraqi 
people and its government.

[FairfieldLife] Thoughts on Land Reform Summits in San Francisco

2014-06-19 Thread nablusoss1008
In San Francisco, from April 25-28, 400 people from across the country and 
around the world gathered to discuss an awkward problem – land reform in 
America. Land reform is a loaded term, one that reeled conference participants’ 
imaginations toward the antics of Third World dictators and communist zealots. 
It’s hard to conceive a more un-American activity than thinking about an 
alternative to private property. Yet here were the Friends of the Earth next to 
the NAACP west coast region, alongside the Archdiocese of Kansas doing exactly 
 That was in 1973.
 Read more: Thoughts on Land Reform Summits in San Francisco | Raj Patel
 Thoughts on Land Reform Summits in San Francisco | Raj Patel
 In San Francisco, from April 25-28, 400 people from across the country and 
around the world gathered to discuss an awkward problem – land reform in 
 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: How Iraq Can Win Against ISIS

2014-06-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 It's easier to say it than to actually realize it, especially with the 
confused conditions in the Middle East.  If you're a TMer in Iraq or 
Afghanistan, it's possible you'll be targeted as an infidel by the Islamists.

 However, it is interesting to note that MMY selected Nader Ram, who I believe 
is of Arab ancestry, to head the TMO.  Maybe MMY foresaw something that none of 
us could comprehend.


---In,  wrote :

  Of course people can evolve. However, many trying swimming *up* stream with a 
heavy load of chains instead of gently floating down stream.

 On Wednesday, June 18, 2014 6:41 PM, "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 


 This is a good OT perspective of the origin of the Arab people.  But one can 
say that what is happening there is representative of the human condition.  Is 
it possible for humans to evolve from this basic level of consciousness to a 
higher level of consciousness as discussed by MMY?


---In,  wrote :

 If you're looking for Biblical stories describing what's going on, also look 
to the story of Abraham. His first son, Ishmael, born of Sarah's hand servant 
Hagar, an Egyptian woman, was a trouble maker in the clan. Hagar insisted 
Ishmael receive the first born inheritance of Abraham. Sarah insisted that that 
was meant for Isaac, her son born years later and be one of the founding 
fathers of the Jews. Sarah convinced Abraham to caste out Hagar and Ishmael. 
God blessed Hagar and Ishmael was to be the father of a great people( the 
Arabs), However they would have that spirit of being trouble makers, always 
arguing and fighting among themselves. The Saudi royal family claims to trace 
their ancestory back to Ishmael.

 On Wednesday, June 18, 2014 2:16 PM, "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 


 There's a perpetual cycle of violence involved in the Middle East culture. You 
can trace this trend back to the Biblical times.  Is this the karmic 
characteristic of the people there?

 Nonetheless, the Pope attributed the religious violence there to 
fundamentalism.   This is the fanatical belief that one's interpretation of the 
sacred book, whether Jewish, Christian or Islamic, is the only truth.

 IMO, there is an underlying motive to the violence there.  It's not only 
fundamentalism, but it's the struggle for power and money cloaked under the 
cloth of religion.

 This could be the reason why the Bible had the story of the Flood, which 
states that God was angry with the type of people that populated the earth at 
that time.  So, except for the family of Noah, He destroyed the earth by water. 
 That's something to think about.  Hello, global warming? 


---In,  wrote :

 I heard on the news, from a soldier serving in the Middle East, that they 
count on creating at least two enemies, for every one killed. So the short term 
slaughters may help briefly, until the family and community of the slain 
fighter gets involved.

---In,  wrote :

 Obama and his generals most likely have already thought of this strategy. If 
not, they should be fired. Here are the steps:

 1.  When ISIS start the attack of Baghdad, let the Kurds from the north take 
over the town of Mosul to cut-off the supply route of ISIS.  Also, let the 
Kurds seal off the main border town next to Syria to prevent any reinforcements 
of ISIS.

 2.  Request Assad to attack the ISIS stronghold in Syria.

 3.  Request Iran to patrol its borders to ward-off any insurgents to 
infiltrate Iraq from the east.  If need be, their troops can move in to towns 
east of Baghdad if ISIS attack from the east.

 4.  Have the American special forces monitor the Iraqi troops in Baghdad to 
make sure that they hold their positions and fight ISIS who should be attacking 
from the main route to Mosul.

 5.  Have American drones patrol the movements of the insurgents in the main 
highway from Mosul.

 6.  Have American warplanes attack the ISIS convoy during their siege of 

 The main idea is to isolate the attacking forces of the insurgents and be 
pummeled by American aerial attacks and bombings.  IMO, this would demoralize 
the insurgents and flee for cover.  A victory against the insurgents will 
definitely boost the morale of the Iraqi people and its government.






Re: [FairfieldLife] Super Canon from the Navy

2014-06-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Very good catch, Bhairitu!  That goes to show how advertising can creep into 
one's spelling unconsciously. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The new civilization

2014-06-19 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
That is beautiful Anartax! Love it!

 From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2014 1:39 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The new civilization

THE MASTER (1. Note: ALL CAPITALS, plus an all CAPITALS 'THE', thus 
distinguishing it from a mere 'Master' and 2. Not mine, for I have none, but I 
am in telepathic* communication because of an aetheric cross-channel circuit 
intersection) has informed me that the 'Master', in an advanced age of senility 
contacted Benjamin Creme by mistake due to neurological disorders. Creme 
himself, also somewhat touched, assumed this was some sort of divine 
intervention in the affairs of the world. Amazing what can be made of hearsay** 

* special mind-to-mind communication with undetectable or explainable 
signalling mechanism(s) 
**information received from other people that one cannot adequately 
substantiate — rumor.

---In, Nabby wrote :

by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme,   
At the beginning of this New Age which is dawning it is difficult for many to 
imagine the kind of civilization and culture which will grace the succeeding 
centuries. Most attempts to do so remain enmeshed in a materialistic vision; 
seldom does one see the effort made to embody the aspiration of mankind for a 
life of spiritual meaning and expression.

Let us try to envisage the future in terms of the new civilization and culture. 
Soon, the first steps will be taken in the direction of the new dispensation. 
Soon, the new signposts will be set, indicating the way ahead for humanity. At 
first, the changes will be gradual but eventually, in quickening momentum, all 
will be re-fashioned.
Let us consider the nature of the elements which will make up the new 

The outstanding attitude of the new time will be the attempt to create right 
relationships, to express goodwill. A massive shift in emphasis from the 
individual to the group will re-orientate humanity along more fruitful lines, 
and will reflect itself in the creation of structures more in keeping with the 
Plan of God. A further characteristic of the future time will be the desire to 
know better the nature of God and to come into closer relationship with that 
Divinity. From being peripheral to men’s lives, as is the case today, this aim 
will become paramount in the lives of millions. Accompanying this new approach 
to God will be a new reverence for all manifestations of life, thus bringing 
men into better alignment with the subhuman kingdoms. This new sense of 
responsibility for the lower kingdoms will speed their evolution and so serve 
the Plan.

Before long, a new approach to science will open the way for a complete 
re-adjustment in men’s attitude to the Reality in which we live. The new 
science will show humanity that all is One, that each fragmented part of which 
we are aware is intimately connected with all others, that that relationship is 
governed by certain laws, mathematically determined, and that within each 
fragment is the potential of the Whole. This new knowledge will transform men’s 
experience of the world and of each other and confirm for them the truth that 
God and man are One. Thus, the new science will demonstrate man’s divinity and 
will lead to the establishment of the New World Religion. The ancient schism 
between religion and science will be healed and a new impulse given to man’s 
spiritual growth.
In this fertile climate, the hidden psychic powers of man will unfold naturally 
and the vast potential of the human mind will conquer space and time and 
control the energies of the universe itself. The resources of the human spirit 
are unlimited. In a crescendo of revelation, the glory of the unseen worlds 
will be revealed to man’s astonished gaze and the full magnitude of the divine 
creation will be realized.
All this awaits man as he stands on the verge of the Aquarian experience. The 
waters of life of Aquarius, channelled to him by the Christ, will awaken in him 
his dormant divine consciousness and show him to be the God he is. Under the 
wise guidance of the Christ and His Brothers, man will attain the full stature 
of revealed divinity which is his birthright, did he but know it.

Stage by stage, century following century, man will build a civilization which 
will demonstrate his growing manifestation of divinity; a culture in which the 
beauty of the divine creation will be expressed in all its aspects, a mirror in 
which the Divine Idea will be reflected in all its glory.

Thus will man take his true place in the scheme of things under the Divine 
Plan. Thus, under the inspiration of the Christ, will he transform this world – 
separated by fear, dogma and hate – into that in which the Law of Love governs, 
in which all men are brothers, in which all that pertains to the divine nature 
engages man’s attention and controls his life

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Crop Circle 2014 - Hod Hill, Hanford, Dorset. An Aerial View

2014-06-19 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 From: "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 I love old buildings. Each one has its own vibe, matching its history. I love 
visiting really old buildings when I'm having one of my sorta-psychic days, 
because I can "tune in" and catch glimpses into the past. It's not like seeing 
ghosts -- I don't -- more like being able to feel some residual influence from 
the people who lived their lives there. If I were to try to come up with a 
metaphor for what it feels like, it would be from back in the days of film 
cameras, when you could intentionally or inadvertently create a "double 
exposure." If the camera didn't move, you've got one "background photo," and 
then another one superimposed over it, sort of ghostly, because the second 
image always appears a little overexposed. Sometimes you can see through the 
second image to the background below. 

That's what touring old buildings on a good day is like for me. I see the 
present as the "background photo," and then every so often -- without willing 
it, without expecting it, without doing anything to create it -- I get this 
visual flashback, with other characters and other furniture situated in the 
same room. As with a double exposure, I can sorta see through them. And it only 
lasts for a few seconds. Even if it's only imagined -- and I fully admit that 
it could be -- it's a lot of fun. 


 I have to rely totally on my minds eye, and watch/read a lot, always a good 
history doc on the BBC! It's always interesting to try and see how someone else 
lived, ancient Rome is the time I'd most like to visit. I found an unexcavated 
Roman city in Turkey when I was hiking about once, that would have blown you 
away! It was all overgrown with mangroves but you could see all the classical 
icons like the theatre with it's curved seats stretching up into the trees and 
statues of the Emperor. Very cool, there's stuff like this all over the middle 
east, they don't even know the names for most of it and they don't have the 
money or manpower to preserve it so it just gets overrun by nature.

 My old TM academy was amazing, more than 500 years old it was perfect for 
letting the imagination run wild. I swear it was haunted, there was one 
corridor that I hated walking through, real shiver down the spine stuff! Must 
have been all the oak panelling and creaky floors.

 Henry the 8th stayed there apparently, there was unbroken forest all the way 
to London in those days and he used to go hunting with the earl of Roydon and 
no doubt feast on whole boar cooked in the giant stone fireplace in the dining 

 We made do with rice and dhal, I don't know who would be more surprised if a 
superimposed time-slip sort of thing happened and we met each other.



Trying to describe this reminded me of a Dutch photographer who must have had 
(or imagined) the same experience. He combines new photographs with old to 
create superimposed images that kinda capture what the experience is like. 

I love those photo's, really eerie.

 I wonder what it would be like being able to see everything that had happened 
in one place? Is that a sidhi you'd want?

 Ghosts of war: Artist superimposes World War II photographs on to modern 
pictures of the same street scenes";
 Ghosts of war: Artist superimposes World War II photogra...
 The remarkable pictures show scenes from France today with atmospheric 
photographs taken in the same place during the war superimposed on top.

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo


[FairfieldLife] It's really one of the Maharishi Towers Of Invincibility

2014-06-19 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]

[FairfieldLife] Re: Crop Circle 2014 - Hod Hill, Hanford, Dorset. An Aerial View

2014-06-19 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 I think crop circles would be more impressive if instead of the straw being 
flattened, as if by wooden boards, it was cut off at the height of 0.5 meters, 
with the ends of each stalk sharpened like a sharpened pencil, and the missing 
straw nowhere to be found.


 I would be more impressed if they just told us something useful, and maybe not 
in morse code next time!

 Let's face it, it's a bit odd to travel all this way and make some pretty 
shapes and just go home in the autumn. Must be a strange plan they have, bore 
us into submission maybe?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Crop Circle 2014 - Hod Hill, Hanford, Dorset. An Aerial View

2014-06-19 Thread nablusoss1008

 Yet another nonsense-response to the mysteries of Crop Circles. If I took your 
response seriously I'd say that the straws are not flattened or damaged in any 
way but neatly bent. 

---In,  wrote :

 I think crop circles would be more impressive if instead of the straw being 
flattened, as if by wooden boards, it was cut off at the height of 0.5 meters, 
with the ends of each stalk sharpened like a sharpened pencil, and the missing 
straw nowhere to be found.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Crop Circle 2014 - Hod Hill, Hanford, Dorset. An Aerial View

2014-06-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I think crop circles would be more impressive if instead of the straw being 
flattened, as if by wooden boards, it was cut off at the height of 0.5 meters, 
with the ends of each stalk sharpened like a sharpened pencil, and the missing 
straw nowhere to be found.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What If?

2014-06-19 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 6/19/2014 10:35 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

---In,  wrote :

Richard, why would Canada complete a pipeline to deliver oil to Asia 
rather than to its own citizens and the US?

Millions of barrels of oil are transported by sea and rail every year in 
Canada and to the States, so a pipeline would be safer for the 
environment. The question is, how to lower the high cost of fuel and gas?


On Thursday, June 19, 2014 9:00 AM, "'Richard J. Williams'
punditster@... [FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

What if you woke up in the morning and the price for a gallon of 
gasoline at the pump was at $10.00? What if you woke up in the morning 
and you found out that Canada had almost completed a pipeline to 
deliver oil to Asia instead of to Canada and the U.S.? What if you 
woke up in the morning and your power had been cut off?

What if you woke up in the morning and you realized that everything 
was much worse than you thought? How much worse? Ten times worse. Go 

'Iraq: Why It’s Worse Than You Think'
On 6/18/2014 9:51 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
What if you woke up one morning and the IRS had lost all your records 
and all your emails for the last two years? What if six IRS hard 
drives had crashed and all the records were just gone, disappeared? I 
wonder what would happen to the IT guy in charge of the servers at 
the IRS data center? What if the IRS Commissioner was called in 
before the U.S. Congress to testify under oath about the mysterious 
data loss?

What if you were audited by the IRS and your records were given to 
the FBI? Go figure.

'Missing E-Mail Is the Least of the IRS's Problems'

On 6/12/2014 9:30 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
What if you opened your local newspaper and read that the recent 
surge of unauthorized immigrants from Central America was caused by 
the U.S. President and his administration failing to enforce 
immigration laws?

And, that by releasing thousands of parents with children, you were 
going to have to pay billions of dollars in taxes for the housing 
and medical care of thousands of parents and their children. And, 
that the crises had left most of the U.S. - Mexican border in 
control of the Mexican drug cartels? And, that because of this 
political trick, your political party was going to lose a majority 
in the U.S. Senate.

What if?

HOUSTON, Texas--The massive influx of adults and minors crossing 
into the U.S. from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador has 
brought the Customs and Border Protection agency past its capacity 
to provide security at the U.S./Mexico border, according to the 
National Border Patrol Council (NBPC)...

Crisis Leaves 'Vast Swaths' of Border Unprotected, Cartels 'in Control'

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson faced tough questions from 
Congress on Wednesday about a recent surge in illegal immigration, 
and agreed with lawmakers that a wave of unaccompanied children 
crossing illegally into the U.S. constitutes a "humanitarian crisis..."

'Homeland Security chief in hot seat over surge in illegal immigrants'

[FairfieldLife] Re: The new civilization

2014-06-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]
THE MASTER (1. Note: ALL CAPITALS, plus an all CAPITALS 'THE', thus 
distinguishing it from a mere 'Master' and 2. Not mine, for I have none, but I 
am in telepathic* communication because of an aetheric cross-channel circuit 
intersection) has informed me that the 'Master', in an advanced age of senility 
contacted Benjamin Creme by mistake due to neurological disorders. Creme 
himself, also somewhat touched, assumed this was some sort of divine 
intervention in the affairs of the world. Amazing what can be made of hearsay** 

 * special mind-to-mind communication with undetectable or explainable 
signalling mechanism(s) 
 **information received from other people that one cannot adequately 
substantiate — rumor.

---In, Nabby wrote :

 by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme,At the beginning of this New Age 
which is dawning it is difficult for many to imagine the kind of civilization 
and culture which will grace the succeeding centuries. Most attempts to do so 
remain enmeshed in a materialistic vision; seldom does one see the effort made 
to embody the aspiration of mankind for a life of spiritual meaning and 

 Let us try to envisage the future in terms of the new civilization and 
culture. Soon, the first steps will be taken in the direction of the new 
dispensation. Soon, the new signposts will be set, indicating the way ahead for 
humanity. At first, the changes will be gradual but eventually, in quickening 
momentum, all will be re-fashioned.
 Let us consider the nature of the elements which will make up the new 

 The outstanding attitude of the new time will be the attempt to create right 
relationships, to express goodwill. A massive shift in emphasis from the 
individual to the group will re-orientate humanity along more fruitful lines, 
and will reflect itself in the creation of structures more in keeping with the 
Plan of God. A further characteristic of the future time will be the desire to 
know better the nature of God and to come into closer relationship with that 
Divinity. From being peripheral to men’s lives, as is the case today, this aim 
will become paramount in the lives of millions. Accompanying this new approach 
to God will be a new reverence for all manifestations of life, thus bringing 
men into better alignment with the subhuman kingdoms. This new sense of 
responsibility for the lower kingdoms will speed their evolution and so serve 
the Plan.

 Before long, a new approach to science will open the way for a complete 
re-adjustment in men’s attitude to the Reality in which we live. The new 
science will show humanity that all is One, that each fragmented part of which 
we are aware is intimately connected with all others, that that relationship is 
governed by certain laws, mathematically determined, and that within each 
fragment is the potential of the Whole. This new knowledge will transform men’s 
experience of the world and of each other and confirm for them the truth that 
God and man are One. Thus, the new science will demonstrate man’s divinity and 
will lead to the establishment of the New World Religion. The ancient schism 
between religion and science will be healed and a new impulse given to man’s 
spiritual growth.
 In this fertile climate, the hidden psychic powers of man will unfold 
naturally and the vast potential of the human mind will conquer space and time 
and control the energies of the universe itself. The resources of the human 
spirit are unlimited. In a crescendo of revelation, the glory of the unseen 
worlds will be revealed to man’s astonished gaze and the full magnitude of the 
divine creation will be realized.
 All this awaits man as he stands on the verge of the Aquarian experience. The 
waters of life of Aquarius, channelled to him by the Christ, will awaken in him 
his dormant divine consciousness and show him to be the God he is. Under the 
wise guidance of the Christ and His Brothers, man will attain the full stature 
of revealed divinity which is his birthright, did he but know it.

 Stage by stage, century following century, man will build a civilization which 
will demonstrate his growing manifestation of divinity; a culture in which the 
beauty of the divine creation will be expressed in all its aspects, a mirror in 
which the Divine Idea will be reflected in all its glory.

 Thus will man take his true place in the scheme of things under the Divine 
Plan. Thus, under the inspiration of the Christ, will he transform this world – 
separated by fear, dogma and hate – into that in which the Law of Love governs, 
in which all men are brothers, in which all that pertains to the divine nature 
engages man’s attention and controls his life. Thus will man’s dreams of 
divinity be realized, his potential be achieved, his destiny fulfilled.

 The new civilization written by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme in 1982 
is particularly apt at this time and fits we

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What If?

2014-06-19 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 6/19/2014 9:41 AM, Share Long [FairfieldLife] 
Richard, why would Canada complete a pipeline to deliver oil to Asia 
rather than to its own citizens and the US?

The Keystone pipeline is still under environmental review by President 
Obama until after the 2014 mid-term elections. A majority of Americans 
and Canadian are in favor of completing the pipeline for economic 
reasons, but many people have concerns about environmental damage to the 
ecosystem. Also, many landowners don't approve of their land being taken 
by eminent domain in order to complete the pipeline. Those in favor of 
the pipeline see the U.S. becoming an oil exporting country rather than 
an importer of foreign oil.


On Thursday, June 19, 2014 9:00 AM, "'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]"  

What if you woke up in the morning and the price for a gallon of 
gasoline at the pump was at $10.00? What if you woke up in the morning 
and you found out that Canada had almost completed a pipeline to 
deliver oil to Asia instead of to Canada and the U.S.? What if you 
woke up in the morning and your power had been cut off?

What if you woke up in the morning and you realized that everything 
was much worse than you thought? How much worse? Ten times worse. Go 

'Iraq: Why It’s Worse Than You Think'
On 6/18/2014 9:51 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
What if you woke up one morning and the IRS had lost all your records 
and all your emails for the last two years? What if six IRS hard 
drives had crashed and all the records were just gone, disappeared? I 
wonder what would happen to the IT guy in charge of the servers at 
the IRS data center? What if the IRS Commissioner was called in 
before the U.S. Congress to testify under oath about the mysterious 
data loss?

What if you were audited by the IRS and your records were given to 
the FBI? Go figure.

'Missing E-Mail Is the Least of the IRS's Problems'

On 6/12/2014 9:30 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
What if you opened your local newspaper and read that the recent 
surge of unauthorized immigrants from Central America was caused by 
the U.S. President and his administration failing to enforce 
immigration laws?

And, that by releasing thousands of parents with children, you were 
going to have to pay billions of dollars in taxes for the housing 
and medical care of thousands of parents and their children. And, 
that the crises had left most of the U.S. - Mexican border in 
control of the Mexican drug cartels? And, that because of this 
political trick, your political party was going to lose a majority 
in the U.S. Senate.

What if?

HOUSTON, Texas--The massive influx of adults and minors crossing 
into the U.S. from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador has 
brought the Customs and Border Protection agency past its capacity 
to provide security at the U.S./Mexico border, according to the 
National Border Patrol Council (NBPC)...

Crisis Leaves 'Vast Swaths' of Border Unprotected, Cartels 'in Control'

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson faced tough questions from 
Congress on Wednesday about a recent surge in illegal immigration, 
and agreed with lawmakers that a wave of unaccompanied children 
crossing illegally into the U.S. constitutes a "humanitarian crisis..."

'Homeland Security chief in hot seat over surge in illegal immigrants'

Re: [FairfieldLife] While you all discuss weightier things...

2014-06-19 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 

Condolences on the loss of your dog.  How old was he?  I don't have any pets 
because I'm hard enough to take care let alone pets.  But the neighbor's cat 
seems like hanging out in front of my house.

He was 14, and actually younger than the other dog, but always a little more 
fragile. The older one (Paris) is still hanging in there, and often as spry as 
he ever was. 

On 06/18/2014 12:12 PM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] wrote:

>From: "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 
>You are down to one dog?  I thought you had two? 
>Pippin ventured forth into the Bardo a while ago, back when I was commuting to 
>Paris. I got to be here when he was introduced to the Clear Light. He seemed 
>to like it. 
>His friend Paris (the dog) is still around, and
  still enjoys giving me my walks.  :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Crop Circle 2014 - Hod Hill, Hanford, Dorset. An Aerial View

2014-06-19 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

I love old buildings. Each one has its own vibe, matching its history. I love 
visiting really old buildings when I'm having one of my sorta-psychic days, 
because I can "tune in" and catch glimpses into the past. It's not like seeing 
ghosts -- I don't -- more like being able to feel some residual influence from 
the people who lived their lives there. If I were to try to come up with a 
metaphor for what it feels like, it would be from back in the days of film 
cameras, when you could intentionally or inadvertently create a "double 
exposure." If the camera didn't move, you've got one "background photo," and 
then another one superimposed over it, sort of ghostly, because the second 
image always appears a little overexposed. Sometimes you can see through the 
second image to the background below. 

That's what touring old buildings on a good day is like for me. I see the 
present as
 the "background photo," and then every so often -- without willing it, without 
expecting it, without doing anything to create it -- I get this visual 
flashback, with other characters and other furniture situated in the same room. 
As with a double exposure, I can sorta see through them. And it only lasts for 
a few seconds. Even if it's only imagined -- and I fully admit that it could be 
-- it's a lot of fun. 

Trying to describe this reminded me of a Dutch photographer who must have had 
(or imagined) the same experience. He combines new photographs with old to 
create superimposed images that kinda capture what the experience is like. 

Ghosts of war: Artist superimposes World War II photographs on to modern 
pictures of the same street scenes

   Ghosts of war: Artist superimposes World War II photogra...
The remarkable pictures show scenes from France today with atmospheric 
photographs taken in the same place during the war superimposed on top.  
View on Preview by Yahoo  

Re: [FairfieldLife] While you all discuss weightier things...

2014-06-19 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Condolences on the loss of your dog. How old was he?  I don't have any 
pets because I'm hard enough to take care let alone pets.  But the 
neighbor's cat seems like hanging out in front of my house.

On 06/18/2014 12:12 PM, TurquoiseBee 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
*From:* "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 

You are down to one dog?  I thought you had two?

Pippin ventured forth into the Bardo a while ago, back when I was 
commuting to Paris. I got to be here when he was introduced to the 
Clear Light. He seemed to like it.

His friend Paris (the dog) is still around, and still enjoys giving me 
my walks.  :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amazon 3d with Nokia maps!

2014-06-19 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
When Android started out the only carrier was T-Mobile then in the fall 
of 2009 Verizon added it. AT&T, which I was on at the time, their CEO 
said hell would have to freeze over before they added Android.  Now you 
must be able to get ice cream in hell.

There are a lot of Kindle users too and most apps with any traction are 
also available on Amazon.  And if it has any sales then other carriers 
will add it too.

On 06/19/2014 04:03 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

I guess it's an ok phone for those who *really* like to dwell in the 
Amazon home world. I'm an Amazon Prime member (strictly for the free 
shipping) because we constantly buy stuff on Amazon that we can't get 
locally. But, I don't even use the Amazon mobile app, and I sure as 
hell wouldn't want an Android phone that has been proprietarily broken 
to not be able to install apps off the Google Play store. On top of 
all that, it only works on AT&T, which has terrible coverage in rural 

My prediction: a high-end smartphone price tag on a proprietary OS 
phone with limited app availability will make it a tiny niche player 
at best.

---In,  wrote :

Re: [FairfieldLife] Super Canon from the Navy

2014-06-19 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

A big camera?  Cannon is spelled with two N's. :-D

On 06/17/2014 01:44 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

It could hit targets from 100 miles away.  That distance is roughly 
from San Francisco to Sacramento, CA.  IOW, you can't even see who or 
what you're firing at.  That means, a GPS system must be used to hone 
in on the exact target.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Crop Circle 2014 - Hod Hill, Hanford, Dorset. An Aerial View

2014-06-19 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: salyavin808 

 I've lived in houses that are older than the discovery of America

That's the discovery by Europeans obviously, apparently there were one or two 
people already living there

Yes, we have a way of protecting the look of the place with a system of listed 
buildings. Being listed means you can't alter anything, there are different 
levels based on historical value and rarity and if you have to repair your 
listed home you do it in the same way it was built, which can be expensive. No 
patching up the walls with pollyfilla, it's horse hair and lime putty in a 
house more than 200 years old!

The countryside stays nice because we just like it like that, we have an idea 
about what England is and you can still find the pastoral village with church 
and cricket on the green without looking too hard. We have a reverence for it 
that America lacks, maybe because the past goes back so much farther here. I've 
lived in houses that are older than the discovery of America, let alone the 
declaration of independence. Having the past all around must do something to 
the national psyche.

I think it does, and in a good way. Both France and the Netherlands have a 
similar feel for their past, and in preserving important parts of it. Spain, 
not so much. Franco fucked them up so much that they went building-crazy when 
he finally croaked, and as a result very few towns were spared being ruined by 
new high-rises. 

The building next door to mine was built in 1639. It's declared a monument, so 
no one would be able to change least the exterior. The Dutch are clever 
about getting around such restrictions, however. A good example is the Magna 
Plaza, in Amsterdam. It was a *totally* protected national monument, being 
originally part of the government offices near Dam Square. So there was nothing 
they could possibly do to the exterior. So they gutted it, and put a modern 
shopping center inside the original structure. Didn't touch a bit of the 
exterior, except to pretty it up. 

A friend of mine had an art opening at another building around the corner that 
dates back to the 1400s. It's been preserved pretty much "as was," so you get a 
great feeling for how dark and dank and uncomfortable life would have been in 
Leiden back in that period. 

I love old buildings. Each one has its own vibe, matching its history. I love 
visiting really old buildings when I'm having one of my sorta-psychic days, 
because I can "tune in" and catch glimpses into the past. It's not like seeing 
ghosts -- I don't -- more like being able to feel some residual influence from 
the people who lived their lives there. If I were to try to come up with a 
metaphor for what it feels like, it would be from back in the days of film 
cameras, when you could intentionally or inadvertently create a "double 
exposure." If the camera didn't move, you've got one "background photo," and 
then another one superimposed over it, sort of ghostly, because the second 
image always appears a little overexposed. Sometimes you can see through the 
second image to the background below. 

That's what touring old buildings on a good day is like for me. I see the 
present as the "background photo," and then every so often -- without willing 
it, without expecting it, without doing anything to create it -- I get this 
visual flashback, with other characters and other furniture situated in the 
same room. As with a double exposure, I can sorta see through them. And it only 
lasts for a few seconds. Even if it's only imagined -- and I fully admit that 
it could be -- it's a lot of fun. 

But there's so many people here now and so few houses for them to live in that 
it is changing, a lot of small towns are doubling in size and we will need 
whole new cities soon. They will have to go somewhere. Best come and visit 
again before it gets too crowded

---In,  wrote :

I haven't been to the UK much, but I have really appreciated similar settings 
there, as you describe. More so, because both Britain and Ireland are fairly 
small islands, and yet have avoided what we do here, in the US: Tear down any 
building over 50 years old, and commercialize those that aren't destroyed. We 
do have a lot of wide open spaces here, but not the same reverence, and 
practical nature, when it comes to preserving the past, as is the case in 
Europe. Even Blarney Castle, which is world famous, is in a beautiful and quiet 
setting. I am afraid if it were stateside, it would be ringed with neon, and 
feature bungee jumping from the parapets! 

---In,  wrote :

That's a nice one. 

This part of Dorset is very close to me both physically and spiritually, it's 
full of ancient stone circles and iron age burial mounds. The atmosphere in 
these places is amazing, they are always far away from any towns and the views 
of the countryside are wonderful and even better on a starry night. I often 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Crop Circle 2014 - Hod Hill, Hanford, Dorset. An Aerial View

2014-06-19 Thread salyavin808
 I've lived in houses that are older than the discovery of America 

 That's the discovery by Europeans obviously, apparently there were one or two 
people already living there

---In,  wrote :

 Yes, we have a way of protecting the look of the place with a system of listed 
buildings. Being listed means you can't alter anything, there are different 
levels based on historical value and rarity and if you have to repair your 
listed home you do it in the same way it was built, which can be expensive. No 
patching up the walls with pollyfilla, it's horse hair and lime putty in a 
house more than 200 years old!

 The countryside stays nice because we just like it like that, we have an idea 
about what England is and you can still find the pastoral village with church 
and cricket on the green without looking too hard. We have a reverence for it 
that America lacks, maybe because the past goes back so much farther here. I've 
lived in houses that are older than the discovery of America, let alone the 
declaration of independence. Having the past all around must do something to 
the national psyche.

 But there's so many people here now and so few houses for them to live in that 
it is changing, a lot of small towns are doubling in size and we will need 
whole new cities soon. They will have to go somewhere. Best come and visit 
again before it gets too crowded

---In,  wrote :

 I haven't been to the UK much, but I have really appreciated similar settings 
there, as you describe. More so, because both Britain and Ireland are fairly 
small islands, and yet have avoided what we do here, in the US: Tear down any 
building over 50 years old, and commercialize those that aren't destroyed. We 
do have a lot of wide open spaces here, but not the same reverence, and 
practical nature, when it comes to preserving the past, as is the case in 
Europe. Even Blarney Castle, which is world famous, is in a beautiful and quiet 
setting. I am afraid if it were stateside, it would be ringed with neon, and 
feature bungee jumping from the parapets! 

---In,  wrote :

 That's a nice one. 

 This part of Dorset is very close to me both physically and spiritually, it's 
full of ancient stone circles and iron age burial mounds. The atmosphere in 
these places is amazing, they are always far away from any towns and the views 
of the countryside are wonderful and even better on a starry night. I often 
walk for miles without seeing anyone. Lonely as a cloud.

 Come and visit Nabby, you may even meet the circlemakers, whoever they are 


---In,  wrote :
 Crop Circle at Hod Hill, nr Hanford, Dorset, United Kingdom. Reported 1st June 
 Crop Circle at Hod Hill, nr Hanford, Dorset, United Kin... Click above 
to join the Crop Circle Connector Membership Image The Crop Circle Connector 
Copyright 2014 Image Lucy Pringle Copyright 2014 Image Lu...

 View on www.cropcircleconne...
 Preview by Yahoo 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What If?

2014-06-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 Richard, why would Canada complete a pipeline to deliver oil to Asia rather 
than to its own citizens and the US?




 On Thursday, June 19, 2014 9:00 AM, "'Richard J. Williams' punditster@... 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

 What if you woke up in the morning and the price for a gallon of gasoline at 
the pump was at $10.00? What if you woke up in the morning and you found out 
that Canada had almost completed a pipeline to deliver oil to Asia instead of 
to Canada and the U.S.? What if you woke up in the morning and your power had 
been cut off?
 What if you woke up in the morning and you realized that everything was much 
worse than you thought? How much worse? Ten times worse. Go figure.
 'Iraq: Why It’s Worse Than You Think'
 On 6/18/2014 9:51 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

 What if you woke up one morning and the IRS had lost all your records and all 
your emails for the last two years? What if six IRS hard drives had crashed and 
all the records were just gone, disappeared? I wonder what would happen to the 
IT guy in charge of the servers at the IRS data center? What if the IRS 
Commissioner was called in before the U.S. Congress to testify under oath about 
the mysterious data loss?
 What if you were audited by the IRS and your records were given to the FBI? Go 
 'Missing E-Mail Is the Least of the IRS's Problems'
 On 6/12/2014 9:30 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

 What if you opened your local newspaper and read that the recent surge of 
unauthorized immigrants from Central America was caused by the U.S. President 
and his administration failing to enforce immigration laws? 
 And, that by releasing thousands of parents with children, you were going to 
have to pay billions of dollars in taxes for the housing and medical care of 
thousands of parents and their children. And, that the crises had left most of 
the U.S. - Mexican border in control of the Mexican drug cartels? And, that 
because of this political trick, your political party was going to lose a 
majority in the U.S. Senate. 
 What if? 
 HOUSTON, Texas--The massive influx of adults and minors crossing into the U.S. 
from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador has brought the Customs and 
Border Protection agency past its capacity to provide security at the 
U.S./Mexico border, according to the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC)... 
 Crisis Leaves 'Vast Swaths' of Border Unprotected, Cartels 'in Control' 
 Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson faced tough questions from Congress on 
Wednesday about a recent surge in illegal immigration, and agreed with 
lawmakers that a wave of unaccompanied children crossing illegally into the 
U.S. constitutes a "humanitarian crisis..." 
 'Homeland Security chief in hot seat over surge in illegal immigrants' 




[FairfieldLife] New file uploaded to FairfieldLife

2014-06-19 Thread FairfieldLife


This email message is a notification to let you know that
a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the FairfieldLife

  File: /TMO -- the Odd Side/Dandi_Swami_20140618.pdf
  Uploaded by : rick_archer 
  Description : it touches on topics that used to get airplay at Fairfield 
Life, i.e. Guru Dev's passing, his Will, and the Shankaracharya succession 
I have been doing a fair amount of detective work uncovering and unravelling 
the real story of Guru Dev's Wills and the resultant effects. 
Jai Guru Dev
Paul Mason

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Chopra's Consciousness Challenge....

2014-06-19 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 6/19/2014 9:33 AM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
Kudos to Sal for a clear, cogent and intelligent description of how we 
fool ourselves into thinking and believing we are more than we 
actually are.

The only way you can think is by being conscious. You got fooled into 
believing that consciousness is a by-product of physics - however, there 
is no physics without intelligent self-consciousness. Unless you want to 
deny that you are self-conscious. Go figure.


*From:* salyavin808 
*Sent:* Thursday, June 19, 2014 10:23 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Chopra's Consciousness Challenge

---In,  wrote :

On 6/19/2014 1:18 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

Let's put it this way - the existence of consciousness can't
been demonstrated by physical ontology because consciousness
is a spiritual ontology. 

Which is another way of saying you'd just rather not think
about it. Or at least will refuse to be happy with the answer.

Neuroscience doesn't have much to say about spiritual cosmology.

It doesn't need to have. All it needs to do is show how a system
can create explanatory metaphors, it doesn't matter what the
metaphors are, they could be spiritual or mechanistic or a
mixture. The proof will come in the testing to see which is the
best explanation for our experience.

And the human awareness of experience has changed a lot recently.
It used to be limited to what we saw and heard, thus the old
explanations could be "spiritual" as there wasn't any way of
gainsaying it. For instance: believing that the world is
fundamentally human consciousness. With greater tools for
exploration than our senses we know that the universe is much
older than humans, so the Asian spiritual cosmology is dead in the
water. It's either that or everything we think we know is wrong.
You can't have both.

According to the early Buddhists (before the schism) adherents of
the so-called Consciousness Only school believed that
consciousness was the only reality - everything else was just an
appearance, not real, yet not unreal either. The authors of the
Upanishads worked out a philosophical system that was light-years
ahead of Western speculation about the mystery of consciousness.

Light years ahead in accuracy or complexity?

You can have the fanciest theory about how the mind works but it's
pointless if it isn't correct. are these the guys who said we
could fly and become invisible? I'm not impressed.

And, the yogins of ancient India supplemented the philosophy with
yoga - a method to experience pure consciousness. According to
Eliade, yoga is native to India and appears nowhere else in world
civilizations. The idea of a transcendental field that can be
known through free will is apparently unique to South Asia.

All of which is explicable with neurophysiology as it is now. Ask
Lawson about EEG's and defocused attention. Everyone reading this
has had the experience of infinity, do you really think you are
experiencing something outside of your head, some sort of
timeless, edge of the universe thing? Or are you seeing an altered
state of the part of the mind - as dependent on brain functioning
as the rest of it - that gives us the inner picture of depth and
space that we have?

I think the writers of the Upanishads had the same meditational
experiences we do and, lacking decent models of brain functioning,
gave them these literal interpretations which formed the base of
their cosmology.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Chopra's Consciousness Challenge....

2014-06-19 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 I used to love reading some of Deepak's books - I liked his auto-biography 
Return of the Rishi, and I absolutely loved his first fiction novel, the Return 
of Merlin.

 He wrote a novel? I'm down the library for that!.

 I was somewhat disturbed when I saw allegations that he has written most if 
not all of his books by employing a ghost writer! The allegations claim that no 
one in the media will report on this for fear of angering Chopra. Dunno how 
true or not true they may be. 


 Really? I wonder if he just uses the To write his books. He might as well, I doubt 
anyone would notice.


 I was reading recently that Chopra is very powerful in the publishing world, 
he generally has 3 books out at once and all published by different companies, 
which is rare. So no one wants to annoy him in case he takes his rather 
lucrative scribblings elsewhere.


 I have a close friend who tied herself to his star in the sense of becoming a 
certified Chopra instructor of meditation, yoga and ayurveda. After a few years 
it became apparent that Chopra had no desire of supporting "his" instructors as 
he had initially said he would, by using his considerable fame to assist them 
in getting local students of their own. This led to a great deal of 
disaffection amongst the teachers. I have very little respect for Chopra 
anymore - he seems to have followed in Marshy's footsteps in becoming a self 
centered self-aggrandizing ass who is mainly interested in his own fame and 
money, lots and lots of money.


 It's a guru tradition, he was up front about it though. I think that's the 
reason he is public enemy number 1 at the TMO, making money for himself instead 
of giving it to the movement. Tsk, tsk.

 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2014 2:20 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Chopra's Consciousness Challenge


---In,  wrote :

 So you don't like Ol' Deepak, eh? why, pray tell?


 Ooh, I didn't say I dislike him. I respect him for making so much money out of 
a few mantras and his ayurvedic snake oil. Much like his teacher Marshy he sure 
knows how to spin a few simple answers to life's problems and the more quantum 
bollocks you introduce the better for today's easily pleased seekers. 

 He also has a way with inspirational quotes:

 "The web of life unfolds into human reality"

 "Your body grows through a jumble of opportunities"

 "The key to joy influences creative opportunity"

 "Intuition transcends unparalleled marvel"

 "Quantum physics experiences descriptions of sensations"

 "Emotional intelligence" heals a symphony of knowledge"

 So vague yet so familiar, even he couldn't tell them apart from the real thing.

 It's also fascinating that he used to be Marshy's right hand man and now you 
can't say his name in TM circles. Every TM centre has literally boxes full of 
tapes of Chopra and Deepak holding forth, they will never be seen again.

 But I don't dislike him in the way I dislike John Hagelin. Deepak knows 
nothing about physics but, like Marshy, wants to be taken seriously as a 
scientist. JH, on the other hand, is old enough to know better and his 
shameless misappropropriations of physical principles to flog rubbish like 
jyotish, yagyas and yogic "flying" ought to have him stripped of his PHD.

 By comparison, Deepak is a simpleton who just sells the same old stuff in the 
same old way. I still hope he loses his money though... and the sooner the 
better - for the good of real science we need an explanation of consciousness.



 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2014 5:30 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Chopra's Consciousness Challenge

 Worth a read. Woomeister Chopra challenges science to explain consciousness 
with a Randi style prize. The money suggests he feels confident that there is 
no scientific solution to the hard problem of consciousness- in the same way 
that James Randi feels confident there is no paranormal.

 The trouble for Chopra is that, while no one has managed to demonstrate even a 
tiny morsel of magical powers, we know quite a lot about consciousness already. 

 Here's hoping for a swift solution to the hard problem as he's one bullshit 
artist I'd like to see with some egg on his face. And a million bucks would be 
a lot of egg.




 Deepak Chopra embarrasses himself by offering a million-dollar prize
 Deepak Chopra embarrasses himself by offering a million-...

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: to Ann

2014-06-19 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Steve, I'm guessing that you all are having the same pulverizing heat that we 
are, if not worse. That can definitely disrupt sleep. Hoping it will moderate 

On Wednesday, June 18, 2014 10:18 PM, " [FairfieldLife]" 

Oh, thanks Share.  I wrote those comments not having had a particularly good 
nights sleep, and I sure didn't express myself very clearly.  I'm pretty tired 
now, so I hope the same thing doesn't happen. (-:

---In,  wrote :

Steve, that "thus sayeth the Ray" made me smile the first time I read it. The 
second and third times, it had me chuckling. Yay Ray! (-:

On Wednesday, June 18, 2014 7:15 AM, "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" 

Hey Michael,

It would be better if you just said,"I don't care to address your point in any 
kind of meaningful way.  Instead, I'm going to launch into my usual tirade 
against TM and MMY"

Probably you are taking the Hitler comment out of context.

I get the feeling that you probably spend a lot of time searching for any 
positive news about TM and then send a barrage of what you feel are the 
misrepresentations, whether they are skewed, or not, which is unfortunate since 
you make many good points, but the fact that you are willing to
skew many other aspects and not address inconsistencies in your finds, overall 
reduces your credibility.

Thus saith the Ray.

---In,  wrote :

he was a liar, a fraud, taking money under false pretexts, a sexual 
opportunist, and the list goes on and on. If you like his blabber so be it - it 
just means you are easily entertained. I bet you would have loved some of the 
tapes of him praising

 From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" 
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2014 12:02 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: to Ann

And it's also kind of funny.  One day you'll get a bunch of posts here about 
how he wasn't qualified to be a teacher of meditation because of this reason or 
that reason, or that he didn't follow the traditional Indian protocols, and 
then the next day you'll get an equal number of posts describing what a 
traditional Hindu he was, trying to foist that agenda on his organization.

I will say that there was an emphasis put on the Hindu side of things. Hindu 
holy days etc.

I never had a problem with it, but it isn't of much interest to me now.

---In,  wrote :

Hey Michael, how you doin'?  Now, that is sort of funny.  That wasn't the 
question I asked, but you have knack of tying anything to your usual theme.

Yes, no doubt there was a lot of repetition in MMY's message.  Yes, it could 
get rather dull.  But for me, well, I found many gems.  I gained insight into 
Vedic knowledge and Hindu scriptures.  You hear the criticism that M was no 
student of Hinduism or the Vedas.  And it seems that most of that criticism 
centers on the mantras, or whether
he was qualified to have the role of a teacher, or one of so many other 
"technical" points.

Like any of that mattered to me.  Not!

I found his knowledge of the Vedas to be profound.  I think his commentary of 
the Gita was profound.

Please, show me otherwise, other than some technical point that because he 
wasn't a Brahman, he wasn't authorized to have the role he assumed.

I'm not saying that things didn't get a little topsy turvy in the last 15 years 
ago, because I think they did, but I'm still riding the wave of what I got. And 
yes, I got my money's worth.

---In,  wrote :

When did Marshy ever change? He told the same old story for decades and lied 
every time he told

 From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" 
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2014 11:02 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to Ann

Here's what I find kind of interesting, if I've got it right.  When a person 
returns to posting after being away for a while, you expect a fresh 
perspective, like we got from RD, with that beautiful poem, and also noticing 
that she refrains from participating in negativity.  (okay, 2016 campaign  
hasn't started (-;   But then Edg comes back, full of all that old anger 
towards Richard, as though the disagreements were yesterday.

Like I say, I'm not sure if Richard said something that triggered Edg on
this last round, but it seemed to come out of nowhere.

And really, that's kind of scary to think that a person hasn't changed in so 

---In,  wrote :

"A theory provides an explanatory framework for
some observation, and
from the assumptions of the explanation follows a number of possible
hypotheses that can be tested in order to provide support for, or
challenge, the theory."  Wikipedia. 
Warning: Opinions, assumptions and theories offered on FFLife will be 
challenged if ba

[FairfieldLife] Re: Crop Circle 2014 - Hod Hill, Hanford, Dorset. An Aerial View

2014-06-19 Thread salyavin808
Yes, we have a way of protecting the look of the place with a system of listed 
buildings. Being listed means you can't alter anything, there are different 
levels based on historical value and rarity and if you have to repair your 
listed home you do it in the same way it was built, which can be expensive. No 
patching up the walls with pollyfilla, it's horse hair and lime putty in a 
house more than 200 years old!

 The countryside stays nice because we just like it like that, we have an idea 
about what England is and you can still find the pastoral village with church 
and cricket on the green without looking too hard. We have a reverence for it 
that America lacks, maybe because the past goes back so much farther here. I've 
lived in houses that are older than the discovery of America, let alone the 
declaration of independence. Having the past all around must do something to 
the national psyche.

 But there's so many people here now and so few houses for them to live in that 
it is changing, a lot of small towns are doubling in size and we will need 
whole new cities soon. They will have to go somewhere. Best come and visit 
again before it gets too crowded

---In,  wrote :

 I haven't been to the UK much, but I have really appreciated similar settings 
there, as you describe. More so, because both Britain and Ireland are fairly 
small islands, and yet have avoided what we do here, in the US: Tear down any 
building over 50 years old, and commercialize those that aren't destroyed. We 
do have a lot of wide open spaces here, but not the same reverence, and 
practical nature, when it comes to preserving the past, as is the case in 
Europe. Even Blarney Castle, which is world famous, is in a beautiful and quiet 
setting. I am afraid if it were stateside, it would be ringed with neon, and 
feature bungee jumping from the parapets! 

---In,  wrote :

 That's a nice one. 

 This part of Dorset is very close to me both physically and spiritually, it's 
full of ancient stone circles and iron age burial mounds. The atmosphere in 
these places is amazing, they are always far away from any towns and the views 
of the countryside are wonderful and even better on a starry night. I often 
walk for miles without seeing anyone. Lonely as a cloud.

 Come and visit Nabby, you may even meet the circlemakers, whoever they are 


---In,  wrote :
 Crop Circle at Hod Hill, nr Hanford, Dorset, United Kingdom. Reported 1st June 
 Crop Circle at Hod Hill, nr Hanford, Dorset, United Kin... Click above 
to join the Crop Circle Connector Membership Image The Crop Circle Connector 
Copyright 2014 Image Lucy Pringle Copyright 2014 Image Lu...

 View on www.cropcircleconne...
 Preview by Yahoo 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What If?

2014-06-19 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Richard, why would Canada complete a pipeline to deliver oil to Asia rather 
than to its own citizens and the US?

On Thursday, June 19, 2014 9:00 AM, "'Richard J. Williams' 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

What if you woke up in the morning and the price for a gallon of gasoline at 
the pump was at $10.00? What if you woke up in the morning and you found out 
that Canada had almost completed a pipeline to deliver oil to Asia instead of 
to Canada and the U.S.? What if you woke up in the morning and your power had 
been cut off?

What if you woke up in the morning and you realized that
  everything was much worse than you thought? How much worse? Ten
  times worse. Go figure.

'Iraq: Why It’s Worse Than You Think'
On 6/18/2014 9:51 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

What if you woke up one morning and the IRS had lost all your records and all 
your emails for the last two years? What if six IRS hard drives had crashed and 
all the records were just gone, disappeared? I wonder what would happen to the 
IT guy in charge of the servers at the IRS data center? What if the IRS 
Commissioner was called in before the U.S. Congress to testify under oath about 
the mysterious data loss?
>What if you were audited by the IRS and your records were given
to the FBI? Go figure.
>'Missing E-Mail Is the Least of the IRS's Problems'
>On 6/12/2014 9:30 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
>What if you opened your local newspaper and read that the recent surge of 
>unauthorized immigrants from Central America was caused by the U.S. President 
>and his administration failing to enforce immigration laws? 
>>And, that by releasing thousands of parents with children, you
were going to have to pay billions of dollars in taxes for the
housing and medical care of thousands of parents and their
children. And, that the crises had left most of the U.S. -
Mexican border in control of the Mexican drug cartels? And, that
because of this political trick, your political party was going
to lose a majority in the U.S. Senate. 
>>What if? 
>>HOUSTON, Texas--The massive influx of adults and minors crossing
into the U.S. from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador
has brought the Customs and Border Protection agency past its
capacity to provide security at the U.S./Mexico border,
according to the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC)... 
>>Crisis Leaves 'Vast Swaths' of Border Unprotected, Cartels 'in
>>Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson faced tough questions
from Congress on Wednesday about a recent surge in illegal
immigration, and agreed with lawmakers that a wave of
unaccompanied children crossing illegally into the U.S.
constitutes a "humanitarian crisis..." 
>>'Homeland Security chief in hot seat over surge in illegal

Re: [FairfieldLife] Chopra's Consciousness Challenge....

2014-06-19 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
I used to love reading some of Deepak's books - I liked his auto-biography 
Return of the Rishi, and I absolutely loved his first fiction novel, the Return 
of Merlin.

I was somewhat disturbed when I saw allegations that he has written most if not 
all of his books by employing a ghost writer! The allegations claim that no one 
in the media will report on this for fear of angering Chopra. Dunno how true or 
not true they may be. 

I have a close friend who tied herself to his star in the sense of becoming a 
certified Chopra instructor of meditation, yoga and ayurveda. After a few years 
it became apparent that Chopra had no desire of supporting "his" instructors as 
he had initially said he would, by using his considerable fame to assist them 
in getting local students of their own. This led to a great deal of 
disaffection amongst the teachers. I have very little respect for Chopra 
anymore - he seems to have followed in Marshy's footsteps in becoming a self 
centered self-aggrandizing ass who is mainly interested in his own fame and 
money, lots and lots of money.

 From: salyavin808 
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2014 2:20 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Chopra's Consciousness Challenge


---In,  wrote :

So you don't like Ol' Deepak, eh? why, pray tell?

Ooh, I didn't say I dislike him. I respect him for making so much money out of 
a few mantras and his ayurvedic snake oil. Much like his teacher Marshy he sure 
knows how to spin a few simple answers to life's problems and the more quantum 
bollocks you introduce the better for today's easily pleased seekers. 

He also has a way with inspirational quotes:

"The web of life unfolds into human reality"

"Your body grows through a jumble of opportunities"

"The key to joy influences creative opportunity"

"Intuition transcends unparalleled marvel"

"Quantum physics experiences descriptions of sensations"

"Emotional intelligence" heals a symphony of knowledge"

So vague yet so familiar, even he couldn't tell them apart from the real thing.

It's also fascinating that he used to be Marshy's right hand man and now you 
can't say his name in TM circles. Every TM centre has literally boxes full of 
tapes of Chopra and Deepak holding forth, they will never be seen again.

But I don't dislike him in the way I dislike John Hagelin. Deepak knows nothing 
about physics but, like Marshy, wants to be taken seriously as a scientist. JH, 
on the other hand, is old enough to know better and his shameless 
misappropropriations of physical principles to flog rubbish like jyotish, 
yagyas and yogic "flying" ought to have him stripped of his PHD.

By comparison, Deepak is a simpleton who just sells the same old stuff in the 
same old way. I still hope he loses his money though... and the sooner the 
better - for the good of real science we need an explanation of consciousness.

 From: salyavin808 
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2014 5:30 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Chopra's Consciousness Challenge


Worth a read. Woomeister Chopra challenges science to explain consciousness 
with a Randi style prize. The money suggests he feels confident that there is 
no scientific solution to the hard problem of consciousness- in the same way 
that James Randi feels confident there is no paranormal.

The trouble for Chopra is that, while no one has managed to demonstrate even a 
tiny morsel of magical powers, we know quite a lot about consciousness already. 

Here's hoping for a swift solution to the hard problem as he's one bullshit 
artist I'd like to see with some egg on his face. And a million bucks would be 
a lot of

Deepak Chopra embarrasses himself by offering a million-dollar prize

  Deepak Chopra embarrasses himself by offering a million-... 
I realize now that Chopra's affliction with Maru's Syndrome—the condition 
described by Dr. Maru as "When I see a box, I cannot help but enter"—is ...  
View on whyevolutionistrue.wor...  Preview by Yahoo   

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Chopra's Consciousness Challenge....

2014-06-19 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Kudos to Sal for a clear, cogent and intelligent description of how we fool 
ourselves into thinking and believing we are more than we actually are.

 From: salyavin808 
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2014 10:23 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Chopra's Consciousness Challenge


---In,  wrote :

On 6/19/2014 1:18 AM, salyavin808

Let's put it this way - the existence
of consciousness can't been
demonstrated by physical ontology because consciousness is a
spiritual ontology. 
>>Which is another way of saying you'd
just rather not think about it. Or at least will refuse to be
happy with the answer.
>Neuroscience doesn't have much to say about spiritual cosmology.
It doesn't need to have. All it needs to do is show how a system can create 
explanatory metaphors, it doesn't matter what the metaphors are, they could be 
spiritual or mechanistic or a mixture. The proof will come in the testing to 
see which is the best explanation for our experience.
And the human awareness of experience has changed a lot recently. It used to be 
limited to what we saw and heard, thus the old explanations could be 
"spiritual" as there wasn't any way of gainsaying it. For instance: believing 
that the world is fundamentally human consciousness. With greater tools for 
exploration than our senses we know that the universe is much older than 
humans, so the Asian spiritual cosmology is dead in the water. It's either that 
or everything we think we know is wrong. You can't have both.

According to the early Buddhists (before the schism) adherents of
the so-called Consciousness Only school believed that consciousness
was the only reality - everything else was just an appearance, not
real, yet not unreal either. The authors of the Upanishads worked
out a philosophical system that was light-years ahead of Western
speculation about the mystery of consciousness. 
Light years ahead in accuracy or complexity?
You can have the fanciest theory about how the mind works but it's pointless if 
it isn't correct. are these the guys who said we could fly and become 
invisible? I'm not impressed.

>And, the yogins of ancient India supplemented the philosophy with
yoga - a method to experience pure consciousness. According to
Eliade, yoga is native to India and appears nowhere else in world
civilizations. The idea of a transcendental field that can be known
through free will is apparently unique to South Asia.
All of which is explicable with neurophysiology as it is now. Ask Lawson about 
EEG's and defocused attention. Everyone reading this has had the experience of 
infinity, do you really think you are experiencing something outside of your 
head, some sort of timeless, edge of the universe thing? Or are you seeing an 
altered state of the part of the mind - as dependent on brain functioning as 
the rest of it - that gives us the inner picture of depth and space that we 
I think the writers of the Upanishads had the same meditational experiences we 
do and, lacking decent models of brain functioning, gave them these literal 
interpretations which formed the base of their cosmology.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Chopra's Consciousness Challenge....

2014-06-19 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 On 6/19/2014 1:18 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

 Let's put it this way - the existence of consciousness can't been demonstrated 
by physical ontology because consciousness is a spiritual ontology.  Which is 
another way of saying you'd just rather not think about it. Or at least will 
refuse to be happy with the answer. >
 Neuroscience doesn't have much to say about spiritual cosmology. It doesn't 
need to have. All it needs to do is show how a system can create explanatory 
metaphors, it doesn't matter what the metaphors are, they could be spiritual or 
mechanistic or a mixture. The proof will come in the testing to see which is 
the best explanation for our experience. And the human awareness of experience 
has changed a lot recently. It used to be limited to what we saw and heard, 
thus the old explanations could be "spiritual" as there wasn't any way of 
gainsaying it. For instance: believing that the world is fundamentally human 
consciousness. With greater tools for exploration than our senses we know that 
the universe is much older than humans, so the Asian spiritual cosmology is 
dead in the water. It's either that or everything we think we know is wrong. 
You can't have both.
 According to the early Buddhists (before the schism) adherents of the 
so-called Consciousness Only school believed that consciousness was the only 
reality - everything else was just an appearance, not real, yet not unreal 
either. The authors of the Upanishads worked out a philosophical system that 
was light-years ahead of Western speculation about the mystery of 
 Light years ahead in accuracy or complexity? You can have the fanciest theory 
about how the mind works but it's pointless if it isn't correct. are these the 
guys who said we could fly and become invisible? I'm not impressed. 
 And, the yogins of ancient India supplemented the philosophy with yoga - a 
method to experience pure consciousness. According to Eliade, yoga is native to 
India and appears nowhere else in world civilizations. The idea of a 
transcendental field that can be known through free will is apparently unique 
to South Asia.
 All of which is explicable with neurophysiology as it is now. Ask Lawson about 
EEG's and defocused attention. Everyone reading this has had the experience of 
infinity, do you really think you are experiencing something outside of your 
head, some sort of timeless, edge of the universe thing? Or are you seeing an 
altered state of the part of the mind - as dependent on brain functioning as 
the rest of it - that gives us the inner picture of depth and space that we 
have? I think the writers of the Upanishads had the same meditational 
experiences we do and, lacking decent models of brain functioning, gave them 
these literal interpretations which formed the base of their cosmology.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Amazon 3d with Nokia maps!

2014-06-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Oh, Empty, you clearly lack the advanced spiritual evolution to understand 
Fairfield's special Vedic relationship with all the Laws of Nature. For 
example, how could you possibly understand the vastly superior practice of 
orienting long rectangular buildings along the north-south axis such that they 
harvest maximum woo all year long while minimizing solar gain in winter and 
maximizing solar gain in summer?

---In,  wrote :


Surely you jest. 
Can't get everything in Fairfield? Why how can that be?

It's the epicenter of all the laws of nature.
Things should just fall into your hands. 

However, we all know how those unevolved hominids in the outside world inhibit 
the field of all possible fulfillment ... at least until the Kalki comes to 
kill them all. 

Huh. Must be the goons are waiting for liberation back into quiescence. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Fwd: FP's Situation Report: Are Maliki's days numbered?; Dempsey, Hagel lay out an analysis; Petraeus urges caution; Kirby defends Pentagon transparency; Is Qatar helping raise fun

2014-06-19 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 6/19/2014 8:51 AM, wleed3 [FairfieldLife] wrote:
> 4 Ur info
Thanks for the information.

"Our vacillation and inaction in Syria, abandonment of Iraq, politically 
driven withdrawal from Afghanistan and senseless cuts to national 
security resources has allowed the resurrection of a transnational 
terrorist threat."

'Will Afghanistan be Iraq redux?'

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: How Iraq Can Win Against ISIS

2014-06-19 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 6/19/2014 8:44 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

jr, I don't know a lot about the Middle East - obviously they are in a 
cycle where no one can let go of any feelings, and they also have the 
problem of tribal people, being forced into political boundaries, by 
former colonial powers. Add oil, and the place is continuously explosive.

Obviously the US is there, mostly for weapons "testing" and sales of 
more weapons. Also, given our political status in the world, we have 
the role, unfortunately, of world policeman. We currently produce 
enough oil to meet our needs, if we didn't export a lot of it, so no 
need for us to protect resources that we have plenty of, at home.

The U.S. imports at least 10% of it's oil - the question is, should we 
be using up our own oil first, or using up foreign oil first? And, even 
if the U.S. becomes energy independent, how does that help us with 
economic globalization?


One thing the US is *not* doing, is spreading freedom and democracy.

What if the people vote in a free democracy, but they elect a violent 
sectarian group of religious fanatics bent on destroying you?

"West Texas Intermediate and Brent crudes charted the biggest weekly 
gains this year as Islamist fighters extended their advance in Iraq, 
triggering concern of a return to civil war."

'Crude Records Year’s Biggest Weekly Gain on Iraq Unrest'

---In,  wrote :


There's a perpetual cycle of violence involved in the Middle East 
culture. You can trace this trend back to the Biblical times.  Is this 
the karmic characteristic of the people there?

Nonetheless, the Pope attributed the religious violence there to 
fundamentalism.   This is the fanatical belief that one's 
interpretation of the sacred book, whether Jewish, Christian or 
Islamic, is the only truth.

IMO, there is an underlying motive to the violence there.  It's not 
only fundamentalism, but it's the struggle for power and money cloaked 
under the cloth of religion.

This could be the reason why the Bible had the story of the Flood, 
which states that God was angry with the type of people that populated 
the earth at that time.  So, except for the family of Noah, He 
destroyed the earth by water.  That's something to think about. 
 Hello, global warming?

---In,  wrote :

I heard on the news, from a soldier serving in the Middle East, that 
they count on creating at least two enemies, for every one killed. So 
the short term slaughters may help briefly, until the family and 
community of the slain fighter gets involved.

---In,  wrote :

Obama and his generals most likely have already thought of this 
strategy. If not, they should be fired. Here are the steps:

1.  When ISIS start the attack of Baghdad, let the Kurds from the 
north take over the town of Mosul to cut-off the supply route of ISIS. 
 Also, let the Kurds seal off the main border town next to Syria to 
prevent any reinforcements of ISIS.

2.  Request Assad to attack the ISIS stronghold in Syria.

3.  Request Iran to patrol its borders to ward-off any insurgents to 
infiltrate Iraq from the east.  If need be, their troops can move in 
to towns east of Baghdad if ISIS attack from the east.

4.  Have the American special forces monitor the Iraqi troops in 
Baghdad to make sure that they hold their positions and fight ISIS who 
should be attacking from the main route to Mosul.

5.  Have American drones patrol the movements of the insurgents in the 
main highway from Mosul.

6.  Have American warplanes attack the ISIS convoy during their siege 
of Baghdad.

The main idea is to isolate the attacking forces of the insurgents and 
be pummeled by American aerial attacks and bombings.  IMO, this would 
demoralize the insurgents and flee for cover.  A victory against the 
insurgents will definitely boost the morale of the Iraqi people and 
its government.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Crop Circle 2014 - Hod Hill, Hanford, Dorset. An Aerial View

2014-06-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I haven't been to the UK much, but I have really appreciated similar settings 
there, as you describe. More so, because both Britain and Ireland are fairly 
small islands, and yet have avoided what we do here, in the US: Tear down any 
building over 50 years old, and commercialize those that aren't destroyed. We 
do have a lot of wide open spaces here, but not the same reverence, and 
practical nature, when it comes to preserving the past, as is the case in 
Europe. Even Blarney Castle, which is world famous, is in a beautiful and quiet 
setting. I am afraid if it were stateside, it would be ringed with neon, and 
feature bungee jumping from the parapets! 

---In,  wrote :

 That's a nice one. 

 This part of Dorset is very close to me both physically and spiritually, it's 
full of ancient stone circles and iron age burial mounds. The atmosphere in 
these places is amazing, they are always far away from any towns and the views 
of the countryside are wonderful and even better on a starry night. I often 
walk for miles without seeing anyone. Lonely as a cloud.

 Come and visit Nabby, you may even meet the circlemakers, whoever they are 


---In,  wrote :
 Crop Circle at Hod Hill, nr Hanford, Dorset, United Kingdom. Reported 1st June 
 Crop Circle at Hod Hill, nr Hanford, Dorset, United Kin... Click above 
to join the Crop Circle Connector Membership Image The Crop Circle Connector 
Copyright 2014 Image Lucy Pringle Copyright 2014 Image Lu...

 View on www.cropcircleconne...
 Preview by Yahoo 


[FairfieldLife] Re: What If?

2014-06-19 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
What if you woke up in the morning and the price for a gallon of 
gasoline at the pump was at $10.00? What if you woke up in the morning 
and you found out that Canada had almost completed a pipeline to deliver 
oil to Asia instead of to Canada and the U.S.? What if you woke up in 
the morning and your power had been cut off?

What if you woke up in the morning and you realized that everything was 
much worse than you thought? How much worse? Ten times worse. Go figure.

'Iraq: Why It's Worse Than You Think'
On 6/18/2014 9:51 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
What if you woke up one morning and the IRS had lost all your records 
and all your emails for the last two years? What if six IRS hard 
drives had crashed and all the records were just gone, disappeared? I 
wonder what would happen to the IT guy in charge of the servers at the 
IRS data center? What if the IRS Commissioner was called in before the 
U.S. Congress to testify under oath about the mysterious data loss?

What if you were audited by the IRS and your records were given to the 
FBI? Go figure.

'Missing E-Mail Is the Least of the IRS's Problems'

On 6/12/2014 9:30 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
What if you opened your local newspaper and read that the recent 
surge of unauthorized immigrants from Central America was caused by 
the U.S. President and his administration failing to enforce 
immigration laws?

And, that by releasing thousands of parents with children, you were 
going to have to pay billions of dollars in taxes for the housing and 
medical care of thousands of parents and their children. And, that 
the crises had left most of the U.S. - Mexican border in control of 
the Mexican drug cartels? And, that because of this political trick, 
your political party was going to lose a majority in the U.S. Senate.

What if?

HOUSTON, Texas--The massive influx of adults and minors crossing into 
the U.S. from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador has 
brought the Customs and Border Protection agency past its capacity to 
provide security at the U.S./Mexico border, according to the National 
Border Patrol Council (NBPC)...

Crisis Leaves 'Vast Swaths' of Border Unprotected, Cartels 'in Control'

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson faced tough questions from 
Congress on Wednesday about a recent surge in illegal immigration, 
and agreed with lawmakers that a wave of unaccompanied children 
crossing illegally into the U.S. constitutes a "humanitarian crisis..."

'Homeland Security chief in hot seat over surge in illegal immigrants'

Re: [FairfieldLife] Fwd: FP's Situation Report: WH backing away from airstrikes for now; Baghdad's fight against ISIS online; Few details on the Benghazi suspect captured; An FP report sparks a UN inv

2014-06-19 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 6/19/2014 7:55 AM, Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife] 
Yes, you need to say more. Do you agree or disagree with his 
statement? And why. .

If Baghdad falls and American lives are lost, Hillary Clinton is going 
to have a lot of explaining to do if and when she runs for U.S. 
President. She voted in favor of invading Iraq - she and Obama are going 
to own it because they failed to protect the Americans staffing the U.S. 
Embassy in Baghdad. Hillary Clinton still has not explained why she 
failed to protect the diplomatic compound in Benghazi. Go figure.

The Obama Presidency has been a disaster - an incompetent administration 
so wrong about so much. And now his fancy rhetoric has come crashing 
down and we are left facing the reality. America's enemies are not 
receding, they are on the march to take over Iraq's largest oil field 
and attacking Baghdad itself. The consequences of this failure in 
Washington foreign policy is going to be monumental for the Democratic 
Party in the next election.


On Thursday, June 19, 2014 12:21 AM, " 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

The article is written by Dick (I know where the WMDs are) Cheney.

Need I say more?


---In,  wrote :

The problem with air strikes is collateral damage. And, drones can't 
be used for sustained attack like war planes can.

Sure you can strike a column of Sunni insurgents forming a convoy on 
the highway or out in the open, but once they get into the towns and 
villages and Baghdad itself, you've got a grappling situation. That's 
when you need the Special Forces to move in.

Apparently there are over 5,000 personnel to evacuate from Baghdad and 
a protection force of just 250 U.S. soldiers. That's not nearly enough 
to guard such a large embassy compound - the evacuation may have 
already started. If the Americans don't get safely there's going to be 
hell to pay in Washington D.C.

"The fall of the Iraqi cities of Fallujah, Tikrit, Mosul and Tel Afar, 
and the establishment of terrorist safe havens across a large swath of 
the Arab world, present a strategic threat to the security of the 
United States. Mr. Obama's actions—before and after ISIS's recent 
advances in Iraq—have the effect of increasing that threat."

'The Collapsing Obama Doctrine'
Wall Street Journal:

On 6/18/2014 7:29 AM, wleed3 WLeed3@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

[FairfieldLife] Re: How Iraq Can Win Against ISIS

2014-06-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]
jr, I don't know a lot about the Middle East - obviously they are in a cycle 
where no one can let go of any feelings, and they also have the problem of 
tribal people, being forced into political boundaries, by former colonial 
powers. Add oil, and the place is continuously explosive.  

 Obviously the US is there, mostly for weapons "testing" and sales of more 
weapons. Also, given our political status in the world, we have the role, 
unfortunately, of world policeman. We currently produce enough oil to meet our 
needs, if we didn't export a lot of it, so no need for us to protect resources 
that we have plenty of, at home.

 One thing the US is *not* doing, is spreading freedom and democracy.

---In,  wrote :


 There's a perpetual cycle of violence involved in the Middle East culture. You 
can trace this trend back to the Biblical times.  Is this the karmic 
characteristic of the people there?

 Nonetheless, the Pope attributed the religious violence there to 
fundamentalism.   This is the fanatical belief that one's interpretation of the 
sacred book, whether Jewish, Christian or Islamic, is the only truth.

 IMO, there is an underlying motive to the violence there.  It's not only 
fundamentalism, but it's the struggle for power and money cloaked under the 
cloth of religion.

 This could be the reason why the Bible had the story of the Flood, which 
states that God was angry with the type of people that populated the earth at 
that time.  So, except for the family of Noah, He destroyed the earth by water. 
 That's something to think about.  Hello, global warming? 


---In,  wrote :

 I heard on the news, from a soldier serving in the Middle East, that they 
count on creating at least two enemies, for every one killed. So the short term 
slaughters may help briefly, until the family and community of the slain 
fighter gets involved.

---In,  wrote :

 Obama and his generals most likely have already thought of this strategy. If 
not, they should be fired. Here are the steps:

 1.  When ISIS start the attack of Baghdad, let the Kurds from the north take 
over the town of Mosul to cut-off the supply route of ISIS.  Also, let the 
Kurds seal off the main border town next to Syria to prevent any reinforcements 
of ISIS.

 2.  Request Assad to attack the ISIS stronghold in Syria.

 3.  Request Iran to patrol its borders to ward-off any insurgents to 
infiltrate Iraq from the east.  If need be, their troops can move in to towns 
east of Baghdad if ISIS attack from the east.

 4.  Have the American special forces monitor the Iraqi troops in Baghdad to 
make sure that they hold their positions and fight ISIS who should be attacking 
from the main route to Mosul.

 5.  Have American drones patrol the movements of the insurgents in the main 
highway from Mosul.

 6.  Have American warplanes attack the ISIS convoy during their siege of 

 The main idea is to isolate the attacking forces of the insurgents and be 
pummeled by American aerial attacks and bombings.  IMO, this would demoralize 
the insurgents and flee for cover.  A victory against the insurgents will 
definitely boost the morale of the Iraqi people and its government.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Do Purusha(s) Have Agency (the capacity to "act")

2014-06-19 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 6/19/2014 6:38 AM, Share Long [FairfieldLife] 
But Richard, the entire Gita is the Lord telling Arjuna to act! 
Krishna is not telling the gunas to act! In fact He's telling Arjuna 
to be without the gunas and act!

According to MMY, we should act, but act from the level of 
transcendence, free from the three gunas born of nature. All the ancient 
Indian sages, with the exception of the materialist Charvaka, agreed 
with the Samkhya philosophy concerning the self-generated Purusha, the 
Being, and the relative nature of the thirty-two evolutes of prakriti. 
There is Purusha, which stands alone, eternal and unchanging, and there 
is prakriti, governed by three gunas, and thirty-two consitituents, 
comprising the whole in one easily comprehended matrix of change. The 
two are totally separate - one being an object of knowledge and the 
other being the witnessing subject.

Maybe we can agree that it's a paradox...

"Two birds sat in a tree; one ate the fruit; another looked on." - 
Shvetashvatara (4.7)


On Wednesday, June 18, 2014 9:54 PM, "'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]"  

On 6/17/2014 8:43 PM, Share Long 
 [FairfieldLife] wrote:
SoundofStillness, I used the concordance to Maharishi's Gita 
translation and checked the references under "effort." Chapter 4, vs 
12 to 15 seem useful wrt to your question. In vs 12, Maharishi makes 
the point that animals depend on the force of evolution to move 
upward. But humans have freedom of action and therefore development 
"depends upon how he acts and what he does." Also in vs 12 Maharishi 
introduces the idea that the Lord gives rise to all action AND at the 
same time is separate from it. this is elaborate on in the next few 

According to MMY in CBG: "The authorship of action does not in reality 
belong to the "I". It is a mistake to understand that "I" do this, "I" 
experience this and "I" know this. All action is performed by the 
three gunas born of Nature." - MMY on BG - V: 14; 1967, p. 259.

The implications of these passages indicate that the nature of the 
mind is appreciated as it is, separate from activity. The "goal" of TM 
does not consist in achieving anything or reaching anything, but 
simply in recognizing what already is the case, that the "I" is 
essentially uninvolved with activity. Here, the ONLY criterion is 
internal: the Self cognized as independent of action.

/"But he who knows the truth about the divisions of the gunas and 
their actions, O mighty armed, knowing that it is the gunas which act 
upon the gunas, remains unattached."/ MMY on BG - V: 27; 1967, p. 220

On Tuesday, June 17, 2014 6:01 PM, "'Richard J. Williams'  [FairfieldLife]" 

On 6/17/2014 1:07 PM, 
 [FairfieldLife] wrote:
From my minimalist way of understanding, Shyam Ranganathan is 
suggesting, as he did in his translation and commentary of the Yoga 
sSutra that Purusha = Person indeed does have "Agency" according to 
the great philosopher Maharishi Patanjali.

"The Sankhya Karika appears to state that it is nature that brings 
about freedom, while Patañjali’s view seems to be that it is persons 
that are the explanation of  freedom (I write about this in my 
introduction to my translation). The relevant points of comparison 
are the Sankhya Karika 17, 44–45, 62–64, where the person is
described as irrelevant to the process of liberation, and Yoga Sutra 
I.21, IV.18, and IV.29 where persons and their self improvement are 
treated as instrumental to liberation . . ."

"irrelevant to the process of liberation" sayest the Sankhya Karika

"persons and their self improvement are treated as instrumental to 
liberation" sayest the Yoga Sutra

Letting go for a moment (or two) everything you've read, thought and 
talked about, concentrated on, contemplated . . . and based on your 
Person(al) experience of tens of thousands of hours of meditation, 
what sez you?

Do Purusha(s) = You have agency regarding their/Your realization, 
enlightenment and liberation?

Or as the Sankhya Karika and Vedanta suggest, from my understanding, 
Purusha, Person, Pure Awareness,

is but the observer with no capacity to act at all.

And what did Maharishi have to say?

In commenting on Bhagavad Gita, Maharishi has brought our attention 
to the existence of the gunas, whose concern is action, which, in 
every case, is the result of the interplay of three constituents born 
of nature - eternal becoming, termed prakriti in the Gita. Rajas, 
sattva and tamas - these three propensities regulate the state of 
action and are relative to each other and to all that exists in the 
phenomenal world.  That is, nature, which is everything,

Re: [FairfieldLife] Fwd: FP's Situation Report: WH backing away from airstrikes for now; Baghdad's fight against ISIS online; Few details on the Benghazi suspect captured; An FP report sparks a UN inv

2014-06-19 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 6/19/2014 2:21 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

The article is written by Dick (I know where the WMDs are) Cheney.

Need I say more?


We could say more - we could say that Hillary Clinton and John Kerry and 
Joe Biden all believed Saddam had WMDs. We could also say the the U. S. 
Congress funded the search for WMD in Iraq. We could also say that the 
real reason for invading Iraq was to stabilize the Middle East so that 
there would be a cheap source of energy. There are a lot of things we 
could say. But, one thing we cannot say is that it's over.

"So, let there be no doubt: The tide of war is receding." - Barack 
Obama, September 2011


---In,  wrote :

The problem with air strikes is collateral damage. And, drones can't 
be used for sustained attack like war planes can.

Sure you can strike a column of Sunni insurgents forming a convoy on 
the highway or out in the open, but once they get into the towns and 
villages and Baghdad itself, you've got a grappling situation. That's 
when you need the Special Forces to move in.

Apparently there are over 5,000 personnel to evacuate from Baghdad and 
a protection force of just 250 U.S. soldiers. That's not nearly enough 
to guard such a large embassy compound - the evacuation may have 
already started. If the Americans don't get safely there's going to be 
hell to pay in Washington D.C.

"The fall of the Iraqi cities of Fallujah, Tikrit, Mosul and Tel Afar, 
and the establishment of terrorist safe havens across a large swath of 
the Arab world, present a strategic threat to the security of the 
United States. Mr. Obama's actions—before and after ISIS's recent 
advances in Iraq—have the effect of increasing that threat."

'The Collapsing Obama Doctrine'
Wall Street Journal: 

On 6/18/2014 7:29 AM, wleed3 WLeed3@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Fwd: FP's Situation Report: WH backing away from airstrikes for now; Baghdad's fight against ISIS online; Few details on the Benghazi suspect captured; An FP report sparks a UN inv

2014-06-19 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Yes, you need to say more. Do you agree or disagree with his statement? And 

On Thursday, June 19, 2014 12:21 AM, " [FairfieldLife]" 


The article is written by Dick (I know where the WMDs are) Cheney.

Need I say more?


---In,  wrote :

The problem with air strikes is
collateral damage. And, drones can't be used for sustained attack
like war planes can. 

Sure you can strike a column of Sunni insurgents forming a convoy
on the highway or out in the open, but once they get into the
towns and villages and Baghdad itself, you've got a grappling
situation. That's when you need the Special Forces to move in. 

Apparently there are over 5,000 personnel to evacuate from Baghdad
and a protection force of just 250 U.S. soldiers. That's not
nearly enough to guard such a large embassy compound - the
evacuation may have already started. If the Americans don't get
safely there's going to be hell to pay in Washington D.C.

"The fall of the Iraqi cities of Fallujah, Tikrit, Mosul and Tel
Afar, and the establishment of terrorist safe havens across a
large swath of the Arab world, present a strategic threat to the
security of the United States. Mr. Obama's actions—before and
after ISIS's recent advances in Iraq—have the effect of increasing
that threat."

'The Collapsing Obama Doctrine'
Wall Street Journal:

>On 6/18/2014 7:29 AM, wleed3 WLeed3@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Amazon 3d with Nokia maps!

2014-06-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]

Surely you jest. 
Can't get everything in Fairfield? Why how can that be?

It's the epicenter of all the laws of nature.
Things should just fall into your hands. 

However, we all know how those unevolved hominids in the outside world inhibit 
the field of all possible fulfillment ... at least until the Kalki comes to 
kill them all. 

Huh. Must be the goons are waiting for liberation back into quiescence. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: How Iraq Can Win Against ISIS

2014-06-19 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
 Of course people can evolve. However, many trying swimming *up* stream with a 
heavy load of chains instead of gently floating down stream. 

On Wednesday, June 18, 2014 6:41 PM, " [FairfieldLife]" 


This is a good OT perspective of the origin of the Arab people.  But one can 
say that what is happening there is representative of the human condition.  Is 
it possible for humans to evolve from this basic level of consciousness to a 
higher level of consciousness as discussed by MMY?

---In,  wrote :

If you're looking for Biblical stories describing what's going on, also look to 
the story of Abraham. His first son, Ishmael, born of Sarah's hand servant 
Hagar, an Egyptian woman, was a trouble maker in the clan. Hagar insisted 
Ishmael receive the first born inheritance of Abraham. Sarah insisted that that 
was meant for Isaac, her son born years later and be one of the founding 
fathers of the Jews. Sarah convinced Abraham to caste out Hagar and Ishmael. 
God blessed Hagar and Ishmael was to be the father of a great people( the 
Arabs), However they would have that spirit of being trouble makers, always 
arguing and fighting among themselves. The Saudi royal family claims to trace 
their ancestory back to Ishmael.

On Wednesday, June 18, 2014 2:16 PM, "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 


There's a perpetual cycle of violence involved in the Middle East culture. You 
can trace this trend back to the Biblical times.  Is this the karmic 
characteristic of the people there?

Nonetheless, the Pope attributed the religious violence there to 
fundamentalism.   This is the fanatical belief that one's interpretation of the 
sacred book, whether Jewish, Christian or Islamic, is the only truth.

IMO, there is an underlying motive to the violence there.  It's not only 
fundamentalism, but it's the struggle for power and money cloaked under the 
cloth of religion.

This could be the reason why the Bible had the story of the Flood, which states 
that God was angry with the type of people that populated the earth at that 
time.  So, except for the family of Noah, He
destroyed the earth by water.  That's something to think about.  Hello, global 

---In,  wrote :

I heard on the news, from a soldier serving in the Middle East, that they count 
on creating at least two enemies, for every one killed. So the short term 
slaughters may help briefly, until the family and community of the slain 
fighter gets involved.

---In,  wrote :

Obama and his generals most likely have already thought of this strategy. If 
not, they should be fired. Here are the steps:

1.  When ISIS start the attack of Baghdad, let the Kurds from the north take 
over the town of Mosul to cut-off the supply route of ISIS.  Also, let the 
Kurds seal off the main border town next to Syria to prevent any reinforcements 
of ISIS.

2.  Request Assad to attack the ISIS stronghold in Syria.

3.  Request Iran to patrol its borders to ward-off any insurgents to infiltrate 
Iraq from the east.  If need be, their troops can move in to towns east of 
Baghdad if ISIS attack from the east.

4.  Have the American special forces monitor the Iraqi troops in Baghdad to 
make sure that they hold their positions and fight ISIS who should be attacking 
from the main route to Mosul.

5.  Have American drones patrol the movements of the insurgents in the main 
highway from Mosul.

6.  Have American warplanes attack the ISIS convoy during their siege of 

The main idea is to isolate the attacking forces of the insurgents and be 
pummeled by American aerial attacks and bombings.  IMO, this would demoralize 
the insurgents and flee for cover.  A victory against the insurgents will 
definitely boost the morale of the Iraqi people and its government.


[FairfieldLife] The new civilization

2014-06-19 Thread nablusoss1008
by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme,At the beginning of this New Age 
which is dawning it is difficult for many to imagine the kind of civilization 
and culture which will grace the succeeding centuries. Most attempts to do so 
remain enmeshed in a materialistic vision; seldom does one see the effort made 
to embody the aspiration of mankind for a life of spiritual meaning and 

 Let us try to envisage the future in terms of the new civilization and 
culture. Soon, the first steps will be taken in the direction of the new 
dispensation. Soon, the new signposts will be set, indicating the way ahead for 
humanity. At first, the changes will be gradual but eventually, in quickening 
momentum, all will be re-fashioned.
 Let us consider the nature of the elements which will make up the new 

 The outstanding attitude of the new time will be the attempt to create right 
relationships, to express goodwill. A massive shift in emphasis from the 
individual to the group will re-orientate humanity along more fruitful lines, 
and will reflect itself in the creation of structures more in keeping with the 
Plan of God. A further characteristic of the future time will be the desire to 
know better the nature of God and to come into closer relationship with that 
Divinity. From being peripheral to men’s lives, as is the case today, this aim 
will become paramount in the lives of millions. Accompanying this new approach 
to God will be a new reverence for all manifestations of life, thus bringing 
men into better alignment with the subhuman kingdoms. This new sense of 
responsibility for the lower kingdoms will speed their evolution and so serve 
the Plan.

 Before long, a new approach to science will open the way for a complete 
re-adjustment in men’s attitude to the Reality in which we live. The new 
science will show humanity that all is One, that each fragmented part of which 
we are aware is intimately connected with all others, that that relationship is 
governed by certain laws, mathematically determined, and that within each 
fragment is the potential of the Whole. This new knowledge will transform men’s 
experience of the world and of each other and confirm for them the truth that 
God and man are One. Thus, the new science will demonstrate man’s divinity and 
will lead to the establishment of the New World Religion. The ancient schism 
between religion and science will be healed and a new impulse given to man’s 
spiritual growth.
 In this fertile climate, the hidden psychic powers of man will unfold 
naturally and the vast potential of the human mind will conquer space and time 
and control the energies of the universe itself. The resources of the human 
spirit are unlimited. In a crescendo of revelation, the glory of the unseen 
worlds will be revealed to man’s astonished gaze and the full magnitude of the 
divine creation will be realized.
 All this awaits man as he stands on the verge of the Aquarian experience. The 
waters of life of Aquarius, channelled to him by the Christ, will awaken in him 
his dormant divine consciousness and show him to be the God he is. Under the 
wise guidance of the Christ and His Brothers, man will attain the full stature 
of revealed divinity which is his birthright, did he but know it.

 Stage by stage, century following century, man will build a civilization which 
will demonstrate his growing manifestation of divinity; a culture in which the 
beauty of the divine creation will be expressed in all its aspects, a mirror in 
which the Divine Idea will be reflected in all its glory.

 Thus will man take his true place in the scheme of things under the Divine 
Plan. Thus, under the inspiration of the Christ, will he transform this world – 
separated by fear, dogma and hate – into that in which the Law of Love governs, 
in which all men are brothers, in which all that pertains to the divine nature 
engages man’s attention and controls his life. Thus will man’s dreams of 
divinity be realized, his potential be achieved, his destiny fulfilled.

 The new civilization written by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme in 1982 
is particularly apt at this time and fits well with the Compilation in this 
issue, hence our decision to reprint it with the Master’s approval. As readers 
will note in the introduction to the Compilation the world can now be said to 
be definitely in the Age of Aquarius.
 [This article from Share International magazine, May 2014 , is by a senior 
member of the Hierarchy of Masters of Wisdom. His name, well-known in esoteric 
circles, is not yet being revealed. Benjamin Creme, a principal spokesman about 
the emergence of Maitreya, is in constant telepathic contact with this Master 
who dictated his article to him.] Articles by the Master 
 Articles by the Master 
The main purpose of this web site is to present 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Chopra's Consciousness Challenge....

2014-06-19 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 6/19/2014 1:18 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

Let's put it this way - the existence of consciousness can't been
demonstrated by physical ontology because consciousness is a
spiritual ontology. 

Which is another way of saying you'd just rather not think about
it. Or at least will refuse to be happy with the answer.

Neuroscience doesn't have much to say about spiritual cosmology. Renes 
Descarte believed the physical body was separate from the mind, thus 
creating a mind-body dualism. In contrast, the ancient Indians had a lot 
to say about spiritual cosmology. They postulated that /consciousness is 
a process of self-awareness/. And, consciousness is also a way of 
knowing and being intentional.

According to the early Buddhists (before the schism) adherents of the 
so-called Consciousness Only school believed that consciousness was the 
only reality - everything else was just an appearance, not real, yet not 
unreal either. The authors of the Upanishads worked out a philosophical 
system that was light-years ahead of Western speculation about the 
mystery of consciousness.

And, the yogins of ancient India supplemented the philosophy with yoga - 
a method to experience pure consciousness. According to Eliade, yoga is 
native to India and appears nowhere else in world civilizations. The 
idea of a transcendental field that can be known through free will is 
apparently unique to South Asia.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Chopra's Consciousness Challenge....

2014-06-19 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
I agree, Steve, it's a pleasure simply to read such writing. I also enjoyed 
what you shared about the MIU math course, which I had totally forgotten!

On Wednesday, June 18, 2014 10:15 PM, " [FairfieldLife]" 

Shit! It's nice to see a well reasoned argument.  I mean I don't know if it's 
the final word, or even accurate, but is sure sounds well thought out!

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

salyavin, why do we have to start with simplicity? It's an assumption that 
everyone seems to have. But those are often the best ones to question, aren't 

I don't think it's just an assumption, more an argument with weight behind it. 
The universe started with the simplest element, hydrogen, and via stellar 
processes gradually created elements capable of forming more complex entities. 
This much we know.

If something had started off as complex then what would have been the decision 
maker in what complexity it was going to have? Take all the stuff that makes up 
you - mostly water and a handful of stuff but arranged in such a complex way 
there is probably only one or two ways of arranging it that makes something 
living let alone something we'd recognise as you.

A great many slightly simpler version of you (and all people) were required as 
a base for the next stage, all the way back to plankton and beyond to carbon 
molecules etc. To have Share suddenly appear fully formed would be too huge a 
step for it to have happened on its own without arousing serious suspicion. And 
it's the same with the universe, if it had gone straight from the big bang to 
anything other than subatomic particles (which really aren't anything much but 
have great potential) a casual observer later on (like us) might get 

It's either a step by step  process or there has to be something involved in 
design and planning and that kind of negates the idea of creation because if it 
needs intelligence to do it then the intelligence must have come first. 
Intelligence by it's nature is complex. 

On Wednesday, June 18, 2014 1:55 AM, salyavin808  


---In,  wrote :


You're absolutely correct.  For the same reason, Hawking and Krauss concluded 
that the universe created itself.  How absurd can you get?

What they actually say is that it didn't need a creator as there are known 
physical principles that can mean matter and space are self creating. It didn't 
"create" itself in any sort of "this bit goes here" sort of way, you would need 
intelligence and planning for that which is why god concepts of whatever stripe 
don't explain creation because they would have to be around before. You have to 
start with simplicity.

---In,  wrote :

On 6/17/2014 7:40 PM, jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

>Many of the popular physics writers, like Hawking and
Krauss, don't believe in including consciousness in their
cosmological theories.  If they did, they'd realize that
their assumptions about the beginning of the universe to
be illogical and wrong.
Apparently there is nothing in physics that indicates that there
should be a human consciousness. Go figure.

>---In,  wrote :
>Worth a read.
Woomeister Chopra challenges science to explain
consciousness with a Randi style prize. The money
suggests he feels confident that there is no
scientific solution to the hard problem of
consciousness- in the same way that James Randi
feels confident there is no paranormal.
>The trouble for
Chopra is that, while no one has managed to
demonstrate even a tiny morsel of magical powers, we
know quite a lot about consciousness already. 
>Here's hoping
for a swift solution to the hard problem as he's one
bullshit artist I'd like to see with some egg on his
face. And a million bucks would be a lot of egg.
Chopra embarrasses himself by offering a
million-dollar prize
>   Deepak
Chopra embarrasses himself by offering
a million-... 
>I realize now that Chopra's
affliction with Maru's Syndrome—the
condition described by Dr. Maru as "When
I see a box, I cannot help but enter"—is
>View on whyevolutionistrue.wor...  Preview by Yahoo  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Do Purusha(s) Have Agency (the capacity to "act")

2014-06-19 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
But Richard, the entire Gita is the Lord telling Arjuna to act! Krishna is not 
telling the gunas to act! In fact He's telling Arjuna to be without the gunas 
and act! 

Maybe we can agree that it's a paradox...

On Wednesday, June 18, 2014 9:54 PM, "'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

On 6/17/2014 8:43 PM, Share Long [FairfieldLife] wrote:

>SoundofStillness, I used the concordance to Maharishi's Gita translation and 
>checked the references under "effort." Chapter 4, vs 12 to 15 seem useful wrt 
>to your question. In vs 12, Maharishi makes the point that animals depend on 
>the force of evolution to move upward. But humans have freedom of action and 
>therefore development "depends upon how he acts and what he does." Also in vs 
>12 Maharishi introduces the idea that the Lord gives rise to all action AND at 
>the same time is separate from it. this is elaborate on in the next few verses.
According to MMY in CBG: "The authorship of action does not in
reality belong to the "I". It is a mistake to understand that "I" do
this, "I" experience this and "I" know this. All action is performed
by the three gunas born of Nature." - MMY on BG - V: 14; 1967, p.

The implications of these passages indicate that the nature of the
mind is appreciated as it is, separate from activity. The "goal" of
TM does not consist in achieving anything or reaching anything, but
simply in recognizing what already is the case, that the "I" is
essentially uninvolved with activity. Here, the ONLY criterion is
internal: the Self cognized as independent of action.

"But he who knows the truth about the divisions of the gunas and their actions, 
O mighty armed, knowing that it is the gunas which act upon the gunas, remains 
unattached." MMY on BG - V: 27; 1967, p. 220 

>On Tuesday, June 17, 2014 6:01 PM, "'Richard J. Williams' 
>[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:
>On 6/17/2014 1:07 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:
>>From my minimalist way of understanding, Shyam Ranganathan is suggesting, as 
>>he did in his translation and commentary of the Yoga sSutra that Purusha = 
>>Person indeed does have "Agency" according to the great philosopher Maharishi 
>>"The Sankhya Karika appears to
  state that it is nature that
  brings about freedom,  while
  Patañjali’s view seems to be
  that it is persons that are
  the explanation of  freedom (I
  write about this in my
  introduction to my
  translation). The relevant
  points of comparison are the
  Sankhya Karika 17, 44–45,
  62–64, where the person is 
>>described as irrelevant to the
  process of liberation, and
  Yoga Sutra I.21, IV.18,  and
  IV.29 where persons and their
  self improvement are treated
  as instrumental to liberation
  . . ."
>>"irrelevant to the process of
  liberation" sayest the Sankhya
>>"persons and their self
  improvement are treated as
  instrumental to liberation"
  sayest the Yoga Sutra
>>Letting go for a moment (or
  two) everything you've read,
  thought and talked about,
  concentrated on, contemplated
  . . . and based on your
  Person(al) experience of tens
  of thousands of hours of
  meditation, what sez you?
>>Do Purusha(s) = You have
  agency regarding their/Your
  realization, enlightenment and
>>Or as the Sankhya Karika and
  Vedanta suggest, from my
  understanding, Purusha,

[FairfieldLife] Re: Amazon 3d with Nokia maps!

2014-06-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I guess it's an ok phone for those who *really* like to dwell in the Amazon 
home world. I'm an Amazon Prime member (strictly for the free shipping) because 
we constantly buy stuff on Amazon that we can't get locally. But, I don't even 
use the Amazon mobile app, and I sure as hell wouldn't want an Android phone 
that has been proprietarily broken to not be able to install apps off the 
Google Play store. On top of all that, it only works on AT&T, which has 
terrible coverage in rural Iowa. 

 My prediction: a high-end smartphone price tag on a proprietary OS phone with 
limited app availability will make it a tiny niche player at best.

---In,  wrote :

[FairfieldLife] David Lynch Foundation Presents: Sky Ferreira

2014-06-19 Thread nablusoss1008
David Lynch Foundation Presents Sky Ferreira DJ Sets: Ladies Night, Vito 
Roccoforte (The Rapture), Plus Special Guests Wed, July 9, 2014 Doors: 8:00 pm 
/ Show: 9:00 pm Music Hall of Williamsburg Brooklyn, NY $25 advance / $30 day 
of show Tickets
 This event is 18 and over All proceeds support the David Lynch Foundation

 The non-profit David Lynch Foundation funds Transcendental Meditation (TM) 
programs for at-risk students; veterans

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fake Gurus

2014-06-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Yes they are part of the meditating community here. Dennis and his wife are 
some of the nicest people in all of Fairfield. Rick ought to interview them for 
Buddha at the Gas Pump. -Buck in the Dome

 In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :
 Cool - I wonder if he still eats chocolate ice cream? If you see him, please 
give him my thanks, Rick, and at $65, what a bargain!!

 In, rick@... wrote : 
 Dennis lives a couple of blocks from me.

 Fleetwood writes:
   Yes, I had an excellent teacher, Dennis Greeley(sp?), a very gentle guy - I 
met him nearly twenty years later, in the early '90's, as we both rode a *very 
rickety* elevator, up the new TM building, then being renovated, in Washington, 
DC. He was eating chocolate ice cream, and laughing about something. On the 
course I was on, we had to be careful of the closets in our rooms, as they had 
no floors, and one could plummet several stories, if not careful. Thankfully, 
no one did -- restful alertness - lol

dhamiltony2k5@... mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :
 I cherish my relationship to my TM initiator and all that that connects me to. 
Jai Guru Dev, -Buck in the Dome
 TM teachers, anyone??


 Whoa there. For my own TM teacher, someone who had journey-ed to learn to 
teach this and come to the wilderness of the West,   I do puja to my TM 
initator every time I say or think, “Jai Guru Dev”.
 Jai Guru Dev,  -Buck in the Dome

 Punditster agrees:


 Fleetwood writes: Many of the old texts that talk about this state of natural 
freedom are not useful for modern times, and householders, so it is a fun time, 
now, to see the truth or otherwise, of these early texts on enlightenment. 
Equally satisfying is being able to quickly put the lie to those who would keep 
enlightenment shadowy and vague, so as to exploit others for their desire for 
it. Or pointing out those making a mountain of their puny experiences, as a few 
have here, on FFL - ex-TM teachers, anyone??
  Ye are the salt of the earth. Mankind, lying in ignorance and wickedness, 
were as a vast heap, ready to putrify; but Christ sent forth his disciples, by 
their lives and doctrines to season it with knowledge and grace. If they are 
not such as they should be, they are as salt that has lost its savour. If a man 
can take up the profession of a Christ, and yet remain graceless, no other 
doctrine, no other means, can make him profitable. Our light must shine, by 
doing such good works as men may see. What is between God and our souls, must 
be kept to ourselves; but that which is of itself open to the sight of men, we 
must study to make suitable to our profession, and praiseworthy. We must aim at 
the glory of God [The Unified Field].  Matthew 5:13-16


 I feel they [hindoos] will be better off as they better incorporate science 
and the substantial spiritual experience of quiet time transcendent meditation 
in to their studies in secular public school education. Thank the Unified Field 
for the continuing good progress in broad science-based public education 
everywhere.  We will all be better off for it,  -Buck

 mjackson74 contends:

 I disagree with his final premise - a lot of them actually are gullible fools.
 Why Can't Hinduism Rid Itself of Fake Gurus?
 Reason is a libertarian monthly print magazine covering politics, culture, and 
ideas through a provocative mix of news, analysis, commentary, and reviews.

 View on

 Preview by Yahoo


 I feel they [hindoos] will be better off as they better incorporate science 
and the substantial spiritual experience of quiet time transcendent meditation 
in to their studies in secular public school education. Thank the Unified Field 
for the continuing good progress in broad science-based public education 
everywhere.  We will all be better off for it,  -Buck

 mjackson74 contends:

 I disagree with his final premise - a lot of them actually are gullible fools.
 Why Can't Hinduism Rid Itself of Fake Gurus?
 Reason is a libertarian monthly print magazine covering

Re: [FairfieldLife] While you all discuss weightier things...

2014-06-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Turqb, my sympathy to you on the loss of your friend/ companion/ partner. Those 
times become their own amazing grace in experience at the passing of the life 
form of even our pets or livestock. Is always sobering and makes one look 
inside all the further at life whilst we got it. Much love to you, -Buck

 In,  wrote :
 From: "Bhairitu noozguru@... [FairfieldLife]" 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Crop Circles 2014 - Gipsy Lane, Chilcomb Down, Hampshire

2014-06-19 Thread nablusoss1008
It was first spotted on the anniversary of the D-Day in June 2014 and in morse 
codes reads: No More War

---In,  wrote :

 Oooh, just up the road from me. 

 I'd go and have a look but to me it looks like a bike chain and therefore 
probably not the work of the space brothers, unless they're here for the start 
of the Tour de France which sets off in Yorkshire this year for some reason.


---In,  wrote :

[FairfieldLife] The Ecumenical Strike Back

2014-06-19 Thread salyavin808
Evolution's Achilles' Heels World Premiere Trailer 
 Evolution's Achilles' Heels World Premiere Trail... Join us for the 
world premiere of Evolution's Achilles' Heels on October 17, 2014 in Atlanta, 
GA. Register at
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 15 PHD's! It must be true Or maybe that underlines the old saying that no 
matter how preposterous an idea is you'll find someone with qualifications who 
will support it. 

 Shame they disabled comments on the video but people like this aren't 
interested in debate, it's dogma or nothing. I look forward to the movie - if 
it actually exists

[FairfieldLife] Las mejores caidas en televisión en vivo..

2014-06-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Las Meteduras de Pata Más Embarazosas en Televisión (VIDEOS DE RISA) - Best TV 
Bloopers & TV Fails 
 Las Meteduras de Pata Más Embarazosas en Televisión... SUBSCRIBE / SUSCRÍBETE ! → 
Best News Bloopers & TV Fails Ever ! Las meteduras de pata y los momentos mas 
embarazosos prot...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Amazon 3d with Nokia maps!

2014-06-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]

Re: [FairfieldLife] Fwd: FP's Situation Report: WH backing away from airstrikes for now; Baghdad's fight against ISIS online; Few details on the Benghazi suspect captured; An FP report sparks a UN inv

2014-06-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 The article is written by Dick (I know where the WMDs are) Cheney.

 Need I say more?



---In,  wrote :

 The problem with air strikes is collateral damage. And, drones can't be used 
for sustained attack like war planes can. 
 Sure you can strike a column of Sunni insurgents forming a convoy on the 
highway or out in the open, but once they get into the towns and villages and 
Baghdad itself, you've got a grappling situation. That's when you need the 
Special Forces to move in. 
 Apparently there are over 5,000 personnel to evacuate from Baghdad and a 
protection force of just 250 U.S. soldiers. That's not nearly enough to guard 
such a large embassy compound - the evacuation may have already started. If the 
Americans don't get safely there's going to be hell to pay in Washington D.C.
 "The fall of the Iraqi cities of Fallujah, Tikrit, Mosul and Tel Afar, and the 
establishment of terrorist safe havens across a large swath of the Arab world, 
present a strategic threat to the security of the United States. Mr. Obama's 
actions—before and after ISIS's recent advances in Iraq—have the effect of 
increasing that threat."
 'The Collapsing Obama Doctrine'
 Wall Street Journal: 
 On 6/18/2014 7:29 AM, wleed3 WLeed3@... mailto:WLeed3@... [FairfieldLife] 