[FairfieldLife] Post Count Sun 20-Nov-16 00:15:14 UTC

2016-11-19 Thread FFL PostCount ffl.postco...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 11/19/16 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 11/26/16 00:00:00
10 messages as of (UTC) 11/19/16 23:59:43

  3 yifuxero
  2 jr_esq
  2 hepa7
  1 ultrarishi 
  1 dhamiltony2k5
  1 'Rick Archer' rick
Posters: 6
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US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
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[FairfieldLife] New Cardinals

2016-11-19 Thread yifux...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
17 new Cardinals were appointed by the Pope.  Are any of them members of FFL?  
After their appointments, they gathered together and had a meeting with the 
previous Pope (Benedict).

  Pope Francis names 17 new cardinals of Roman Catholic Church - BBC News 
 Pope Francis names 17 new cardinals of Roman Catholi... 
http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-38038501 Pope Francis names 17 new 
cardinals from around the world, many of whom will help name his successor.
 View on www.bbc.com http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-38038501 
 Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Call to Spiritual Order,Rally Now to Meditation!

2016-11-19 Thread yifux...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Thx, the case of a connection between Transcendence and compassionate 
humanitarianism, perhaps can be undermined or even dismissed from a 
Neo-Advaitic viewpoint by saying that Transcendence alone does not imply any 
particular action.
 However, recent research coming from several areas does indeed bolster the 
connection between Transcendence (if done by enough people) and Global Peace.; 
but I must object to the idea that MMY made those connections.
 The new argument can be bolstered by merging 3  sources:  1. Sam Harris, 2. 
The polyvagal axis theory, and 3. the brain's production of Oxytocin, which is 
part of (2).
 First, from Neurophysiologist Harris:  (a reasoned hypothesis) That silent 
medication may lead to increased awareness which leads to Empathy for others 
(an ability to feel what others are feeling, in some way).  Finally, the 
increased ability to Empathize leads to what the Buddhists call Compassion 
(related to the love concept but slightly different).

 2. Second, the Polyvagal axis, already covered on this forum.  Thx Doug for 
introducing this to the forum..
 3. The measurement of Oxytocin output after the subject engages in various 
experimental activities.  Oxytocin is the body's "Love molecule".  For example, 
petting animals might stimulate hormone.  High up on the list of activities 
that generate an Oxy response is Compassionate meditation: (silent meditation 
coupled with a feeling of Compassion).
 Therefore the missing ingredient not emphasized by MMY to any great extent is 

 Shalom Aleichem

[FairfieldLife] Entertainment: riddles in the Rgveda!

2016-11-19 Thread he...@hotmail.com [FairfieldLife]
Rgveda I 35, 6 (Savitri)

 tisro dyaavaH; savitur dvaa upasthaam,
 ekaa yamasya bhuvane viraSaaT.
 aaNiM na rathyam amRtaadhi tasthur:
 iha braviitu, ya u tac ciketat.

 padapaaTha ( = without [external] sandhi, euphonic combination of words)

 tisraH dyaavaH; savituH dvau upasthaa,
 ekaa yamasya bhuvane viraSaaT.
 aaNim na rathyam amRtaa adhi tasthuH:
 iha braviitu, yaH uum iti tat ciketat.

 Macdonell's translation:

 (There are) three heavens: two (are) the laps
 of SavitR, one, overcoming men, (is) in the abode of Yama.
 All immortal things rest (on him) as on the axle-end of a car:
 let him who may understand this, tell it here.

 From M's comment:

 The interpretation of this stanza is somewhat difficult; for it
 is meant, as the last paada indicates, as an enigma (like several
 others in the RV).

[FairfieldLife] Re: ivanka trump

2016-11-19 Thread ultrarishi

[FairfieldLife] Adyashanti and Susanne Marie on the Falling Away of Self: New Interview on Buddha at the Gas Pump - 11/18/2016

2016-11-19 Thread 'Rick Archer' r...@searchsummit.com [FairfieldLife]



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Updates from 

Buddha at the Gas Pump

New interview posted 11/18/2016:

*   371. Adyashanti and Susanne Marie on the Falling Away of Self - Buddha 
at the Gas Pump



 371. Adyashanti and Susanne Marie on the Falling Away of Self - Buddha at the 
Gas Pump

By Rick Archer on Nov 15, 2016 09:14 am

Join Susanne Marie and Adyashanti in an exploration about an often 
misunderstood subject. Beyond the traditional landing places that mind creates 
(commonly discussed in non-dual circles), lies an indescribable landscape of 
living as pure, direct experiencing. Prior to this opening, …  

 Continue reading →

The post  

 371. Adyashanti and Susanne Marie on the Falling Away of Self appeared first 

 Buddha at the Gas Pump.


 Read in browser »

Recent Interviews:


 370. Thomas Beck, Ph.D. and Janet Colli, Ph.D. - Buddha at the Gas Pump

 369. Michael A. Rodriguez - Buddha at the Gas Pump

 368. Ted Zeff on Highly Sensitive People - Buddha at the Gas Pump

 367. Ted Zeff (Dayalu) on Amma - Buddha at the Gas Pump

 366. David Spangler - Buddha at the Gas Pump 





















Copyright © 2016 Buddha at the Gas Pump, All rights reserved.
Regular announcement of new interviews posted at http://batgap.com.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Call to Spiritual Order,Rally Now to Meditation!

2016-11-19 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 Yes, the Domes in Fairfield quite evidently are activating places spiritually 
too like these places are for an individual or collective.  There certainly is 
a reality to that. Like sitting in gathered Quaker meetings meditating In 
effect wages peace as place more profoundly founded in what is a silence of 
their spiritual processes. Waging Peace now given these agitated and divided 
times, the imperative seems to rise as we come to know more. This becomes like 
a duty.  Duty for those who know how to pursue and wage radical peace 
spiritually. To the call..to help,  


 Yifuxero writes:
 On the topic of group vs solitary meditation, having meditated in Charlie 
Lutes' group, the Shakti was quote powerful, but so was meditating alone in the 
SIMS initiation rooms.  But positively the MOST powerful Shakti site I've been 
in was the Ramakrishna Vedanta Temple in Hollywood, CA.

 Thx Jim, another great essay on your part that I agree with. I've come up with 
a hypothesis that moral values (as a set of ethics, a major branch of 
philosophy), can ultimately be derived from Game Theory.  Some of the results 
can be duplicated with a computer, but given the limited power of computers, we 
would have to speculate on an overall conclusion with large numbers of people..
 Take tribal behavior.  There's an optimum population which gives rise to a 
cohesive tribe (I believe it's approximately 150 people).  Too little, and the 
members can't come together to formulate (not consciously), game-theoretic 
rules which enhance tribal survival.  Division of labor for example. With too 
many people, the tribe may break off into sects that ultimately war against 
each other.  The more simplistic outcomes can be programmed using game theory, 
matching what we observe.

 On the topic of Transcendence, I've come up with a new Koan: "Before 
Enlightenment, an asshole chopping wood and carrying water.  After 
Enlightenment, as asshole chopping wood and carrying water".  Thijs doesn't 
apply to you.  I'm thinking of people like Adi Da, but that's a judgment on my 
 On the topic of group vs solitary meditation, having meditated in Charlie 
Lutes' group, the Shakti was quote powerful, but so was meditating alone in the 
SIMS initiation rooms.  But positively the MOST powerful Shakti site I've been 
in was the Ramakrishna Vedanta Temple in Hollywood, CA.

 Shalom Aleichem



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 War is evil, and the moral equivalent of war is evil. You are using the wrong 

 If meditation brings peace, it is the antithesis of war, and of evil. It does 
not achieve its results by conflict, but by stilling conflict.

 The universe shows no signs of morality. Morality does not come from the gods. 
It is a derivative of social communal interaction for the common good. It comes 
from us.

 The peace of meditation enhances the morality of those already inclined in 
that direction, but there are many, many long time meditators that show no 
sense of moral value at all. 

 Meditation makes what already exists better defined and understood, but it 
does not change reality, it reveals reality.

 Maharishi's World Plan does not appear in any way to have been a success 
except within individual minds. The world is still in as much turmoil now as it 

 Look at what happened in the tale of the Bhagavad-Gita. Arjuna gains supreme 
knowledge, and yet he saved, in essence, no one, and was a major agent in 
destroying everyone involved in that conflict.

 As a social grace, those that like to meditate together is fine for them. It 
brings a feeling of security in numbers. But the goal is self-sufficiency and 
that means to achieve the same security without those numbers behind your back.

 Every spiritual organization that has ever proclaimed a heaven on Earth has 
never achieved that goal. Inside their little group maybe, but outside, the 
same old chaos and divisiveness.

 It is a nice thought though. Simply repeating the same refrain does not a 
heaven make, it means something is stuck and cannot move on.

 "What we mean by intelligence is the thing we do that ensures that the problem 
is efficiently solved and in a way that makes it appear effortless. And 
stupidity is a set of rules that we use to ensure that the problem will be 
solved in longer than chance or never and is nevertheless pursued with alacrity 
and enthusiasm." —David Krakauer*


 *David Krakauer is President and William H. Miller Professor of Complex 
Systems at the Santa Fe Institute. His research explores the evolution of 
intelligence on earth. This includes studying the evolution of genetic, neural, 
linguistic, social and cultural mechanisms supporting memory and information 
processing, and exploring their generalities.




 From: "dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Friday, November 18, 2016 11:42 AM
 Subject: Re: [Fa

[FairfieldLife] Circle of crime??

2016-11-19 Thread he...@hotmail.com [FairfieldLife]
