Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Price drop for learning advanced TM

2016-12-03 Thread [FairfieldLife]
To qualify for this special rate, and waiver, participants must agree to remain 
in Fairfield or Maharishi Vedic City and regularly attend group program in the 
Golden Domes or another specified group program venue (such as the Ideal Life 
Assembly campus) for 18 months after the course.

---In,  wrote :



 Jr. asks:

 Are you also required to learn the advanced techniques before a person can 
take the TM-Sidhi programme?

 Additionally, the requirement to learn four Advanced Techniques of the TM® 
program before taking the TM-Sidhi course is waived. (However, everyone is 
encouraged to learn at least two Advanced Techniques later, if time does not 
allow before the TM-Sidhi course.)

 New reduced course fees for Fairfield and Maharishi Vedic City residents New 
nationwide course fee for full-time students 

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Price drop for learning advanced TM
   Breaking News -- reduction in TM-Sidhi course fee


---In,  wrote :

 In Fairfield and Maharishi Vedic City the fee for adults has been cut in half, 
from $4000 to $2000. (The cost of staying in residence during the two-week 
“Flying Block” is additional. This is typically around $1000 at MUM and has not 
---In,  wrote :

 New nationwide course fee for full-time students


 For full-time students, the fee is now $2,000 (plus the cost of staying in 
residence during the “Flying Block”). This new rate for students applies 






[FairfieldLife] Spiritual Quaker Group Ordering

2016-12-03 Thread [FairfieldLife]
 Yes, not liturgy but these were value rules for membership such that members 
and the group community could have the time and the resources to be able to 

 You can read these guidelines which they referred to as 'queries' and see that 
they were practical and particularly clear about keeping personal overheads low 
enough that people should have the time and resources to regularly meditate, 
and not just be working all the time to support standards of livings to an 
exclusion of essential spiritual practice.
 It was a value based community where ethics or morality either individually or 
of the group was about facilitating the primacy of a cultivating meditation 
practice in life. These acknowledged communal values were to dissuade an 
agitation of what should otherwise be weakening in an ability to be attending 
members in the Society from what are excessive lifestyles inhibiting an ability 
to participate. Pretty straight forward early on. 
 The Quakers (The Society of Friends) up to the earlier 19th Century were more 
essentially a transcending meditationist group (Quietist or what Giovanni is 
coining as ‘effortless presence’ meditation ). They were organized to an extent 
where the ‘Quaker Meeting’ organization was more particularly about 
facilitating 'group meditations' of their day. Quaker Meetings then were 
something like what we could see today in satsang meditation groups, ashram 
communities, or some yoga studios in organization, facilitating spiritual 
practice for people. Early Quakers were not then known so much for what has 
come to be their social-justice work now as their meditative spiritual practice 

 The Quaker 'queries' then were used like acknowledged expectations of a 
membership in the likes of a spiritual practice ashram organization. 

 In their historical narrative Quakers in their early days became a membership 
organization of a necessity to protect and order themselves as a group of 
people. Something that came into effect for ordering what was a large a growing 
spiritual practice movement was the reading out, at least annually, of 
'queries' that were a series of statements for membership to consider within 
the subordinate orderings of affiliate Quaker Meetings. 


 Scroll to Appendix D
 Quaker Queries..

 Iowa History Project 
 Iowa History Project Iowa 
History Project  The Quakers of Iowa   By   
Louis Thomas Jones ~~~*~~~ Appendix C   Rules and Regulations of the Stavanger 
Boarding School   
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 yifuxero writes:

 Thanks!I love those words of advice.  Part of the Quaker Liturgy, or 
perhaps words of wisdom from George Fox?

---In,  wrote :

 —Are Friends careful to live within the bounds of their circumstances, and to 
avoid involving themselves in business beyond their ability to manage; or in 
hazardous or speculative trade? Are they just in their dealings, and punctual 
in complying with their contracts and engagements; and in paying their debts 

 —Do Friends endeavor, by example and precept, in plainness of speech, 
deportment, and apparel?

 —Do Friends maintain a testimony against trading in goods taken in war; and 
against lotteries.

 And where any give reasonable grounds for fear in these respects, is due care 
extended to them?
  —Is care taken to deal with offenders seasonably and impartially, 
and to endeavor to evince to those who will not be reclaimed, the spirit of 
meekness and love, before judgment is placed upon them?

---In,  wrote :

 Caravaggio, 1595, (Museum Syndicate):

 View on www.museumsyndica...
 Preview by Yahoo 



[FairfieldLife] Re: Charge of the Light Brigade

2016-12-03 Thread [FairfieldLife]
A 2 min reading.
 "The Charge of the Light Brigade" Alfred, Lord Tennyson (read by Tom O'Bedlam) 
 "The Charge of the Light Brigade" Alfred, Lord... His most famous poem - but he was 
forced to write it because he was Poet Laureate. Although memorable, its jaunty 
metre doesn't suit the topic. It provides a...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM and DMN!

2016-12-03 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 Evidently in more than ‘awakening’ spiritually, a further cultivation 
evidently is in what one can do with it.

 Interestingly, in SRF (Self-Realization Foundation, Yogananda’s teaching) they 
start with moral development in a study sequence of material and then in  the 
sequence students learn meditation.  These are deep meditators.  For them 
meditation is not just secular relief of stress but essential spiritual 
cultivation in the sequence in developing the human being.  

 Threefold, for instance Ammachi freely urges practitioners on in their 
cultivation of spiritual progress and incarnational embodiment essentially 
through: moral character development in a reading and study of elevated 
writings, cultivating spiritual practices of meditation, and thirdly being of 
self-less service to others, of help to others, actively.


 TM in a personality split can have a context background of religious cultural 
or spiritual scriptural teachings on the Maharishi Foundation side and then 
being entirely sciency and secular Quiet Time meditation (David Lynch 
Foundation) working with stressed at-risk populations in schools, business, 
with veterans, or in jails. 

 From the git-go TM does not have commensurate moral character cultivation in 
practice like can be seen in other spiritual practice programs. It stays mostly 
clear of ethics. The science chart they do offer on ‘morality’ is about 
improved “moral reasoning”, saying that TM ‘ers are better at ‘moral 
reasoning’.  In which direction it is unclear or not spoken to.  (Possibly 
observed behavioral dissonance in the group culture could indicate more study 
is needed.)

 Yogananda (middle 20th Century) in teaching cultivation of service to others,  
 “Charity is born of sympathy. By sympathy, a quality of Omnipresence, a person 
may transfer his consciousness to that within suffering men; and experience, as 
his own, their griefs and limitations.  It is then that the charitable desiree 
to offer help springs forth.  
 Selfishness cramps the omnipresent soul in a miserable prison of limiting 
material desires.  You should desire salvation so that you may give it to 
everyone else.  You should desire to drink God’s nectar of bliss so that you 
may share it with all.” -Paramahansa Yogananda 

 Giovanni in his own personal review of meditations evidently holds not much 
credibility out to SRF(Yogananda) or Ammachi though these are two substantial 
teachers of meditation with an influence on culture also in the parliament of 
the current marketplace.

  Karunamayi also urges people on, "..even the enlightened continue to meditate"


---In,  wrote :


 Archer Angel writing: then my mind has undergone a lot transformations in the 
last few years or so.
 ..the main difference now is the mind is far more silent even in activity so I 
can just sit and be silent even without meditating. 


 You hear this more commonly in meditating Fairfield. But then once you get 
good at meditating like this, the geography of the silence becomes more 
familiar in meditation and then what you can do/intent with it inside the human 
makeup of the larger spiritual system. Beyond just awakening this would be the 
cultivation of where the larger Fairfield meditating community has gone on with 
their Being. 

Being with the experience of, no-mantra-no-thought, Giovanni, proposes a third: 
Effortless Presence.
..with focus attention meditation and open-monitoring meditating.   
---In,  wrote :

 Giovanni writes saying, "..and I’m not here to create controversy." !


 "Is it for me? Personally I don’t feel comfortable advising anyone to try 
Transcendental Meditation anymore, especially if you are looking to go deep 
into meditation. To know more, check out this answer I wrote in Quora
 If you wish to try something similar, for a fraction of the cost or for free, 
have a look at NSR (above), or Mantra Meditation."


 23 Types of Meditation - Find The Best Techniques For You
 23 Types of Meditation - Find The Best Techniques For Yo... Learn several types of meditation, 
from Buddhism, Vedic, Christian and Chinese traditions. Read on different 
meditation techniques. Find the best for you.

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 



 Archer Angel writing:A sample of scientific research on mindfulness 
meditation, which is actually researched more than TM. The proprietary nature 
of TM teaching seems to restrict the possibilities of more directly comparative 
studies. The studies on TM are also mentioned.

 76 Scientific Benefits of Meditation | Live and Dare 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Charge of the Light Brigade

2016-12-03 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Charge of the Light Brigade, by Alfred, Lord Tennyson; published in 1854.
 Too bad they didn't have the ME back then. 
 Tennyson writes:
 "All that was left of them,
 Left of six hundred"

 The Charge of the Light Brigade 
 The Charge of the Light Brigade 
1. Half a league, half a league, Half a league onward, All in the valley of 
Death Rode the six hundred. "Forward, the Light Brigade! "Charge for the 
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Charge of the Light Brigade

2016-12-03 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Due to a miscommunication, the light cavalry under the Earl of Cardigan 
mistakenly confronted the Russian artillery, with heavy casualties among the 
Brits.  (Crimean War, 1854).


 Charge of the Light Brigade - Wikipedia 
 Charge of the Light Brigade - Wikipedia The Charge 
of the Light Brigade was a charge of British light cavalry led by Lord Cardigan 
against Russian forces during the Battle of Balaclava on 25 October ...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Post Count Sun 04-Dec-16 00:15:15 UTC

2016-12-03 Thread FFL PostCount [FairfieldLife]
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 12/03/16 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 12/10/16 00:00:00
14 messages as of (UTC) 12/03/16 23:48:37

  6 dhamiltony2k5
  4 yifuxero
  2 hepa7
  1 jr_esq
  1 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
Posters: 5
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Cardsharps

2016-12-03 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Thanks!I love those words of advice.  Part of the Quaker Liturgy, or 
perhaps words of wisdom from George Fox?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Price drop for learning advanced TM

2016-12-03 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 "..I have given you the key to the universe and you want an advanced 
technique?" - April 1977, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

 Jr. asks:

 Are you also required to learn the advanced techniques before a person can 
take the TM-Sidhi programme?

 Additionally, the requirement to learn four Advanced Techniques of the TM® 
program before taking the TM-Sidhi course is waived. (However, everyone is 
encouraged to learn at least two Advanced Techniques later, if time does not 
allow before the TM-Sidhi course.)

 New reduced course fees for Fairfield and Maharishi Vedic City residents New 
nationwide course fee for full-time students 

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Price drop for learning advanced TM
   Breaking News -- reduction in TM-Sidhi course fee


---In,  wrote :

 In Fairfield and Maharishi Vedic City the fee for adults has been cut in half, 
from $4000 to $2000. (The cost of staying in residence during the two-week 
“Flying Block” is additional. This is typically around $1000 at MUM and has not 
---In,  wrote :

 New nationwide course fee for full-time students


 For full-time students, the fee is now $2,000 (plus the cost of staying in 
residence during the “Flying Block”). This new rate for students applies 






[FairfieldLife] Re: TM and DMN!

2016-12-03 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Indeed!Sounds reasonable.
 (an anecdotal experience that's not true):
 Some friends and I planned on going to the movies.  Part of the group left 
early to stare at the screen 1 full hour before the movie started.  I came in 
later as the previews were being shown, and encountered my group of friends 
staring at the white screen.
 I said, "What in the blazes are you doing?"Don't you know the screen is 
white?  They replied, "this is so fascinating, we just love to stare at the 
white screen and talk amongst ourselves after it's shown, comparing notes."
 I, otoh, replied that there's just so much fascination possible with the white 
movie screen, and the whole purpose of going to a move (after realizing that 
the screen is white) to view the images on/as the screen, while not losing 
knowledge of the whiteness. The whiteness can be noted in the brain and 
forgotten,...then on to the continuing infinite evolving universe! 
 The foregoing anecdotal experience is not true, but might be in some alternate 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Price drop for learning advanced TM

2016-12-03 Thread [FairfieldLife]




 Are you also required to learn the advanced techniques before a person can 
take the TM-Sidhi programme?
---In,  wrote :

 In Fairfield and Maharishi Vedic City the fee for adults has been cut in half, 
from $4000 to $2000. (The cost of staying in residence during the two-week 
“Flying Block” is additional. This is typically around $1000 at MUM and has not 
---In,  wrote :

 New nationwide course fee for full-time students


 For full-time students, the fee is now $2,000 (plus the cost of staying in 
residence during the “Flying Block”). This new rate for students applies 



[FairfieldLife] Re: TM and DMN!

2016-12-03 Thread [FairfieldLife]


 Archer Angel writing: then my mind has undergone a lot transformations in the 
last few years or so.
 ..the main difference now is the mind is far more silent even in activity so I 
can just sit and be silent even without meditating. 


 You hear this more commonly in meditating Fairfield. But then once you get 
good at meditating like this, the geography of the silence becomes more 
familiar in meditation and then what you can do/intent with it inside the human 
makeup of the larger spiritual system. Beyond just awakening this would be the 
cultivation of where the larger Fairfield meditating community has gone on with 
their Being. 

Being with the experience of, no-mantra-no-thought, Giovanni, propose a third: 
Effortless Presence.
with focus attention and open-monitoring meditating.  

 Or, as Karunamayi urges people on, "..even the enlightened continue to 


---In,  wrote :

 Giovanni writes saying, "..and I’m not here to create controversy." !


 "Is it for me? Personally I don’t feel comfortable advising anyone to try 
Transcendental Meditation anymore, especially if you are looking to go deep 
into meditation. To know more, check out this answer I wrote in Quora
 If you wish to try something similar, for a fraction of the cost or for free, 
have a look at NSR (above), or Mantra Meditation."


 23 Types of Meditation - Find The Best Techniques For You
 23 Types of Meditation - Find The Best Techniques For Yo... Learn several types of meditation, 
from Buddhism, Vedic, Christian and Chinese traditions. Read on different 
meditation techniques. Find the best for you.

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 



 Archer Angel writing:A sample of scientific research on mindfulness 
meditation, which is actually researched more than TM. The proprietary nature 
of TM teaching seems to restrict the possibilities of more directly comparative 
studies. The studies on TM are also mentioned.

 76 Scientific Benefits of Meditation | Live and Dare
 76 Scientific Benefits of Meditation | Live and Dare Summary of the main scientific 
research on the benefits of meditation, covering the different types of 
meditation (Vipassana, TM, Yoga, Mindfulness, etc).

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 



 Archer Angel writing:An interesting article comparing mantra-based meditation 
with mindfulness meditation. Note the final paragraph.

 Mantra Practice vs. Mindfulness 
 Mantra Practice vs. Mindfulness Many 
people in the West get their first exposure to meditation through what is know 
as TM or Transcendental Meditation.

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 



 Archer Angel writing:

 That is rather interesting. It confirms my experience with TM versus other 
types when I started. 

 More recently however the experience is they are all similar but then my mind 
has undergone a lot transformations in the last few years or so. 

 The main difference now is the mind is far more silent even in activity so I 
can just sit and be silent even without meditating. 

 Basically as time goes on the contrasts of experience that a non-meditator or 
a new meditator experiences become less and less, although I think the time 
interval for this to occur varies a lot among individuals.

 My experience with the movement is they are not keen on making comprehensive 
comparisons with other meditations.

 From a scientific point of view, enlightenment is kind of undefined, 
consciousness is undefined, so designing an experiment that investigates what 
meditation is supposed to accomplish is currently impossible.

 So the tests are more superficial, such as levels of rest, or mental focus and 
some chemical changes in the blood.

 It is clear these other meditations do sometimes have a profound effect and 
result in enlightenment and that some take to them more easily than TM, but I 
do not think this is the majority case.

 I recall a newspaper article long ago where the author mentioned that people 
practicing TM found more success than with other types they tried. That was the 
case for me.

yifuxero writes:Thxhis phrase "all other types of meditation" only applies 
to the limited sample of the control group types, not literally "all types". No 
mention of Mindfulness.. No mention of Oxyt

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Price drop for learning advanced TM

2016-12-03 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
No faster way to grow-up than to spend three thousand dollars  and find out you 
still can't fly!

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Saturday, December 3, 2016 4:45 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Price drop for learning advanced TM
    Breaking News -- reduction in TM-Sidhi course fee

---In,  wrote :

   - In Fairfield and Maharishi Vedic City the fee for adults has been cut in 
half, from $4000 to $2000. (The cost of staying in residence during the 
two-week “Flying Block” is additional. This is typically around $1000 at MUM 
and has not changed.) 

---In,  wrote :

New nationwide course fee for full-time students

For full-time students, the fee is now $2,000 (plus the cost of staying in 
residence during the “Flying Block”). This new rate for students applies 

   #yiv8712159689 #yiv8712159689 -- #yiv8712159689ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
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[FairfieldLife] TM and Slush??

2016-12-03 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 Mårten Mickos (@martenmickos) | Twitter 
 Mårten Mickos (@martenmickos) | Twitter The 
latest Tweets from Mårten Mickos (@martenmickos). Silicon Valley Finn 
passionate about leadership and disruptive businesses in an open and dis...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 Mårten Mickos ‏@martenmickos 19h19 hours ago
 I felt an energy at Slush that I have never felt anywhere else - Loic le Meur 
@loic #slush16 hashtag on Twitter 
 #slush16 hashtag on Twitter On 
Dec 1 @remedygames tweeted: "If you are visiting Helsinki and @SlushH.." - read 
what others are saying and join the conversation.
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Price drop for learning advanced TM

2016-12-03 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Breaking News -- reduction in TM-Sidhi course fee

---In,  wrote :

 In Fairfield and Maharishi Vedic City the fee for adults has been cut in half, 
from $4000 to $2000. (The cost of staying in residence during the two-week 
“Flying Block” is additional. This is typically around $1000 at MUM and has not 
---In,  wrote :

 New nationwide course fee for full-time students


 For full-time students, the fee is now $2,000 (plus the cost of staying in 
residence during the “Flying Block”). This new rate for students applies 



[FairfieldLife] Re: Price drop for learning advanced TM

2016-12-03 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 In Fairfield and Maharishi Vedic City the fee for adults has been cut in half, 
from $4000 to $2000. (The cost of staying in residence during the two-week 
“Flying Block” is additional. This is typically around $1000 at MUM and has not 
---In,  wrote :

 New nationwide course fee for full-time students


 For full-time students, the fee is now $2,000 (plus the cost of staying in 
residence during the “Flying Block”). This new rate for students applies 



[FairfieldLife] Sleeping: left is right??

2016-12-03 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 This Is Why You Should Sleep on Your Left Side 
 This Is Why You Should Sleep on Your Left Side Everyone knows how important sleep 
is for keeping in good physical and mental health. However, how long you sleep 
is just as important as the way you sleep. ...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo