[FairfieldLife] Yagyga for Maharishi

2017-12-02 Thread rajawilliamsm...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Jai Guru Dev
Its my duty to have some expression to my intentions.   Having outlined the 
most important spiritual area on earth , effort  for yagyga, auspiciously in 
reference to this scared land ,  for Maharishi Mahesh Yogi would be an 
effective if not the most effective effort we can make today in our movement.  


2017-12-02 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
etc, while the profiling displays the ethnic diversity that is Fairfield it 
stops short at describing the range and depth of spiritual practice in the 



 Telecommuters are a relatively large percentage of the workforce: 13.53% of 
people work from home. While this number may seem small overall, as a fraction 
of the total workforce it is high relative to the nation.


 One of the benefits of Fairfield is that there is very little traffic. The 
average commute to work is 10.87 minutes, which is substantially less than the 
national average. 


 35.44% of adults in Fairfield have a bachelor's degree or even advanced 
degree.  ( A survey of the meditating community in the early 1990's found a 
third of meditators held an advanced degree and most had bachelor's degrees).


[FairfieldLife] Post Count Sun 03-Dec-17 00:15:09 UTC

2017-12-02 Thread FFL PostCount ffl.postco...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 12/02/17 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 12/09/17 00:00:00
5 messages as of (UTC) 12/02/17 11:10:08

  3 dhamiltony2k5
  1 jr_esq
  1 hepa7
Posters: 3
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Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Controversial monk and Dalai Lama aide replaced amid corruption accusations

2017-12-02 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
NPR had an interview recently about apologies with some good concise pointers 
from a scholar about types of apology.. 

 The interview observes (quoting:) “..that more than saying.. ‘Sorry’, any good 
apology should make clear that the wrongdoer will carry some of the pain. 
Serious coda. 

 Qualifier(s) cancels out sincerity (..if you felt hurt, ..if I have left you 
down, anything I might have.. )  "Might" is the operative word, Lerner says. 
Much like "if" and "but,"..obfuscating, gaslighting apologies really are 
good lessons about how not to apologize," Lerner says.

 Saying "I'm sorry" sounds good, but psychologist Harriet Lerner says it's 
actually not necessary.  
 Lerner says, "It's not the words 'I'm sorry' that heal or soothe the harmed 
party. What the harmed party wants and needs to hear is an emotionally packed 
corroboration of the reality that occurred: 'Yes, I get it. It was terrible. It 
was unconscionable. Your feelings make sense.' "  Good apologies are important, 
Lerner says, but they're not enough. Apologies do not excuse perpetrators from 
the consequences of their actions. And they do not compensate for a culture..

 Another important thing to remember while issuing an apology — any apology, 
Lerner adds — is not to ask for forgiveness.” 

 ..her new book is titled Why Won't You Apologize?: Healing Big Betrayals and 
Everyday Hurts 

A long time ago at the start of FairfieldLife as a Yahoo-group Rick drafted 
something that according to elements of this summary was pretty fair that could 
have been said as an apology by the TM admin back then.  Things might have gone 

 Back in Year-2001 this was published then about the Domes..



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Thanks, this article reads like holding a mirror up to things likewise that 
went on in TM here.  

 Evidently in Buddhism you have a process of humility that is for everyone.  
The DL just showed it, by not being above error, in understanding 
responsibility for his students, in modeling for his students, saying 
acknowledging this was an error and sorry in apology and then a thank you for 
all the students who brought this to his attention.  

 In TM fashion of guru-hinduism you get written out for bringing things like 
this out. 

 FFL 435631Re: What is Conscionable, in TM? 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :



[FairfieldLife] Re: YS II 22: what does 'naSTa' (~ nashta) refer to??

2017-12-02 Thread he...@hotmail.com [FairfieldLife]

 Hmmm... saaMkhya*-suutras (sankhya-sutras) give me the impression, that 
prakRti proper is actually the equilibrium (saamyaavasthaa [saamya-avasthaa: 
sameness-condition] of guNas) from which, by spontaneous sequential symmetry 
breaking(?) are born the 24 tattvas of saaMkhya (puruSa is the 25th), starting 
with mahat
 (mahaan) aka buddhi(?), the finest aspect of sattva:

 sattva-rajas-tamasaaM saamyaavasthaa prakRtiH, prakRter mahaan, mahato 
'hankaaro...blah, blah, blah.

 So, tamo-guNa would actually be the Higgs field - giving mass and inertia to 
stuff - whose excited state is the Higgs boson?? 


 * pertaining to number (saMkhya with a short first a-vowel)