[FairfieldLife] Re: Trump avoids criminal charges

2019-04-19 Thread nelsonriddle2...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
The present administration is different but was the only choice and has done 
fairly well
 at dealing with the disaster of  the previous one.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Vlodropians and diversity

2019-04-19 Thread jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
I don't believe the Muslim leader in the Netherlands is politically savvy.  The 
Muslims are clearly the minority population at this time.  I doesn't make sense 
politically to tell the Dutch to leave their country if they don't like 

 The Dutch people can very easily pass a law to kick the Muslims out of the 
Netherlands, their home land.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :




 Tunahan Kuzu, the political leader of the DENK party in the Netherlands, has 
caused some serious controversy, Dutch broadcaster NOS 
 “If they don’t like a changing Netherlands in which people with different 
cultures live… like in the city of Zaandam or the neighbourhood of Poelenburg, 
they should get lost,” Kuzu says in an interview.

[FairfieldLife] Trump avoids criminal charges

2019-04-19 Thread jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
But the Mueller report details the weaknesses of the Trump administration and 
style of leadership not necessary for a good  American government.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Paradigm Shiftings: Climate Change & the Consciousness Community

2019-04-19 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 A Message From the Future  With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 From email.. About Fairfield, Iowa.. 

 ..I didn't know all that was going on in Fairfield, Iowa, until I heard your 
mayor speak at Simpson College recently. I am really impressed.

 “Building and Sustaining a Vibrant Community”

 In Fairfield, Iowa, The three goals were to create a sustainability culture, 
green jobs, and sustainable community design. You can find the Fairfield 
Go-Green 2020 Strategic Plan here. 

 ..the city fathers in this liberal southeastern Iowa outpost 
http://www.fairfieldiowa.com/ unanimously adopted a Green Strategic Plan. Their 
vote was more than ceremonial: they also secured a state-funded grant to hire a 
sustainability coordinator, inventory their greenhouse gases, and create 
educational materials for residents. The new plan envisions everything from 
conserving energy to supporting local farms. Malloy, who’s been mayor since 
2001 and heads up a local oil company, says the environment-economy connection 
is clear. He hopes Fairfield’s ideas will catch on 
http://radishmagazine.com/stories/display.cgi?prcss=display&id=420248: “We want 
to create a model community, a virtual template that other small towns can 
adopt to create the same results.”




 An Awesome climate site, Climate Reanalyzer.. 

 https://climatereanalyzer.org/ https://climatereanalyzer.org/


 Survival Diet Is Better For the Planet.. people should eat less than 1 ounce 
of red meat a day and limit poultry and milk, too.
 Here's the environmental argument: Agriculture is responsible for up to 30 
percent of greenhouse gas emissions globally, and much of the emissions come 
from red meat production.

 A lot of land and water 
 are needed to grow the grains to feed the livestock. (About one-third of all 
the grain http://www.fao.org/faostat/en/#data/FBS produced globally is used as 
animal feed.)

 And, as the World Resources Institute estimates 
 producing beef uses 20 times the land and emits 20 times the emissions as 
producing beans, per gram of protein. By one estimate, if people in the U.S. 
switched from beef to beans 
https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10584-017-1969-1, this alone could 
get the U.S. more than halfway to the greenhouse gas reductions goals..

 "Many environmental systems and processes are pushed beyond safe boundaries by 
food production," concludes the new EAT-Lancet Commission report 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 ..The Green New Deal..
 The bill calls for a "10-year national mobilizations" toward accomplishing a 
series of goals that the resolution lays out.

 Among the most prominent, the deal calls for "meeting 100 percent of the power 
demand in the United States through clean, renewable, and zero-emission energy 
sources." The ultimate goal is to stop using fossil fuels entirely, as well as 
to transition away from nuclear energy.
 In very broad strokes, the Green New Deal legislation laid out by 
Ocasio-Cortez and Markey sets goals for some drastic measures to cut carbon 
emissions across the economy, from electricity generation to transportation to 
agriculture. In the process, it aims to create jobs and boost the economy.
 In that vein, the proposal stresses that it aims to meet its ambitious goals 
while paying special attention to groups like the poor, disabled and minority 
communities that might be disproportionately affected by massive economic 
transitions like those the Green New Deal calls for.

"upgrading all existing buildings" in the country for energy efficiency;
 working with farmers "to eliminate pollution and greenhouse gas emissions... 
as much as is technologically feasible" (while supporting family farms and 
promoting "universal access to healthy food");
 "Overhauling transportation systems" to reduce emissions — including expanding 
electric car manufacturing, building "charging stations everywhere," and 
expanding high-speed rail to "a scale where air travel stops becoming 
 A guaranteed job "with a family-sustaining wage, adequate family and medical 
leave, paid vacations and retirement security" for every American;
 "High-quality health care" for all Americans.
 Which is to say

[FairfieldLife] Vlodropians and diversity

2019-04-19 Thread he...@hotmail.com [FairfieldLife]



 Tunahan Kuzu, the political leader of the DENK party in the Netherlands, has 
caused some serious controversy, Dutch broadcaster NOS 
 “If they don’t like a changing Netherlands in which people with different 
cultures live… like in the city of Zaandam or the neighbourhood of Poelenburg, 
they should get lost,” Kuzu says in an interview.