[FairfieldLife] Re: Saving the Golden Domes

2019-05-26 Thread nelsonriddle2...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
wouldn't TB be a group designation like Baptist or politician and, not have to 
imply good or bad?

[FairfieldLife] Meanwhile in Canada: Bill C 16

2019-05-26 Thread he...@hotmail.com [FairfieldLife]

 https://youtu.be/L6Wx_1daQJM?t=2820 https://youtu.be/L6Wx_1daQJM?t=2820



[FairfieldLife] Re: Saving the Golden Domes

2019-05-26 Thread srijau
you have your own sect of one because calling someone tru-believer is nothing 
but an adhominem attack 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 “When the mind becomes filled with the love of sect it stands in the way of 
progress, for when a view is presented to the mind, on its own merits the love 
of sect immediately usurps the authority, and takes the judgement seat, and a 
decision, as it seems to its narrow judgement best, is pronounced. Under these 
circumstances, sect or the love of sect; being placed on God’s throne, how can 
a decision in accordance, with his unselfish nature be obtained, even if the 
judgement is pronounced by an apparently devoted child of God.   ..and without 
progress there is no hope of bettering the condition of man.”
 -Edwards Hicks ( 1780 – 1849).

 srijau responding,  you are the ad hominen attacker lying when someone says 
what you don't want to hear.

 repeatedly attacking people that did amazing great things in Fairfield and for 
the world, people who acted with great devotion to Maharishi and their fellow 
man and did great and beautiful and amazing things and you ad hominem them over 
and over when it serves no purpose at all anymore

 In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Conversing with apparatchik tru-believer folks about the problem of fund 
raising in the meditating community poses this ‘we don’t fit’ as defense in a 
kind of a ‘kill the messenger’ ad hominem refutation to idea in charity ratings 
to honest proficiency. I do appreciate in some their triggering on this in 
character as a communal problem that we have. 
 We could probably do better to sit down and really study the criterion these 
rating agencies use on non-profits and remediate whatever such as to come up to 
highest standards of transparency and governance that they look for.  Likely it 
is not enough to pay some accounting firm in Oskaloosa Iowa to provide some 
statements given a long memory out in the community of sums of $monies getting 
moved away and then around to other next most urgent projects, evidently at 
seeming whim.  
 Srijau defends: to suggest I am an apparatchik is a lie. I have no 
responsibility and I have no benefit from the organizations. If you want to be 
a liar, if that's who you are, your choice. 

 1/3 $million every year to keep the Domes open.
 3-4 $million additional donations needed to operate MUM annually
 18 $million endowment fund for the University

 45.5 $million annually for pundits/ Saraswati Brahmananda Trust .


The MSAE budget in Fairfield?

 A fair way to this is to satisfy truth using the standards in the algorithms 
of these charity rating services and the way they look at governance. It is not 
enough for our party apparatchiks to respond pleading some excuse that we don’t 
‘fit’ the evaluation.
 Gifting time or money, 
 "Don't just give. Figure out your goals first." 
 Make sure the charity is actually doing good. 
 Look for hard evidence. 

srijau@ offers: if you read the memoirs of people like Susan Shumsky it is 
obvious that people like Morris and Paterson were only  doing exactly what 
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi told them to do and nothing else.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The essential form of the .org ratings says a lot about trust.
 A decades long communal hurt here by the Morris-Patterson ‘administration’ of 
™ is evident throughout the ™ community here with the long stories of trails of 
money given altruistically to good cause only to have it scooped off of budgets 
and wired elsewhere.. 

 Asking around the old meditating community evidently a long collective 
experience around fundraising would be an impediment to success now.  That 
ought to be addressed directly. Where soliciting in groups of community ™ 
movement meditators for the $18 million for the university endowment, 2.3 
$million for the annual fund, or operating funds for MSAE, or now the $270k to 
keep the Domes open, too often the immediate response comes as.. “I’ll never 
give them another a nickel again!”. Hot communal hurt.  
 The phrase, "all politics is local" is a common phrase in U.S. politics 


 Without charity rating *stars*..?

 So, TM’s other units are charity ‘star-less’. 

 They don’t rate a Charity rating star? 


 Article from ConsumerReports..
 Understanding Charity Ratings - Consumer Reports 

[FairfieldLife] Re: In Satsanga Fairfield, Iowa

2019-05-26 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Dear Friends ~ It is a pleasure to let you know that Vaidya Krishna Raju, 
world-renowned Ayurvedic expert, will visit Fairfield May 27 - June 4. He will 
share his knowledge of authentic Ayurveda in a three-part course & small 
group/personal sessions. He will also visit Los Angeles and New York City while 
he is in the USA. Please tell everyone you know that Krishnaji is coming ~ it 
is a rare opportunity & not to be missed!
 Tuesday - Thursday May 28, 29 & 30 ~ 7:30 - 9:15 pm
At Fairfield Arts & Convention Center ~ Cambridge Room
 sharing the knowledge of authentic Ayurveda with our whole world family.  $25 
per session

 --In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Some Additional Meditation in Fairfield, Iowa 
 This week..
 Weekdays, Healing the Heart of America, 9am
 Monday, 7pm, Fairfield Blessing Circle,
 Tuesday noontime, Mother Divine Church
 Tuesday evening, Heart Meditation, Jennifer Hamilton
 Weds. evening, Mother Divine Church
 Thursday evening, Janet Sussman, sunpoint. 
 Weekdays, 5pm to 6pm open ‘unaffiliated’ silent meditation at Fellowship Hall 
 ™ movement properties: Group Meditation — at all eleven local group meditation 
halls: nine for the TM-Sidhi practice, and two for the Transcendental 
Meditation practice.
 Fairfield, Iowa the number one Top City for Meditation.
 30 Top Cities and Towns for Meditation in America..
 An article:
 There is a larger community in spiritually activated peoples out in Fairfield, 
Iowa also that is unseen under this seemingly bigger BATGAP Fairfield, Iowa 
exposure. Everyday Fairfield hosts a lot of deeper spiritual life and practice 

 In Conversation.. 

“A cohesion in the community in meditating Fairfield, Iowa is that people 
understand the essential premise of “the second element” in this, that the 
Transcendent is the real deal. They get it. We were taught well. This actually 
is a really great sign of health in the community,  Because if we were all kept 
trotting along behind the TM banner the way that it was taught then that would 
be the cult.”   - ..from the spiritual Fairfield satsang.

 There is a place of need in the Fairfield story for some of us to speak to our 
group’s larger spirituality as a unique cohesion in the universality of deeper 
transcendentalism that is cross-cultural. That we do have here a 45 year built 
up spiritual experience that speaks more purely not as just some god-religion 
but as we are as a bunch of transcendentalists better known collectively as the 
Fairfield meditating community. This is rooted differently than just creed as 

 This from the Wikipedia page on New Thought:

 “..another is Emersonianism or New England transcendentalism 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transcendentalism; another is Berkeleyan idealism 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subjective_idealism; another is spiritism 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spiritism, with its messages of "law" and 
"progress" and "development"; another the optimistic popular science 
evolutionism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evolutionism of which I have 
recently spoken; and, finally, Hinduism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hinduism 
has contributed a strain. But the most characteristic feature of the mind-cure 
movement is an inspiration much more direct. The leaders in this faith have had 
an intuitive belief in the all-saving power of healthy-minded attitudes as 
such, in the conquering efficacy of courage, hope, and trust, and a correlative 
contempt for doubt, fear, worry, and all nervously precautionary states of 
mind. Their belief has in a general way been corroborated by the practical 
experience of their disciples; and this experience forms to-day a mass imposing 
in amount.[7] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Thought#cite_note-7

 I like that, “a mass imposing in amount”. 
 Likewise, this was on the Zen Calendar this month,

 When Abba Pambo was asked to say a few words to the very important Bishop of 
Alexandria, who was visiting some of the Desert Fathers, the elder replied: “If 
he is not edified by my silence, there is no hope that he will be edified by my 
words.” -Zen of the Desert Fathers

 “.. where two or more are ‘gathered’ in the transcendence of the Unified 
Field, there is superradiance.”

 superradiance as quantum entanglement. Communication at a distance, 'a mass 
imposing in amount'.

Jai Guru Dev



 The ChangeMakers Satsang..
 Disruptors Transforming the World for Good..
 Saturday June 8
 10am-12Noon, Becoming a Transformative Entrepreneur   
 2-3:15pm, Becoming a Big Fish
 Dalby Hall, MUM
 Fairfield, Iowa

 Oneness Events for the Fairfield Area Monday, May 20, 7pm, Fairfield Blessing 
Circle, 51 E. Lowe. ..

 Super-Radiance Action Team
 Global Group Meditation this Sunday


 Sunday, May 19, 4:00 pm
Fairfield Peace Pal

[FairfieldLife] Re: Saving the Golden Domes

2019-05-26 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
“When the mind becomes filled with the love of sect it stands in the way of 
progress, for when a view is presented to the mind, on its own merits the love 
of sect immediately usurps the authority, and takes the judgement seat, and a 
decision, as it seems to its narrow judgement best, is pronounced. Under these 
circumstances, sect or the love of sect; being placed on God’s throne, how can 
a decision in accordance, with his unselfish nature be obtained, even if the 
judgement is pronounced by an apparently devoted child of God.   ..and without 
progress there is no hope of bettering the condition of man.”
 -Edwards Hicks ( 1780 – 1849).

 srijau responding,  you are the ad hominen attacker lying when someone says 
what you don't want to hear.

 repeatedly attacking people that did amazing great things in Fairfield and for 
the world, people who acted with great devotion to Maharishi and their fellow 
man and did great and beautiful and amazing things and you ad hominem them over 
and over when it serves no purpose at all anymore

 In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Conversing with apparatchik tru-believer folks about the problem of fund 
raising in the meditating community poses this ‘we don’t fit’ as defense in a 
kind of a ‘kill the messenger’ ad hominem refutation to idea in charity ratings 
to honest proficiency. I do appreciate in some their triggering on this in 
character as a communal problem that we have. 
 We could probably do better to sit down and really study the criterion these 
rating agencies use on non-profits and remediate whatever such as to come up to 
highest standards of transparency and governance that they look for.  Likely it 
is not enough to pay some accounting firm in Oskaloosa Iowa to provide some 
statements given a long memory out in the community of sums of $monies getting 
moved away and then around to other next most urgent projects, evidently at 
seeming whim.  
 Srijau defends: to suggest I am an apparatchik is a lie. I have no 
responsibility and I have no benefit from the organizations. If you want to be 
a liar, if that's who you are, your choice. 

 1/3 $million every year to keep the Domes open.
 3-4 $million additional donations needed to operate MUM annually
 18 $million endowment fund for the University

 45.5 $million annually for pundits/ Saraswati Brahmananda Trust .


The MSAE budget in Fairfield?

 A fair way to this is to satisfy truth using the standards in the algorithms 
of these charity rating services and the way they look at governance. It is not 
enough for our party apparatchiks to respond pleading some excuse that we don’t 
‘fit’ the evaluation.
 Gifting time or money, 
 "Don't just give. Figure out your goals first." 
 Make sure the charity is actually doing good. 
 Look for hard evidence. 

srijau@ offers: if you read the memoirs of people like Susan Shumsky it is 
obvious that people like Morris and Paterson were only  doing exactly what 
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi told them to do and nothing else.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The essential form of the .org ratings says a lot about trust.
 A decades long communal hurt here by the Morris-Patterson ‘administration’ of 
™ is evident throughout the ™ community here with the long stories of trails of 
money given altruistically to good cause only to have it scooped off of budgets 
and wired elsewhere.. 

 Asking around the old meditating community evidently a long collective 
experience around fundraising would be an impediment to success now.  That 
ought to be addressed directly. Where soliciting in groups of community ™ 
movement meditators for the $18 million for the university endowment, 2.3 
$million for the annual fund, or operating funds for MSAE, or now the $270k to 
keep the Domes open, too often the immediate response comes as.. “I’ll never 
give them another a nickel again!”. Hot communal hurt.  
 The phrase, "all politics is local" is a common phrase in U.S. politics 


 Without charity rating *stars*..?

 So, TM’s other units are charity ‘star-less’. 

 They don’t rate a Charity rating star? 


 Article from ConsumerReports..
 Understanding Charity Ratings - Consumer Reports 

 Srijau offers: DLF 4 out of 4 on Charity Navigator 