Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Extended FFL Puja

2014-04-05 Thread dmevans365
Ah ha ha ha.  Turkey "forgot" Annsure he did.  Gotta watch those 
resentments Bawwy. 


---In,  wrote :

 turq, of course I'm still relieved that you let me off the hook so lightly. 
This time! Anyway, if I may humbly make an additon:

 to Sri Ann, a book of baby names, but with pronunciation guidelines which is 
mainly for my sake since I still have no idea how to pronounce Bawwy. Go figure!

 On Saturday, April 5, 2014 6:43 AM, salyavin808  

 Hilarious. Hope you have a super day!

---In,  wrote :

It occurs to me, sipping my coffee on the outdoor patio of Bad Habits, enjoying 
the almost-sunshine of a Dutch Saturday morning in April, that a lot of people 
seem to only focus on the flashy siddhis, and the equally flashy saints and 
teachers who manifested them. This strikes me as patently unfair, because there 
are any number of less flashy but equally praiseworthy siddhis out there, and 
Fairfield Life -- composed as it is of long-term seekers who have at the very 
least a black belt in seeking -- contains any number of masters of these lesser 

Thus I propose to...uh...extend the TM puja and its offerings to the more 
well-known masters of the Holy Tradition, and include offerings to more modern 
masters of that lineage. So here, off the top of my head, are my proposed puja 
extensions. You tack them on at the end of the current set of offerings. 

[ If I left you out, its either because I really am doing this off the top of 
my head and didn't remember you, or because you don't really matter. Your call. 

* Offering a Finnish-Dothraki phrasebook to the lotus feet of Sri Cardemeister, 
who manifested the siddhi of knowing more languages than God. 

* Offering a stuffed Minion figure to the lotus feet of Sri Share, for 
manifesting the siddhi of never being afraid to...uh...share. 

* Offering a pair of vintage nose glasses to the lotus feet of Sri Merudanda, 
who manifested the siddhi of being able to have fun with pretty much 
everything, be it On The Program, or Off. 

* Offering a shiny, black Mind Police uniform to the lotus feet of Sri Buck, 
for manifesting the siddhi of Just Being Buck. 

* Offering a Netflix gift certificate to the lotus feet of Sri Bhairitu, who 
manifested the compassion siddhi of seeing virtue in zombies. 

* Offering a can of Maharishi Brand Vedic Sunshine to the lotus feet of Sri 
SallySunshine, for manifesting the siddhi of laughing one's tormentors into 
fits of apoplexy. 

* Offering a cup of tea and a biscuit to the lotus feet of Sri Salyavin, who 
manifested the siddhi of reminding people why the best masters of the barbed 
epigram are all English. 

* Offering a fake ZZ Top beard and a six-pack of Lone Star to the lotus feet of 
Sri Richard, for manifesting the siddhi of exemplifying being from Texas, where 
the men are men and the prairie dogs are nervous. 

* Offering an appropriate Ayurvedic gemstone to the lotus feet of Sri JR, who 
manifested the all-important siddhi of stating the obvious. 

* Offering Lady Gaga tickets to the lotus feet of Sri Robin, for manifesting 
the siddhi of self promotion.

* Offering a new Dior gown and Luboton high heels to the lotus feet of Sri 
DoctorD, who so ably manifested the siddhi of remaining humble while being so 
much more evolved than everyone else. 

* Offering a holiday in the Greek Isles to the lotus feet of Sri Anartaxius, 
for manifesting the siddhi of being able to talk about states of consciousness 
as if he had actually experienced them and they weren't that big a deal. 

* Offering an RC Cola and a moon pie to the lotus feet of Sri Michael, who 
manifested the siddhi of exemplifying the principle of Illegitimi non 

* Offering a set of gold lame fingerless gloves to the lotus feet of Sri Emily, 
for manifesting the siddhi of picking up after one's dog.

* Offering a stainless steel shit shovel to the lotus feet of Sri Steve, who 
manifested the siddhi of never being afraid to call bullshit, wherever he saw 

* Offering a new headset to the lotus feet of Sri Rick, for manifesting the 
siddhi of infinite patience by sitting through interviews in which dozens of 
selfless beings talked about themselves. 

* Offering a new washing machine to the lotus feet of Sri Alex, who manifested 
the siddhi of retaining his sense of humor about It All despite having to be a 
moderator at FFL.

* Offering a John Birch toilet seat to the lotus feet of Sri Mike, for 
manifesting the siddhi of having execrable politics but being occasionally so 
funny one could overlook it. 

* Offering a real vehicle to the lotus feet of Sri Edg, for attempting and 
almost mastering the siddhi of retaining one's dignity while riding a Trike. 

* Offering a vintage Segovia album to the lotus feet of Sri Lawson, who 
manifested the siddhi of being able to produce a scientific study to prove 
almost anything. 

* Offering a signed photo of Ma

[FairfieldLife] Re: Dubya's Artworks

2014-04-05 Thread dmevans365
Absolutely.  I saw these and was pretty impressed with his talent.  I wish he'd 
never gone into politics. 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 George W. Bush has recently displayed his works of art, as shown in the link 
below.  What do you think?

 He's a better artist than he was a president.



[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Jesuit Trained Pope Trashes Capitalism in Call for Worldwide Socialism

2013-11-30 Thread dmevans365
Here's an article on why Singapore would be a good "model" for the US. There 
would be some major hurdles to overcome here before more of a "State 
capitalist" approach would work. 

---In,  wrote:

 Re "The Pope doesn't need a Ph.D. in economics to make use of that 

 Unfortunately he does!

 Look, this from Wiki: Singapore has a market-based economy - one of the freest 
and most business-friendly. According to the Corruption Perceptions Index, 
Singapore is consistently ranked as one of the least-corrupt countries in the 
world, along with New Zealand and the Scandinavian countries. Singapore has the 
lowest infant mortality rate in the world for the past two decades. Life 
expectancy in Singapore is 80 for males and 85 for females, placing the country 
4th in the world for life expectancy. Almost the whole population has access to 
improved water and sanitation facilities. There are fewer than 10 annual deaths 
from HIV per 100,000 people. Adult obesity is below 10%.

 Surely to God it's at least *possible* that a let-it-rip capitalist model 
could bring greater benefits to the populace than a top-down state-controlled 
economy? If it's possible then it's not unreasonable for people to push for a 
such a system without them necessarily being greedy rich pigs. And so without 
them necessarily being on the side of the Antichrist. 

 Keep religion free from dogmatic economic positions seems a sensible approach 
to me.

 ---In,  wrote:

 Well, but the principles don't change. A poor person is  a poor person is a 
poor person no matter what century they live in or under what kind of economic 
system. Nobody's suggesting Jesus was preaching socialism qua socialism or 
against capitalism qua capitalism. That's a red herring. He was preaching in 
favor of generosity and against selfish greed.

 The point is to relieve poverty no matter what the cause. These days, the 
cause tends to be the greed of the masters of the capitalist system.

 Sounds like the pope has been reading (Nobel Prize-winning economist) Paul 
Krugman in the NYTimes. He makes the same point about there being no evidence 
for trickle-down economics. If it worked, there should be; it's been tried long 
enough. The pope doesn't need a Ph.D. in economics to make use of that 




 ---In,  wrote:

 Re "And I could cite a busload of Jesus' expressions of concern for the poor 
and oppressed. Plus one in particular about how hard it is for the rich person 
to get into Heaven.":

 I'm with him on the rich! Some things never change.
 But Jesus was a first-century rabbi so could have no idea of the later 
development of industrialisation, capitalism, welfare states and globalisation. 
It is as ridiculous to wonder what a first-century person would decide pro or 
anti socialism as it is to wonder what a  first-century person would decide on 
which car to buy, or if a first-century person would prefer Copernican or 
pre-Copernican astronomy.

 For Christ's sake - he didn't even know he was living in the first century! ;-)


 ---In,  wrote:

 Sounds to me as if he's an expert in human nature.

 And I could cite a busload of Jesus' expressions of concern for the poor and 
oppressed. Plus one in particular about how hard it is for the rich person to 
get into Heaven.

 I don't think you've got a winner of an argument here, Seraphita.

Seraphita wrote:

 The Pope said “some people continue to defend trickle-down theories which 
assume that economic growth, encouraged by a free market, will inevitably 
succeed in bringing about greater justice and inclusiveness in the world. This 
opinion, which has never been confirmed by the facts, expresses a crude and 
naïve trust in the goodness of those wielding economic power.

 So is the Pope now an expert on economics (the dismal science)? "Trickle-down" 
theories could be wrong - but they could be right. It is surely possible to be 
a pious Christian and either support or oppose socialism. When popes claim that 
one or the other side is right they get dangerously close to claiming that 
supporters of the side they oppose are not true Christians - and so not saved.

 Jesus would be turning in His grave - if He hadn't risen.

 ---In,  wrote:

 Email HIM. Offer to evangelize the Tantrika-s. Maybe he'll offer to make you a 
socialist proselyte and then, if you are successful, a bishop. 


 ---In,  wrote:

 BTW, those folks over on Infowars have a tendency to contradict themselves.  
They were talking about the riots at stores Thanksgiving Evening and saying 
that "individualism" would prevent that.  WRONG.  In fact much of the dialectic 
on Infowar

RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: How the Supreme Court Resolve the Debt-Ceiling Crisis

2013-10-14 Thread dmevans365
Reminds me of the year Seattle refused to salt the roads in an effort to be 
green and create "pack"...ha ha...idealism at its finest; the potholes created 
that winter were the best ever. 

---In,  wrote:


 When I was living in Seattle, I noticed that a thin layer of snow would just 
about shut down the entire city.  My old boss, back then, would let us go home 
when it started to snow.  I thought that was very reasonable.  Better be safe 
than sorry.


---In,  wrote:

 And when I lived in Seattle and it snowed, I and other Subaru owners were 
about the only ones on the road. Front wheel drive.  My Forester is All Wheel 
Drive but that axle costs mileage due to its weight.  I can only think of one 
time the AWD came in handy and that was turning around on a road when I had to 
go off into mud and the Forester cut right through it like it wasn't even there.
 On 10/14/2013 03:18 PM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... wrote:
 We technically have four seasons over here.  But it doesn't snow over here 
during the winter--which is just fine with me.  
 When I was in Seattle, WA, I used to live on a hilly road.  During the winter, 
the road became frozen with ice.   And, I foolishly drove my car down the hill 
knowing that the car won't stop even if you put the brakes on.  Luckily, I 
never got into an accident using that maneuver.
 ---In, wrote:
 John, I've gotten pretty spoiled living in a fairly inexpensive place like FF. 
I think of those high rent districts on the east and west coasts as being 
unsustainable, especially for an aging population. And I do like 4 seasons. Do 
you all have four seasons? 
 On Monday, October 14, 2013 1:50 PM, "jr_esq@..." mailto:jr_esq@... 
 mailto:jr_esq@... wrote:
 That Zone sounds pretty cool.  Everyone is welcome to move over here.  We 
already have vastu houses in San Diego.  But I don't know of anyone who has 
built one in the northern California area. 
 mailto:sharelong60@... wrote: And he's going to build a yaqui 
vastu house. Maybe he and Rita will invite you over so you can sit in the Zone 
of Tranquility (-: 
 On Monday, October 14, 2013 11:18 AM, Bhairitu  
mailto:noozguru@... wrote: 
 Probably the best thing to happen is for the US to collapse into one big dung 
heap.  It's old and broken down.  It's suffering a bad hangover from an 
artificial boom made to steal property from the middle class.  It should break 
up into several countries with California combined with western Washington and 
Oregon one of them.  We don't get the money we pay to the feds back anyway.  
The Red states are getting our money.  Watching Jerry Brown he seems to be 
gearing up to the first Prime Minister of Ecotopia. And. we're getting 
Willy moving here! On 10/14/2013 08:20 AM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... wrote: 
   This article shows the complicated way for this to happen.  But it appears 
that it's going to take a long time for the process to be completed.  In the 
meantime, the federal government would default on its obligations and the 
economy would collapse.
 IMO, the best way to solve this crisis is to toss a coin.  Head means pass a 
CR and raise the debt ceiling for one year, with Obamacare.  Tail means pass a 
CR and reaise the debt ceiling for one year, without Obamacare.

RE: Re: Re: Re: RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Another Of My Usual

2013-10-13 Thread dmevans365
P.S.  Share.  I did get a good laugh off of this  Two hands on the steering 
wheel, now.   

---In,  wrote:

 Emily, I think that unconditional love of motherhood is expressing itself 
through you as you write the above.

 On Sunday, October 13, 2013 11:12 AM, "emilymaenot@..."  
   My guess Share, is that she is trying to help you see yourself and asking 
you to employ a more complete thought process around your presentation here on 
FFL.  You are all reaction, my dear.  I empathize and I sympathize.  P.S.  
Doesn't "authfriend" mean "authentic friend?" 
 ---In,  wrote: If 
that is true, dmevans, then why does Judy continue conversing with me?! 
 On Sunday, October 13, 2013 10:50 AM, "dmevans365@..."  wrote: 
   Oh dear.  Share, you pathologically rewrite the facts, intentions, and 
motivations behind what *you*, *yourself*, present (whether it is true or not 
is of no bearing on this behavior) and then you present your new position and 
start to support that, no matter how hopeless it is as a supposed defense to 
the original false position.  And this goes on and on and on with you, until 
conversing with you is an exercise in such absurdity that it is pointless to 
 ---In,  wrote: 
Too?! Oh, ok, Judy, sorry to hear you're feeling poorly this morning. I guess 
that's why you did that bit of Inadvertent Irony about butting in. 
 On Sunday, October 13, 2013 9:46 AM, "authfriend@..."  wrote: 
   Wow, Share is feeling pretty poorly this morning too.
 Share wrote:
 > Richard to Judy on Oct 2:Does every message posted to this discussion group 
 > have to turn
 > into an argument with you? Are you the new FFL moderator? > > Is it alright 
 > with you Judy, if I have a one minute conversation with Share - just one 
 > minute- 
 > without you butting in to start another fight. 
 Barry wrote: (snip) > Ahem. >  > Barry has not mentioned or interacted with 
either > of these bitches in quite some time, certainly not > during the last 
week. Thus this attempt to "get" > him and revive their long-held grudges 
against him > is completely gratuitous and out of the blue. 

 Hey, doofus, nobody was talking to you. End of story.










RE: Re: RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Another Of My Usual

2013-10-13 Thread dmevans365
Oh dear.  Share, you pathologically rewrite the facts, intentions, and 
motivations behind what *you*, *yourself*, present (whether it is true or not 
is of no bearing on this behavior) and then you present your new position and 
start to support that, no matter how hopeless it is as a supposed defense to 
the original false position.  And this goes on and on and on with you, until 
conversing with you is an exercise in such absurdity that it is pointless to 

---In,  wrote:

 Too?! Oh, ok, Judy, sorry to hear you're feeling poorly this morning. I guess 
that's why you did that bit of Inadvertent Irony about butting in.

 On Sunday, October 13, 2013 9:46 AM, "authfriend@..."  wrote:
   Wow, Share is feeling pretty poorly this morning too.
 Share wrote:
 > Richard to Judy on Oct 2:Does every message posted to this discussion group 
 > have to turn
 > into an argument with you? Are you the new FFL moderator? > > Is it alright 
 > with you Judy, if I have a one minute conversation with Share - just one 
 > minute- 
 > without you butting in to start another fight. 
 Barry wrote: (snip) > Ahem. >  > Barry has not mentioned or interacted with 
either > of these bitches in quite some time, certainly not > during the last 
week. Thus this attempt to "get" > him and revive their long-held grudges 
against him > is completely gratuitous and out of the blue. 

 Hey, doofus, nobody was talking to you. End of story.




[FairfieldLife] Visit with Amma

2011-06-16 Thread dmevans365
I am writing this as an account of my and my children's participation in a 
recent Amma retreat. As background: I was laid off a stressful job in corporate 
america in January after many years in a deadline-driven career.  We were 
invited by a friend to attend the retreat. I was curious and interested in 
meeting a "saint" who supposedly embodies the concepts of love and compassion. 
I have no background in the Hindu religion, Indian culture, or "guru" 
philosophy. I am not religious but believe in God, as the universe and nature, 
and our ability to access and receive personal guidance and help from the 
"source" energy. I believe that God is love. I attended with my heart wide open 
to possibilities and encouraged my kids to do the same.

I attended the free program on Friday around 3 in the afternoon to introduce 
myself to the environment I had signed us up for the following 3 days. Loud 
Indian chant music was playing, many things were being sold, people were 
standing in line, the energy in the room was apparent. I purchased white 
clothing and a book and a cute little "tiny Amma" doll for myself and the kids. 
I had little idea what to expect, having never attended anything quite like 
this, but stayed in place of "non-judgement" and was excited.

Over the next three days, I followed the program plan schedule.   Receiving a 
hug from Amma was not like any hug I've ever received in that we were all 
physically positioned, but it seemed understandable that with so many people, a 
procedure needed to be in place. (I asked many about this and heard that this 
is because of the time involved in darshan - many apparently get spaced out 
seeing her and need to be physically moved away and when hugging thousands, 
every second counts).  I did not feel an intimacy or personal connection or 
feeling of love and compassion. Something was repeated in monotone in my ear 
that I didn't understand. Shortly after receiving our hugs, however, we were 
all completely wired. I told the kids I felt like I had received an "energy 
transfer" or "hit" during the exchange. It didn't feel bad, but not good 
either, and we could sense that Amma seemed to be a "powerful person" 

Saturday morning we were up early for breakfast and to stand in line. One of my 
daughters and I were signed up to attend the IAM meditation courses - hers 
being the youth one - and so wanted to get our hugs in early.  We were in line 
starting at 8 AM, listened to the Swami from 9 to 10, sat and waited for Amma 
to arrive at 10 AM, and then waited and moved up through the heavily 
orchestrated and controlled process. This time we went individually and brought 
our "questions" that we kept in our minds, as Amma could supposedly intuit and 
respond. Again, a "manhandled" hug routine (hands placed particularly, head 
pushed forward on chest, with a monotone repetition of a word in the right 

I attended the IAM meditation course and enjoyed it, but was put off by the 
requirement to sign a confidentiality agreement. It was at this point I began 
to feel like I was being encouraged to pray to Amma - based on the Swami 
lectures, instruction and visualization received during the meditation. Amma 
was continually reinforced as the "form" to keep in our minds. 

We continued through the weekend - were full of so much energy Sunday evening 
that we worked out between 10-11 PM. We did our Seva at dinner by helping load 
dishes into the cart, which was fun.  We participated in standing in line for 
hours and receiving hugs in the morning and evening, wanting to follow the 
scripted schedule and also waiting to feel this overwhelming "love connection" 
that so many talked about. We received blessed candy and got the dolls blessed. 

Monday I was up at 6:15 to do the yoga class. Monday evening was Dhevi Bhava - 
lots of ceremony and long, translated talk that was starting to feel very top 
down and condescending. Blessed water, chanting to music, change in Amma's 
costume to the crown and gown, and the hugs began with the loud bhajans (music) 
sung by a swami and group in the background. 

The music/chanting was very loud, repetitive, and mesmerizing; the Swami's 
voice was very hypnotic; the Swami lectures were full of what seemed like very 
conflicting messages which confused me on several levels  (is the underlying 
message that we should all pray to Amma as God?), and I was feeling like I was 
on some kind of wierd emotional and energetic high. I decided also that I 
wanted a mantra to aid me on my path of forgiveness. So I said the word 
"mantra" at the last hug as instructed. I knew nothing of mantras or initiation 
and clearly misunderstood what they are. I read the sheet passed around. I was 
shepherded into a circle with others and asked for my definition of God - I 
stated "the Universe." I was told that a mantra did not address any aspects of 
God, such as forgiveness, but that this would bring me closer to God and would 